Now that the dust has settled

now that the dust has settled
can infinity war/endgame compete with the lord of the rings trilogy?

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say that to my face you little faggot i'll put you in the ground
you're on thin ice




you need to at least come up with a bait argument, this is very low effort.

nope but it's comparable which that in itself is a victory so

Yes and no, when it comes to execution and visuals avengers blow lotr out of the water. When it comes to story and feels lotr might be slightly better

Endgame is at least better than Two Towers

>story and feels lotr might be slightly better

infinity war is better than two towers


There are no exceptions. All LoTR movies are superior. Period.


Alright significantly, but overall avengers are the superior movies

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LotR has a simple 3 trilogy about needing to destroy a ring

MCU is a 20+ film narrative featuring dozens of characters with intertwining stories that culminate in one larger complicated story done on an unprecedented scale.

Fuck off.

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how is that related to story and feels?


eat poo

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>CGI slugfest shit vs mattepanting masterpiece
yeah it makes sense why you are stupid

I can do this fucking frame by frame

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>it uses old techniques so it's better.
yeah okay cave troll

>CGI bad!!!

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Oh fuck no. Howard Shores score alone makes LotR better. Marvel is marvel, you've seen one, you've seen them all. LotR had a score, amazing cinematography, and no niggers.

Even you homos don't talk about endgame anymore. MCU is shit that will instantly forgotten.

fuck off zoomer

Final battle of Endgame > Helms Deep > Battle of Pellennor Fields


I love LotR but Thanos was a better villain than Sauron

Hard core middle aged white chick pandering in the middle and shitting on anything that resemves a het male who's motivation isn't pussy, fame, or money is everywhere.

>when it comes to execution and visuals avengers blow lotr out of the water.

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sure, just as soon as it wins 11+ oscars.

>if I add all these little turds together, the pile is just as good as these three gold bars!

Sauron barely appears in the trilogy, brainlet.
He doesn't even have a material form yet gigantic hordes of orcs and disciplined armies of men flock to him and go to battle waving his red and black eye on their banners.

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The Avengers movies are weird because the "story" that connects them is like 5% of what happens on screen. You're expected to either read up on the backstories or just trust that half their emotional character moments don't just come out of nowhere. It's all about the metanarrative rather than the narrative, I guess, when the metanarrative is more implied than shown. They're mostly good as standalone movies though.


The majority of MCU films have an 80%+ Rotten Tomatoes score and a billion box office revenue on average.

>quantity better than quality

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Also I don't understand the 'but MCU had a gorillion movies to prepare its finale, so it's epic' thing when only a few of them are relevant to Thanos arc and only Tony/Steve ended up being centric in Endgame. If anything, Infinity War is a good movie and Endgame is mediocre but carried by its fanservice and kneejerk reaction bait (cap lifting Mjolnir, Loki TV show tease, etc.).

MCU doesn't culminate, it accumulates. The Infinity War/Endgame story isn't even connected to the earlier movies.

>the black panther was(still is) the best movie ever rated on RT
>trusting kike political 'critics'
>the masses love watching mass produced soulless shit with mouse dick down their throat, so it must be good

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