Warhammer 40k TV Series concept art

u hype?

Attached: 2677.png (671x853, 748K)

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Good luck getting anyone who isn't already a turbosperg into this outdated nerdfest

So the main character is female? Let me guess, the squad is going to be primarily black also.

Nah, it's just Starcraft ripoff.

It's not clear. This is concept art but there are test shots too and there's a dude

The woman seems to just be a blood thrall (chapter serf) for the blood angels.

Attached: AoDTestShot1.jpg (919x506, 81K)

I'm ok with that as long as it's just a POV character to show how Inhuman and godlike space marines are.


I'm more hyper for Eisenhorn, but I'm happy they're trying to do an animated series as well.

Isn't more interresting the 30k and all the Horus bullshit?

>Isn't more interresting the 30k and all the Horus bullshit

It's more interesting in that it isn't just marines vs marines.

>chapter serf
Aren't their ranks comprised of neophytes who washed out of the Marine trials? Also Blood Angel recruiting worlds are populated by people who are stunted and deformed due to their planets being irradiated hellscapes, and the only reason Blood Angels look perfect is all of the modification done to them.

Chapter serfs have always been mortal people too.

>Aren't their ranks comprised of neophytes who washed out of the Marine trials?
I feel I should clarify that this would mean that only men can be chapter serfs, as only men can become marines, as only men can undergo the modification to essentially convert them into imperfect clones of the Primarchs who themselves are imperfect clones of the Emperor.

Yes they are not marines, but I seem to recall them being wash outs as being able to even be considered for the trails is a mark of greatness that the chapter won't let go to waste. Either way that person should look as hideous ever other non-marine in Blood Angels territory.

>Should we use the established themes and lore of 40k?

Marine recruits are typically killed by the process itself. If they fail when they're further along they'll often be converted into servitors.

IIRC, Baal's mutant tribes were wiped out when Sanguinius conquered the planet before the Emperor found him.

I don't mind that the show will have female characters. The books regularly have female characters.

What about that isn't?

Most chapters have thousands of serfs in their service. Most are failed aspirants, some are descended from serfs who were failed aspirants.


There are wash outs but also generations and generations of families who have been born, served and died in a single part of a ship.

The people of The Blood are normal, the Blood Angels don't recruit from the mutant tribes who are now mostly extinct anyway.

How can people take this shit seriously?

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They should just commission whoever made those Astrates animated episodes on YouTube to make a legit show, with a cast, crew and resources.

>How can people take this shit seriously?
They shouldn't. The whole fucking thing started as a joke.

>Oi, mate. Wot if we gave the orcs and dwarfs machine guns?

No, because Warhammer 40k is cringe.

He is sitting in there.

>Baal's mutant tribes were wiped out
Its been a while but I seem to recall in the Blood Angels codex it specifically mentions that everyone on their recruiting worlds is hideous and twisted by radiation. I specifically remember it being mentioned that Marines fresh out of the modification process starkly contrast the revolting appearance of their normal citizens. I also real some mention (maybe not in the codex) that fresh marines are seen as blessed by the Emperor for their righteousness by having their outward appearance change, sort of like the Greek notion of beauty reflecting goodness.On the topic of mutant tribes, it is important to remember the muddled inquisitorial distinction between mutation, deformity, and abhumans.

So they're making an animated space marine tv show AND a live action Eisenhorn tv show?

Or the Eisenhorn one is not being made?


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both are being made

Blood Angels one seems like really LQ, might be web only


what a shit chart

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the custodes head being shaped like their helmet cracks me up

old style manlet marines are called "Firstborn" now m8



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Starcraft ripped off Warhammer 40K

never bought that excuse

Some user on here had a pretty sweet idea for a 40k movie or something
Basically it followed a squad of regular grunts on an outpost somewhere, just cogs in the giant machine, fighting for thier lives against something. Everyones dying and they're holding out till the last man against these creatures or whatever, blood and guts and smoke and explosions, but they just can't win, theres too many of them, they're just too tough
Then suddenly, the spess marines show up, and just fucking butcher everything

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Just as much as I was hyped for Battlefield V (five, not vagina, you incels) and Captain kickass Marvel.

>Most likely Netflix tryte
>Shoehorned female characters when the battle sisters already exist
>Shoehorned diversity
>Shoehorned """"original"""" """"""""""""""lore""""""""""""""
Yeah it's gonna be great

That's a cyborg.
All his body left it's his neck and head

bumpin for 40kino

You're not entirely wrong, but it's difficult to think of a better way to show off just how much MORE marines are (Eldar/Daemons player, so I'm not into sucking off power armour any more than you are). And like it or not they are the poster boys.

It's actually similar to a ... little fantasy I have, about a stealth 40k film/show. Just do a straight SF war or police procedural, then *bam*, suddenly daemons/marines. Especially if it all just mows down the Plucky Resistance we've been watching up to now. And at no point previously has it been hinted at being a tie-in. Never happen of course.

Read the rules for Orks from back in the day.

to understand 30k you have to understand 40k

looks like bulky wow armor/weapon style
not great

It's not serious. It's grimdark. That's why I love it more than Star Wars.

Even with all the useless novels among the readable novels, Horus Heresy is so much better than most of the WH40K bolter porn.

cant wait to see this on screen

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I don't think it's even controversial, Horus Heresy is the best thing GW has done in years

Is the MC a sword sister? That'd be fine if that's the case, but if she's a space marine than I wont even bother watching it.

