Why was this show so good, even though all the actors bar Piven sucked?

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It wasn't. If you liked Entourage with its sensitive "hug it out" bullshit, you're a faggot.

It was fun. Something so many things forget nowadays.

Also it was a gender swapped Sex In the City so it came from good source material.

Sex in the City for chads

>It wasn't.

prove it

Them having to pretend Vinny was a good actor so he could get the Scorsese movie was when the show jumped the shark, the german director was right - Vinny couldn't act for shit

I wonder if Adrian Grenier was actually supposed to give a good acting performance in that scene

>no niggers
>no PC storylines about muh oppression muh social justice
>makes fun of fags
>makes fun of rich jew hollywood moguls
>no feminist bullshit, bitches are just playthings
>no stronk independent women
it was a show made by chads for chads. now look at ballers which was also produced by wahlberg. full with PC storylines about the poor oppressed millionaire nignogs and their struggle.

The Johny Drama actor was a pretty good as well...

The main characters were all faggots, pussies, jews, or a mix of these. This was basically a chick show repackaged for protosoys.

too grotesquely ugly to put on the screen

This. It always ran during the summer, so it was TV comfort food that went down easy. Just really comfy.

E was my favorite character lads.

Every character on this show was a piece of shit.

billy walsh and ari are the best

>not Drama

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You were in nam when Vince was 7, how fucking old are you Drama?

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Medellin was cartel-kino

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All of them were leeches, but E had the sole virtue of being an unlikable leech

der ewige manlet

>Watch Entourage
>enjoy it
>Episode finishes
>Remember I'm not rich, famous and handsome
Fuck my life

This and Drama. Turtle was the worst.

just remember the actors are all failures too

wish that James Cameron Aquaman really got made bros

The actor to have the most successful career other than Ari is Turtle

E is easily one of the worst characters in the show and I would pay money for someone to make an E-Free cut of the show.

Sloan was hot af on that show but I just saw her in Super Troopers 2 and now her jewish Moroccan roast beef is all dried up

I know, Vince looked really good in the clip they showed too youtube.com/watch?v=F5GOrfcZg9E

sexy, shouldve styled his hair more like that

You guys are gay.


because you were 13 at the time

re-watching it now, it's still really entertaining and the dialogue is hilarious non-pc stuff

t.incel who doesn't care about looks

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Exactly right. Entourage was summer junk food and it sucks that everything has to be “prestige” television now.

The early seasons serve as an amazing early to mid 00s time capsule. A pre-GoT Peter Dinklage shows up in a couple of episodes and gets hilariously shit on for having a failed career.

I will forever be amazed that they convinced James fucking Cameron to play such a big part in the show. Guess he was a fan.

its pretty depressing to watch it all the way through, you can just feel the progression society had made by season 8

The Sasha Grey season is nearly unwatchable.

is it worth a re-watch? I was around 10-13 as it aired and probably missed a lot of jokes/plotlines

Kanye was on Entourage

Plenty of rich black people were on the show. Entourage never showed the poor side of L.A. except a few times when Turtle and Drama were doing something for an episode’s B story.

They have a character called Harvey Weinberg that's a Weinstein ripoff, pretty funny to look back at now

I didn't mind the neurotic drug addict Vince storyline t b h senpai senpai, the only time he did any real acting in the show

Definitely. At the very least it’s interesting to look at how Hollywood was in the days before prestige TV and streaming platforms. Plus it’s a fun bro fantasy.

Saigon was pretty kino, Drama nearly getting killed by niggers was pretty fun youtube.com/watch?v=2_sUJu6m244

Cool, it's settled than. I am Queens Blvd.

This guy gets it. They should make a movie where they all lose everything and end up selling their asses for drug money.

They already did season finales where they "lost everything and had to overcome it" plenty of times

The show jumped the shark by season six after Ari stagnated because he didn't take the studio job and the show stopped revolving around the movie business but more just soap opera type stories

Agreed. The early stuff where they were negotiating and fighting to get Vince in Aquaman was by far the best main story material.

writers run out of ideas and start just writing the characters into relationships/interpersonal drama because that's easier than coming up with something interesting for them to do

A non mary sue version where they die from aids and overdoses.

they should've done more with Vince trying to improve as an actor before just handing him the Scorsese movie out of nowhere

>*Drama nearly getting killed by Wee-Bey from The Wire

This. The only way I would ever pay to watch these faggots in a movie is if it was Entourage: AIDS Death.

No, Entourage: The Day Of The Rope would be kino too

She was only hot in the second season

There's that horrible buzzword again.

How was the cinematography, the screenplay, the acting, the connections between stimuli?

It was not proper cinema!

shut the fuck up idiot

more of a drama man myself

Watch up till the end of season 5. Afterward stop. End of season 5 is a great finale. Seasons after that are garbage.

he's right though

bi guys who never fucked each other

spic and loser brother crossed swords

they really tried to play it down but they loved it, fucking faggots


Only saving grace of the show was Lew Ashby. Now that was well written character.

Alicia from Smallville was the hottest guest star on the show for sure

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based, shouldve been clarks main love interest, fucking clana

great show

Trash for faggots


Definitely not

If you like Entourage, you're the same of idiot faggot that likes "Fitty Cent" and Power. You're a worthless homo.

But then why did Scorsese think the dailies from the movie were good? The story made no sense if he wasn't supposed to give a good performance

Gross. Kill yourself OP.



nah, had to be, otherwise the storyline makes no sense

Coked up Vince was pretty accurate to a real coked up asshole. Plus it had long term effects on his career.

The season after was fucking terrible though, they annulled any character development and focused the season on Drama creating a fucking tv movie of the week

Best Ari Gold Moments, Go


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Forcing his agency to find Drama a job, even if it was getting anally gangbanged by a pack of gorillas

ari has some of the absolute GOAT lines hes constantly shitting on lloyd for being a faggot his character is hilarious. this show couldnt be done today fags would whine about it for homophobia, niggers would whine about it because muh lack of diversity, feminists would whine about sexism and not enough stronk independent women. fun is not allowed anymore in 2019 unfortunately.

>/pol/ praising a jew

now i've seen it all

He was a jew that sacrificed his own career so a goy could advance, pretty based

scene in question youtube.com/watch?v=ud_7kueosCM

goat scene

based marky mark dabbing on zoomers

>In June 1986, Wahlberg and three friends chased after three black children while yelling "Kill the nigger, kill the nigger" and throwing rocks at them
>In April 1988, Wahlberg assaulted a middle-aged Vietnamese man on the street, calling him a "Vietnam fucking shit" and knocking him unconscious with a large wooden stick
>Investigators also noted that Wahlberg "made numerous unsolicited racial statements about 'gooks' and 'slant-eyed gooks'"
>udith Beals, who had been the prosecutor in some of the cases, argued that "Wahlberg has never acknowledged the racial nature of his crimes"
Mark Wahlberg is absolutely based and thats why this show is so good. Dont watch ballers though he ended up cucking out in the end.

Dwayne forced him to make it

based non-pc show