Here's your new Hollywood leading man. Say something nice about him.
Here's your new Hollywood leading man. Say something nice about him
He looks like ALF in human form
Adrien Brody? Honestly can't tell for sure.
He is relentlessly handsome, I want to kiss him relentlessly.
I thought the same fucking thing
I'm so sad because people say i look like him, but of course without muscles so I'm disgusting
still scoring more than people ive seen in r9k posting their faces so there's that
Why not get in shape? How tall are you?
Adrien Brody is ugly, Adam is beautiful.
Let's discuss his body of work.
gyno goblin was a mistake
fuck off normalfag
Based gyno goblin poster
This but with him instead of Brody.
He's not one though, just el goblino.
He looks like a cross between a kike and a drowned rat.
and yet he's a pussy magnet. How does he do it, lads?
I like him since he joined the Marines as a response to 9/11. He didn't get deployed anywhere and hurt himself after crashing a bike, but I still give him credit for his desire to kill muslims.
Is it possible to.....learn this power?
Not from a manlet.
go back you fucking poof
Be tall and join the marines.
Foundation, styled hair and a beard.
This, I'm afraid
Why are incels so furious at a fellow loser doing the best with what he has and making it to the other side?
>make up
>covers his giant ears with his hair
>grow some gay whiskers any 15 year old can
ez bro you can do it too
yes. from a make up artist
A Marine and a patriot.
we're worried he's escaping from our ability to patronize him. which he doesn't even know about. I bet he doesn't even care if he's considered "based" on Yea Forums!
Success breeds jealousy. Driver unironically looks like someone who has no clue how he's ended up there, yet he's better than most of those """"actors""""
With that (((Schnozz))) he looks like he could really inhale some Zyklon B!
Unironically confidence.
he's dogshit ugly and not a leading man
The leading man of the future is Timothee Chalamet
aidskike was a mistake
>Timothee Chalamet
He's like Tom Holland's gay little manlet brother.
get the rope faggot. an ugly masculine man is above a twink.
He comes from good stock on his mother's side.
He's not black
Show us your ears, goblin.
A fucking manlet
I want to see his parents to see what created this unholy mix.
i don't get why Yea Forums doesn't like him. i think he's based. also early-season girls is kino and i don't care what anyone says.
It's simple why he's so attractive to women. He looks very masculine and strong, he's built like a fucking tree. I can't tell you how many actresses said it felt amazing to be picked up by him in their scenes. He also seems very intense, which makes everyone thinks he's a good and passionate lover. Just look at his role as Kylo ren.
God my pussy is so wet for kylo.
he's 100% goy, my man
Spoiler: they were both male
Go larp somewhere else trannie. Agreed though.
Chalamet also looks like a rat but at least Driver is tall and has better hair.
Also not greasy like that fag.
Lotta truth to this, manlet jokes aside, women generally love being small and feeling small. Just like guys love curves and small hands/feet etc because they're feminine, women like masculinity. That means being big and square.
His dad.
Looks mexican.
Looks mutt.
Now post mom. She must look great to balance this out.
good height genetics and good hair genetics
I feel like I would like Girls but Dunham the rapist is too gross to bear.
Can't see shit captain.
I can definitely get that. I started watching before dunham had any kind of prominence or media persona, so i wasn't tained by that image. she had only done tiny furniture at that time, which was also kino if i'm being honest.