I like how they wrongly predicted Japan would take over the US

I like how they wrongly predicted Japan would take over the US

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I fucking wish they did, we'd deport all the mud people and then kick China's ass

And in 2050
>I like how they wrongly predicted China would take over the US

it was a standard 80s trope. See Bladerunner. Now everyone is hyping up china. But like Warren (((Buffett))) says, never bet against the US of A

I thought he just worked for a Japanese company. Doesn't seem far fetched.

USA forced them to cuck themselves in exchange for giving them blank cheques when they needed it

Google the plaza accord my based retards

this. and it was just a silly movie thing not a deep look at americas future. Its like some sci fi based in the future often uses asian words as of to imply they have an important part of the future of humanity. which makes sense. how exactly, who knows


where the fuck are my double ties

And in 2020
>I like how they wrongly predicted India would become a world power

What's worse? Japanese bosses or all your jobs outsourced overseas?

wait until they develop portable fusion generators and fly over in giant robots

it is happening my friend
soon you will be shitting in the streets and we will be using the toilets!

Pooinloos are afraid of toilets. In pajeet's perfect world all toilets are abolished and everyone shits in the streets while holding hands.

Where the fuck is my hoverboard and self fitting jacket?

America would unironically be a way whiter country if the japs took over.

It's not 2020 yet, son of basterd bitch

Japanese boss means you work 80+ hour weeks with minimal compensation. Outsourcing means you have no job, and someone else is being paid even less than if you worked for the Japanese guy.

>Japanese bosses
better than jew bosses


Japan was the current-China back in the 1980s. They were dominating when it comes to electronics, cars, industrial products, culture and so on. Then the Japanese bubble burst.

but they actually did. Japon is playing the long game and the fruit of they labor are starting to grow nowdays. true anime, video games, jav porn, and degenerate hentai lolis