Just finished this

most damning indictment of the soviet union, how do they have any respect or credibility left. If I was Russian I would be hanging my head in abject shame over communism and/or if I even thought about supporting that ideology anywhere.

Attached: 0_THP_CHP_110419Slug_3952JPG.jpg (615x367, 17K)

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Give this a read, some interesting stuff in there like how the guy who held the door open actually lived

just finished this

Most damning indictment of the soviet union, how do they have any respect or credibility left. They killed poor Creed!

Attached: 0799e2f1-eb64-4ee0-a839-0cf9aef74feb-R4_Rocky_Drago_1[1].jpg_width=534&height=401&fit=bounds (534x358, 31K)

How did the divers live? Was the main character a hack? He said they would die within a week. Did this prove that everything he said was a lie and Chernoybl wasn't actually that bad.

Think that's bad (fiction)?
Might want to look at Fukushima. Ten times worse and no one even gives a fuck.

Soviet Union ceased to exist in 1991, user.

Why didn't they just use Russian criminals, Afghan PoWs, and/or Chechens to work as liquidators?

Attached: frodo.jpg (400x399, 93K)

Couldn't they just have nuked it?

It worked!

>I would be hanging
Legasov sure did

I wish they had portrayed Slavsky's vendetta against Legasov instead of pinning the KGB as the cartoon baddies.

The scientists good, government bad trope isn't exactly true here.

Simply not true.

The Russians were butthurt about this show, they're making their own show where the CIA sabotage the reactor.

If you were Russian you would watch some interviews with people who were there and know it's not exactly a documentary. But being a westerner you should be a good goy and consume fiction as facts.

>they're making their own show where the CIA sabotage the reactor
There's already a bunch of shows and movies about Chernobyl user, doesn't have anything to do with the HBO show.

Go back to bed, Trump.

Growing up we were always taught that only about 30 people died from Chernobyl and that quick thinking scientists saved the day just in time. Honestly don't know if I can believe this show because it just looks like brainwashing propaganda.

30 people died directly from the explosion + exposure on the night of the accident

It's too hard to estimate how many people's lives were cut short from the elevated background radiation in the surrounding areas

> growing uo we were taught
> seems like brainwashing propaganda
You would know. Just watch the damn thing and make up your own mind

Hey, that's cool website.

Slavs are subhumans, but also learned to live under iron boot of dictators for 1000 of years. State propaganda is sacred thing to them.

If Hitler governed Russia, they would ignore Holocaust and the WW2 and consider themselves heroes.

Oh wait, the retards already do that with Stalin and Holodomor, and splitting Poland with Hitler.

Attached: tumblr_psjzjt54Sw1sxc21no1_1280.jpg (1132x588, 48K)

Americans can be pretty stupid but Russians are on a different level of willful stupidity

I really hope there's a sequel about Fukushima in the works, just so we're done with all this "muh communism" crying.

People suck. Everywhere. No matter the country or the government. We're all a bunch of stupid monkeys and it's a miracle we haven't blown ourselves up yet.

Can you repeat that without the cringe /pol/turd language

It's all propaganda, man. Soviets would have tried to downplay the event. Western countries, on the contrary, would try to blow it out of proportions. Do you really think that fictional piece of media produced by American entertainment corporation would be 100% unbiased and accurate?

>If I was Russian I would be hanging my head in abject shame
That is because you are bitch white westerner and not chad easterner

Back to your brad Pitt containment thread

you are a retard if you think the two are comparable

how about you listen to the estimates by international atomic organizations and the scientific community instead of what you learned in grade school

My boss is Polish and got thyroid cancer from the fallout