Movie is in greyscale

>movie is in greyscale

Attached: 1504291076461.png (306x306, 40K)

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grayscale is good for combatting technology addiction

Attached: grayscale your phone.png (651x683, 397K)

Is there something behind this? My flatmate is addicted to his phone (like REALLY addicted, can't even hold a 10 second conversation without checking it).

I'm so glad I only use my phone for music and waking up. Imagine actually being addicted to such hollow crap as social media.

Yeah, tell him to look up Tristan Harris. Sounds like he needs major help.

greyscale = kinoscale

I should read up on that, and possibly apply it to my computer several hours a day.

I don't think it'll help. This guy has a lot of problems, the phone addiction is just a sympton of those. He's majorily defunct, he's a sociophobe, emotionally unstable (the slightest criticism makes him asshurt and recede into his room/phone) a chronic lefty/marxist and generally vile and toxic person. He's also super fucking fat and his mouth reeks of awful waste. His uses his phone as a means of living, it's so bad in fact, that he has constant neck pain.

I wish I was making this up. To be fair I don't want him to get better, I just want him to die.


I believed you until
>a chronic lefty/marxist

...or a malicious website for discussion of antediluvian tapestries.

so much for the tolerant normalfag

>have to watch kino on shitty older tv
>kino unexpectedly becomes kino-er

Attached: CRTRunner.jpg (756x417, 92K)

haha thatd be worse

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He is, though. Mind you he doesn't actually have a spine to back any of it up, it's just his political orientation. He's as NPC as you can get but not actually pro-active about it outside of maybe voting. He hates confrontation and generally just talks behind people's backs. People (including me) have called him out on his shitty character and/or opinions, and he'd just shrug it off, get REALLY silent and just be pissed about that person for weeks. He's a very, very awful human being.

Also he's gay. Again, I wish I was making this up. Although in his defense, he generally hates most gays (if they're acting flamboyant and faggy) so not sure what to make of that.

>Yea Forums is social media

Attached: dubs.gif (264x247, 5K)

Imagine you had the option to make a movie in full colour or in greyscale.

Why the FUCK would you ever go for black and white? It just makes everything look more boring and harder to make out.

Because it's "artsy".

If your sets look like shit b&w will tremendusly help making them look better

For some films and narrative it works far better.

Do you think Eraserhead would look better if it was shot in vibrant full color?