Reminder: Bruce WON!

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>before the dent in the car
Nice try Lu Kang

Cliff let himself get kicked

>ten seconds later

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Cliff gave him the one inch punch in the end so he won

>one inch punch
So he punched him in his dick?

It was a draw for any non-retard that actually watched it.

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WITH his dick

Bruce just needed some nunchucks and he would've killed Cliff

Chink cope


Asian men have more testosterone than other races, hence why they're often physically stronger

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i studied biology and asians particularly chinese have the lowest testosterone on earth.

haha, yeah...

>ian men have more testosterone than other races, hence why they're often physically stronger
and a ching chong nip nong huanggui to you , kind sir

>Asian men have more testosterone than other races
that must be why their prenises are so smarr

2001 Study of 3,300 young Italian males aged 17-19. Stretched length: 12.5 cm (4.92 inches) (Stretched length is usually longer than erect length).

2015 Study of 778 Middle Eastern men average age of 43.7. Erect length: 12.53 cm (4.93 inches)


2015 Study of 5,196 Chinese Men. Stretched length: 12.9 cm (5.07 inches) Erect length: 12.9 cm (5.07 inches)

They're actually bigger than that of white Italians

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Yeah all them world’s strongest man competitions they’ve won show that. All them UFC champs and boxing champs as well. Wait.....

>(Stretched length is usually longer than erect length).
nigger wtf i am 12 flaccid and 16-17 cm erect

Solly anonu Braddu Pit is in interrogation

>white Italians

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Is this your new copypasta, chinks? Okay then, let me contribute.

Establishing a reference range for penile length in Caucasian British men: a prospective study of 609 men.... stretched length 14.3 cm (sd 1.7 cm).

Even currycels are better than you

Mean flaccid length was found to be 8.21 cm, mean stretched length 10.88 cm and circumference 9.14 cm. Mean erected length was found to be 13.01 cm

Nice try Dim Sim

To be fair, all of those guys are all injecting test anyway.

i would say all the asian dick you took up your ass made you create bullshit graphs but to be honest a normal shit probably makes more of a dent

Cope harder zipperhead. Fact is Asian men are rat-faced weak-willed degenerates who have never touched a woman and don’t even know how to touch or please one. That’s why your women will always crave experienced westerners.

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Why didn't Lee expand his form to scare Brad into submission?

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I'm still utterly confused by the amount of outrage this caused.
A lot of the fight scenes people know Bruce Lee for the most shit like this happened
All the fucking time. And after he hit the car he popped right back up.


Bruce Lee would have killed that faggot in a street fight. Military vets are psychopathic pussies.

it's a small group of asian supremacist incels from redit.

im indian and even i feel bad for asian bros

Is 10 pushups pretty good for a first time

Going back and watching Bruce Lee's films they aged extremely well. Far better than a lot of martial arts films from the era. Jackie Chan being the big exception.

Bruce Lee was a talented physical actor who sold either cockiness, nervousness or just getting shit kicked out of him excellently and despite the whole legend that has sprung up around him, he choreographed himself getting hit a lot to make the scene flow better.

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aaaand he shouldn't have a fucking spine anymore

asian men always win

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Cringe. Which basement dweller wrote this

Reminder the average Asian penis is 4.2 inches

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What is it about white men asian women find so attractive? One could almost say they worship them.

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Good for him. It’s nice to see a 4.2 inch dicklet getting someone. Hope he’s not too crushed when she leaves him for some guy with a normal sized dick.

Well I actively study biology and you are wrong

The guy that wrote that is almost as butthurt as the incels pushing this meme so hard lmao

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>bragging about a random Asian guy in a relationship with a literal slut

>*blocks your path*
>So you are that cumskin incel that insult aznmaculinity on Yea Forums?

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she looks like she fucks white guys

They all do... its why azn males are so mad at Brad Pittu

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