how long do you think you would survive in American State penitentiary?
How long do you think you would survive in American State penitentiary?
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the entire time because I'm not a humongous faggot like most criminals
probably well because I live in a civilised country with civil prisons
I'd get my wig split in the first day
would you get your cheeks busted?
this is the most distilled form of white trash entertainment. anyone who enjoys these prison entertainment videos should just be pushed off a bridge
Probably on the second day
Have gay prison sex
Watching any form of media rather then living life is trash user.
I see your civilized country isn't very good at teaching reading comprehension however.
Who'd join the Aryan Brotherhood
If Shot Caller is anything to go by you don't have a choice but to join
Dead within the first 24 hours probably. I have too many authority issues to even survive a day with the fucking faggot guards and actual faggot prisoners. I'd try to kill at least 2 people though
the question was specifically about american jail
Real life White Nationalists in prison aren't pleasant people I'd imagine tho. Not like the faggy NEETSoc we see on here.
Me. I hope they like french people from germanic descent.
I've lived my whole life surrounded by klan members and wannabe nazi redneck trash. I'd try to join the black or chicano gang tbqh.
Getting your cheeks just by blacks
i'd probably just try to get put in solitary asap it'd be more interesting than my current social life
how realistic is Shot Caller anyway?
So according to this guy and pretty much all other ex-con youtubers, prison is basically a camp for criminals, where they are told by a system invented by other criminals that they must live segregated by race at all costs and you must follow retarded codes and rules of conduct among criminals.
Also, homoerotic shit everywhere for no reason. The way they tell it, you go to prison and now it means you're basically gay now. The whole part about how criminals have to follow some rules and the way they organize just seems really fucking gay to begin with. It just goes to show that criminals are absolutely fucking retarded and instead of looking out for their own they try to just commit crimes on each other or literally try to rape each other in the ass. What the fuck is prison even. My mind cannot process how fucking ridiculous it is.
"It's not meant to be pleasant, it's prison!" yeah well you'd think that the mentality would be "let's just not mess with each other and do our time in peace so it reduces the discomfort of being here". But no. "Let's randomly fight each other and try to rape men in the ass" is the first thing they go to instead.
>The whole part about how criminals have to follow some rules and the way they organize just seems really fucking gay to begin with
how so?
the high rate of men sticking their dicks in other mens asses
To hear the guy OP used you're liable to get killed over gay shit
Honestly, they should be getting beatings on the regular and not given any kind of ability to build up any sort of ego. They should have PTSD from just seeing a guard or having a single impulse to do something stupid.
Complain to guards and get moved to PC.
congrats now your sharing cells with a kiddy diddler or rapist.
nice trips
I heard real life AB guys hated it but I haven't seen it.
I would probably, from time to time and with great reluctance, 'hoop that shit'
This is the only correct answer.
plus I don't live in california or Texas or Georgia so my prison won't be full of niggers and spics forcing me to join the aryan Brotherhood.
>with great reluctance
yea it'd be awful
I saw a natgeo show episode of a woman's prison in utah, they were all spics.
Whatever colored people are living in a state, the police will do their best to extract them and place them in the prisons. You can't escape POCs in prison.
Id attack a guard so they would put me in solitary confinement, then when they try to let me out id do it again and again and again. Im assuming im in there for life btw
How the fuck don't the prison guards not be fuck ing these hoes in female jails everyday I don't know
Believe me you don't wanna be in solitary. A buddies uncle of mine was in solitary for 2 years and he lost his mind in there.
Are trannies basically gods in prison
The majority of people in prison are people that have 0 impulse control and think like literal animals. They want to scap together any amount of power they can, and that includes raping a man to humiliate him and put him down. If they had thought process to not fight at the slightest thing they wouldnt be in prison in the first place
Based WW from Dago.
Gulags did that and it didnt help too much
If you're White or Southsider (SoCal Mexican). Niggers have a lot more cheek bustin' and booty blastin
from memory Wes said it wasn't too bad but the main problem is it's just a standard length movie, and you can't get the feeling of long stays in prison without doing like 10 years for real in there
A lot of them are dumb as fuck too. Imagine only being able to talk to the most retarded people on here but not being able to call them out on it or else they will stab you.
