Are there any movies with Jewish villains?
Are there any movies with Jewish villains?
passion of the christ
The merchant of venice
real life the movie
No, and there's a reason why no company will attack themselves like that.
Carlitos Way.
this i recommend mossad 2 jihad boogaloo
X men you fucking idiot.
That autism movie with Ryan Gosling as the secret chaffeur.
Miller's Crossing
Triumph des Willens
..."C-cuz I just came from /pol/, and they said everything bad is the Jews fault! It's not greedy white bois stabbing other greedy white bois in the back for about eighteen centuries for land and gold...honest!
"WHEW, that's a relief!"
Schindlers list
story of my life
starring my ex
Why do trannys get so butthurt about Jews?
Careful now, trannies might start sympathizing with the nazis.
why would a jew want movies with jewish villains
Why do they have the same last name?
Schindler's List
i'm muslim
well atleast you tried
Valley of the wolves: iraq
Cover Up
Three Days of the Condor
Code Name Coq Rogue
The Merchant of Venice
Vampires in Havana
Chariots of Fire
i'm not an amerimutt
Drive (pic related based Refn)
The Passion of the Christ
The Rothschilds
Jud Suss
The Merchant of Venice
Any movie with Magneto
World war II in colour documentary
What's the point? Real life is full of them already
Every ww2 movie set in the european theaters.
asalam alaikum
Urfin Juice wasn't a jew he was a munchkin
Hyman Roth in "The Godfather Part II"
Max Bercovicz in “Once upon a time in America.”
Bugsy Siegel in “Bugsy.”
Sam Rothstein in “Casino.”
Eli Sternberg in “Wiseguy.”
Bernie Rose in “Drive.”