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Threadly reminder that the Stargate Project was (read: is) a real CIA psychonaut programm and that interdimensional aliens are real.


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Threadly reminder to take your meds.

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I'm self therapised I don't need medicine anymore.

T. Believer of all misinformation

stargate in a nutshell

>only 5 chevrons, probably won't even get my poop to the other side of the galaxy
3/10 would not shit in

They literally disclosed the data. Nothing of what I said is up for discussion.

so a bunch of hippies in the CIA in the 60s wasted a bunch of taxpayer money because they imagined they could talk to alien ghosts, and the name they came up with for that happened to be "Star Gate", so what, noone cares, this is a thread about a tv show about a military unit literally traveling to other planets via a physical machine, so stop spamming your off-topic shit here


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>Carter? A little help here! I'm stuck in the Supergate!

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Look at the top of his head

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I didn't know he was the voice actor for Kratos in the new God of War

He was also in The Dark Knight Rises, but most of his scenes were cut because beside Chris Judge, Tom Hardy just didn't seem imposing at all anymore.

I don't know how you wouldn't know that... He was a big shilling point for that game + he won awards for it

Im up to season 8 and how come almost all the supporting cast are gone now?

>first episode of Stargate SG-1 had full nudity.
what could have been

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I never played the game and never watched Stargate until recently

My love for Amanda tapping fucked me up. She was my waifu as a kid until I realised she looks like my mum when I grew up... Can't look at Amanda in the same way anymore

Stargate was a documentary