Do Americans really rape one another in prison? Do they know that's really gay?
it's only gay if you're receiving
I would only go to Club Fed and probably for some bullshit charge like mail fraud or tax evasion or something
It's like being on Yea Forums but without the shitposting.
No. It's gay to fuck a man in the ass, too.
no it's not I fuck my one buddy in the ass all the time but I'm not gay or nothing
Make sure to tell them that when they're running a train on you. I'm sure they will stop.
It's like if there was a filter that erased all of the even slightly intelligent posts.
They'd probably stab me for telling the truth. We truly live in a society.
>segregated by race
It's less of a hard segregation and more of a natural thing. You want to hang out with people of your own race, because prison sucks. The whole situation sucks. It's just normal to chill with your own race. Doesn't mean you need to be an asshole to other races, they're in it with you too. But don't be a push over bitch.
>"let's just not mess with each other and do our time in peace so it reduces the discomfort of being here
That's how it is with mexicans and whites. A sort of "Hey leave us alone we'll leave you alone" sort of deal. AB and spicannos will work with each other on the outside (Hence the guy going all I'M NOT RACIST THOUGH IT'S JUST WHAT YOU DO. He genuinely isn't racist, except against niggers). Niggers are the ones who fuck it up entirely. Whites and Spics typically have the wherewithal to call a truce. Remember you're with the tiny percentage of wild niggers who do 50% of violence. These are animals and not be trusted. One bit of weakness and every nigger is on you. Every nigger stereotype is in prison and they could all get the bullet. They're recidivists too, so there's always nigger presence.
>except against niggers
he did a video with big herc
What's up with the spic stache and the constipated facial expression?
If you're white and affiliate with niggers, you're going to get beaten up, stabbed and put in protective custody if you survive.
Also, you'll be given a white cell mate.
its actually kinda educational, but yeah watson does throw more motivational stuff into it.
ive learned a lot from big herc though, prison culture is complex as hell
if youre white you dont got a choice. its a numbers game
its not a racism thing. straight up its a throwback from when they desegregated prisons the first time and the white people were getting their wigs split and cheeks busted by bgf, so they ganged up.
pretty accurate, except when that guy on his first night got raped. one thing i liked was how when he was in corocan, he and a mexican fought when being brought out to the yard by the guards. there was a huge scandal in RL when the guards did the same shit. brought out two different gang members at the same time to let them fight.
the rules are there for safety. you gang up by race, and dont mess with the other races at all. if you are gonna beat up, it better be because you pissed off someone the same race as you.
everyone has to join a gang because more people on your side = less chance of dying in a riot.
and gay shit isnt common in prison, gay people get bounced out of the main units quick since everyone hates them
doesnt happen, if it does, no one can know
they do, guards can beat their ass for doing something wrong
or snitch
They run drugs, cigarettes and similar shit in prison. There are hierarchies because people want the biggest comfort they can get in prison. You can't do these things by just being nice to everyone
holy shit you are mad
Who booty warrior here
I'm a wig splitter myself
>Go to prison for accidentally looking at a picture of Stalin the wrong way
>"Oh sweet if I do some years of army service I can go earlier"
>Barely survive the absolute hellhole of the eastern front
>Get beaten to death by brick stupid Gopniks who are angry at you defending their land
>Guards jerk off because they dont care
Such is life in Russia
not like the way its portrayed. basically if you are known to be gay anyone can beat you up with no repercussions. associating with a gay person is just as bad.
they hate them on the same level as chomos and rapists. probably the least bad out of those three but yeah, you get beat up or killed, anyone who associates with you gets beat up or killed. if your cellie doesnt do it, he gets beat up or killed
lol na, im excited to talk about these youtubers, very interesting videos
Big Herc > Wes Watson
Agree or get your cheeks busted and your wig split
I saw an Xbox gamertag called WigSplitta earlier kek
I wonder how deep Watson got into the whole white nationalist shit. I know he says he's not racist but I wonder if he has any white nationalist tattoos or shit like that.