For me it's Nurgle.

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>"Commission" the Astartes autist
>Just rope him into the production of the Netflix adaptation.
>Give him no authority or responsibility
>Sign him to an NDA so he can't talk about how he was prevented from actually contributing anything or influencing creative decisions.
>Make a shitty Netflix 40k show
>Use his name and cred to promote it.

Heretical suggestion.

Not how it works.

Even got my non-Warhammer friend into Horus Heresy thanks to the first three books.

Attached: horus heresy guide warhammer.jpg (2700x1964, 1.7M)

not really
warcraft was initially gonna be a warhammer game, gw changed their mind so it was changed. Despite that even warcraft 1 isn't even similar to warhammer fantasy.
Starcraft wasn't made with the same intention and the it's similarities are mostly just common scifi tropes. Tyranids are often cited, but tyranids were changed after starcraft to be more like zerg.

>40k tv series
Guaranteed to be terrible.

I bet that Rosario Dawson play's a sassy single mother that eventually teaches the Emperor to love again.
the Emperor's love for his gf's son then provides the power to defeat daemons in the warp or w/e

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Starcraft is a Starship Troopers ripoff.

>he doesn't know how the Imperium uses all genders in its endless war.

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I really can't understand how someone would go full retard and align with Chaos and say "yep that's the real good guys", makes more sense to have pro-xeno faction than a billion chaos cults.

Well, Lorgar the Aurelian had a really good motive for merging daemons and humans. That is the way to reach immortality and ascend beyond all human limitations, thus ensuring humanity's dominance over all other life in the galaxy.

Sure, most humans will perish in the ritual, to be devoured by the Warp, or turn into a sack of withering tentacles, but some will reach the higher level of power.

Worth it!

Attached: warhammer 40K Lorgar.png (750x819, 926K)

Looks pretty good, we'll see how it translates into reality (no pun intended) though.

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post the original

>really good motive
Daddy issues isn't a good motive.

No. The only human females that exist are sororitas.

>good guys
Lol. I don't even really care fore the other chaos gods, but the aesthetics and thematics of Nurgle speaks to me. I like Tyranids too.

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Not sure if serious or just your average misinformed neckbeard.

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Lorgar did nothing wrong.

Attached: lorgar did nothing wrong.jpg (875x1000, 179K)

Again, nu-40k.


Pick one. A neckbeard will be able to talk for eons about 40k in all its iterations and will be able to explain exactly the military roles available to women.

So it was just a troll.

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>posts more nu40k

What's the cut-off point for nu40k?

That was actually a good book on how Cadians are trying to deal with their defeat and loss of their homeworld. Working as a modern contemporary army against a mass of cultists.

Attached: warhammer 40K cadia stands.jpg (532x704, 80K)

its going to be pozzed shit

rogue trader

If there's a vagina somewhere in the same sub-sector, it is nu40K.

Attached: Warhammer 40K Silent sister warrior knight.jpg (1187x1646, 337K)

I have been recommended to read the 3 books of the Horus Heresy and Fulgrim, is that ok too?


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who's this handsome fellow

it's me

He did everything wrong

You must be killin it with the ladies

>really wants to help Daddy, gets his whole planet to worship him before he arrives
>Daddy humiliates him in front of everyone because le athiesm
The Emperor was a massive retard

How is having a female naval helmsman shoe horning

Shut up nigger you don't know what you are talking about.

>really wants to help Daddy
He just wanted to worship something and he was raised by Chaos priests.

I bet you play Tyranids

>belief fuels the warp
>belief nearly ended humanity
>convince people to abandon belief in order to secure the future of the species
>>The Emperor was a massive retard

No, there are also civilians who are effectively "employed" by the chapter.

>The Emperor was a massive retard
Unless it was his plan to enter God-hood from the start

Stop posting this picture of me

Read the first five then look at the flow chart of the books and pick a chapter you wanna know more about

>Descent of Angels that low

why doe?

Whose deviant art did you snatch this from?

Notice how all 40k threads turn into paragraphs and details about the lore almost instantaneously?

I told my friends this would happen but they said they could never touch Warhammer.. Next stop, Netflix

I don’t trust that list. I’m listening to know no fear right now and honestly I’m not a big fan of it. It took damn near half the book before it gets going

best way to introduce one's self to the series?

Also is this thing books, games or comics?

It’s all three. I recommend reading the first three hours heresy books. It got me into the universe hardcore. Then I wanted to paint models and it snowballed

>Also is this thing books, games or comics?
Originally tabletop.
in 1983 a tabletop war game was made called Warhammer Fantasy, medieval-renaissance fantasy setting on one planet.
In 1987 Warhammer 40000: Rogue Trader was relased, also a wargame, but a scifi-fantasy one that was like a spinoff in a different universe.

Then there were books, some comics, and video games based on it.

Those are books, but there's also comics and video games, all of them based on a tabletop war game. Also pic related, waging pretend warfare with miniatures is a distinguished gentleman's hobby no matter what some plebs think.

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>Also pic related, waging pretend warfare with miniatures is a distinguished gentleman's hobby no matter what some plebs think.
Yeah wargames have been used in the military for ages. Table top war games as we recognize them at least for centuries.
Useful for testing and developing strategies during the world wars.
The prussians were also fond of war games at the academies

True, and even with recreational tabletop war games, when you think about it, it's not that different from playing chess. There's just more types of pieces and more complex rules, but the underlying need for sound stratagem and ability to predict your opponent's moves is the exact same.