I like horror films, even bad ones, but this looks gay as shit. Should I bother watching?
The Dead Don't Die
You're a contradictory idiot.
i'm 30 minutes from the ending, it's waaaay fucking boring, too many characters,. clumps of actors standing around doing nothing. stupid dialog,. how is it possible to make a zombie movie so life less?
adam driver: star wars refence was funny
does it have 'fug wypipo' messages throughout it?
no, it's just mad boring with the same Sturgill Simpson joke running throughout
I will watch for Driver but not that excited about it.
Is it even a horror film?
Have you ever seen a film by Jim Jarmusch?
nope, if they've all this boring i don't think i will
Zombie Chloƫ Sevigny cute
Brainlet tier criticism, but yes this is his worst film probably.
honestly one of the worst movies ive ever seen
What went wrong?
horror? i thought this movie was a comedy.
I love how directors are competing on how quick they can make their movies age. In a couple of years a good many of them will look back at these embarrassed on how badly they dropped the ball.
I like Jarmusch, but this one is a terrible flick. Don't waste your time. It's an uninteresting Jarmusch & friends ride
the trailer made it seem like it was a dark comedy. All the characters just stand around with nothing to do.
Trailers for films are intentionally misleading so they would attract a wide audience.
I've seen all Jarmusch films and this one is by far his worst. It's one of the worst films of the 21 century frankly. The script feels like it was written in 15 minutes, the cinematography is horrendous, the acting is extremely dead pen and bad. Every line is supposed to be a joke and there are maybe one or two that made me chuckle a bit. The meta-levels and genre commentary were extremely lazy too. Fuck Jim Jarmusch
>boring is brainlet criticism
No its not. This film has no energy or drive, whatsoever. It's extremely boring and that's a valid criticism.
>one of the worst films of the 21 century frankly
That's objectively true
It is. Saying muh boring and muh pretentious without expanding on it is a sign that you are a brainlet.
I agree. I. Hope his next one will be better.
it was terrible yet i finished the whole thing.Pretty sure I fell asleep through parts though
it was legit terrible
If you want zombie bill murray kino watch zombieland instead