There are dozens of white prison gangs. You won't join AB unless you're ready to murder an indebted junkie or some other poor soul as a rite of passage. Good luck being a drug dealer, arms smuggler and hitman if and when you get out too as AB operates outside of prison as well.
>Be me
>Get sent to prison for shitposting
>Behave like a fag so niggers want to rape me
>before showering insert cork with razorblade or nails in it in my ass
>Niggers get their dicks slized
>Get respect poinst by AB and get to be their leading shitposter
Herc is ultra based seems like a real chill dude but it sounds like Watson served his time in a much more violent prison. That's just the perception I get anyway some of Watson's stories are insane. Seems like he was a real motherfucker on the inside but I guess you have to be.
Shitpost Caller
>four... Chin? What the fuck is that? Are ya fucking with me champ?
He has to poop, and is a spic.
In terms of pure power level Wes would kill Big Herc, but Herc is way smarter.
Also Herc was in the feds which is way better, Wes was GP in state which is basically the craziest shit since state tries to push everyone out of the general population and into special needs.
They do though. The women are desperate for dickings.
How else you gonna pay the bills nigga
You go see how that lone wolf shit works out for you money man
All you wiggers right now watching Wesley's youtube channel thinking it's cool to talk like a fucking nigger better get your head on straight because that is one of the easiest way to show that you are a fucking mark in prison. Stick to throwing up swastikas and pepe memes.
t. former pen1 affiliate
You guys read Big Herc's erotic novel?
Based going to look up an application form
Who buys shit like this I seriously don't get it.
He has no white nationalist prison tattoos, because he was already a fully tatted up gorilla when he got in.
Wes was in that real shit, Herc was in the Feds. CA gen pop shit is where it is crazy.
>holo... Hax? You mean like hacks? Are you a computer nerd or something boy?
If you saw how any of them looked you wouldn't be too keen trust me. If you're a guard there are way better options on the outside.
Better than a fucking animal who'll try to rape or murder you over the slightest provocation.
Or just kill someone your first day (plastic fork behind the ear, perhaps) and spend a chill 20 years in solitary instead of getting raped and beaten by animals with no self-control.
>Let me check yo papers cuz. Says here you got caught downloading Lolis, fuck is that? That a SoCal gang?
Nah, he said he got all his inc inside.
You're far less likely to be raped in GP than some special needs yard.
>Better than a fucking animal who'll try to rape or murder you over the slightest provocation.
Based on what I heard people tend to get along pretty well with their cell mate in GP and you're most likely to have someone try to rape you in Protective Custody. Again that's where all the kiddy diddlers and fags are gays are not welcome in GP.
That giant Jesus portrait wasn't made with a jury rigged prison tat gun.
T. knower
What happen s if you get them pregnant do you get sent to jail yourself
Would I get killed for having anime tattoos
I would show him my collection to get instant respect points
>what do you mean "libcucks"? pepe the frog? Well I do like frogs, they taste like chicken, why ya ask champ? Youre fucking weird dude
If you're going raw into these nasty girls jail time is the last of your concern
They were also "lady" whatevers, i.e. female gang members/affiliates who beat the shit out of each other just like the men.
They're psychos.
Let's be fair here, if you are in prison chances are you aren't much of a credit to the white race yourself.
I'm sure your right, he probably had inc before, but he got fully blasted in the pen.
id get my wig slip and my cheeks busted for peter gazing
Can you NOT join a gang if you just adhere to their rules (stick to your race, don't be a bitch, don't get indebted, etc.) and don't start shit?
I'm sure you can't avoid having to deal with the neck tattoo types, but they don't do forceful recruitment right?
I want girls to beat the fuck out of me then force me smell their farts
It's kinda funny when you watch those old videos of Big Herc where he's pissed because all the comments are about cheek busting. It took him a while to figure out how to properly meme on yt
I'd probably catch a chin check for dry snitching after catching a ride
No they'll just keep beating you until you do what they say. You can lock it up but if you're rolling GP as a lone wolf you won't last long.
>You go see how that lone wolf shit works out for you money man
based bottles
Where are you going to get the razorblade? Where are you going to get the cork?
How would you insert a cork and not hurt your asshole in the process?
I'd get my cheeks split for not hooping that shit desu
I would've hooped it before going inside
Guess I'll learn a valuable prison skill so I don't get put on goon squad duty. Any recomendations?
the gang is your fucking skin, dude, you can't change that. Whites are all sorts of different prison and street gangs, and then just white guys who are not really affiliated with any set group
He'll be sucking COs off for them
lmao no joke rule34 artists make good money inside
If you're black you can maybe roll christian but white guys don't have any choice if they're among the general population. But that's like west coast state pens. If you're on the east coast or out in buttfuck nowhere it's by no means a holiday but way more chill than california state for instance. At those places the guards are way scarier than the inmates.
The fuck it didnt.
How? Do they have tablets smuggled in?
>don't get indebted
thats not true I did 5 years in tomoka for armed robbery I was only asked to join once and politely declined was never bothered again.
Basically don't run your mouth, don't gamble and don't do drugs.
If you're White and you have no discernible characteristic (being a child molester, being too old, retarded etc) you will be in the gang whether you like it or not. The last part in AHX where Ed Norton keeps his head down and gets through by luck (minus the nigger) is somewhat true. You have to maneuver shit so you're kind of doing all the shit they're telling you to do without adding any or too much time for yourself.
Did you split any wigs
Well I've heard east coast is totally different but what do I know
did you bust any cheeks? gaze at any peters?
west coast prisons are all about that race war shit, the guards started it after all.
no I just played cards made/drank pruno and watched some tv
>the guards started it after all.
how so?
Divide and conquer, they're trying to push people into special needs yards so they can medicate them, get more money etc. Way easier to treat GP like shit when they're not united
>the Aryan Brotherhood makes up an extremely low percentage of the entire US prison population but is responsible for a disproportionately large number of prison murders.
sounds familiar...
>plastic fork behind the ear, perhaps
LOL that shit would break or bend without doing any real damage.
So are trannies not popular in jail
The barb-"aryan" brotherhood looking pretty mixed to me.
Were talking CA
/pol/ Is blacker than mostboards too
>AYO HOLMES, we broughtchu that iphone 10 you wanted, now get to making that dickgirl hentai, you got 2 days or we send el diablo to your cell with a shank
lmao, despite being less than 1% of the population the AB is responsible for more than 23% of the murders
How do they rope you in? I'd imagine they'll ask you to do minor favors as the price for protection, eventually becoming not so minor favors.
>this is the white section
>guys all look like 56% mutts
America is a funny place
Unironically something you'd be likely to hear at one point if you're an artist in the pen.
they get commissioned to make art for prison tatts
it is a hellhole, but then again, so is everywhere else.
They'll just see you out in the yard or your cellmates will pick you up, you'll eventually be doing the same shit after a year or so. Unless you're found out to be a kike you'll just have a good time in general. It's not like anybody 'gives orders' like some kind of fucking general. You'll see some drama go down and will know what needs to be done and what doesn't need to be done.
What happens to kikes do they get there wigs split
They belong among the "others", everyone with low numbers like native americans, asians etc.
Who's that faggot?
Man that sucks they can't join AB
I saw a documentary where they had overcrowding and they put the prisoners in a shitty gym which was basically a cubicle farm but with bunks instead of desks and with no dividing walls.
The show had a diagram of the racial divisions, with the niggers being the majority, the northern/southern mexicans guarding their territory jealously, and the whites in a small space near the end while the "others", who were barely even mentioned, got a tiny corner.
not american but if i go to a specific prison in my country, i will just request to be transferred to the cell of my neighbour, who is serving 14 years for fatal armed robbery. shit will be ultra cash. hes always on test, and he literally looks like this.
Francis Capra
Can you sleep all day in jail I'm getting sick of the working life lads
I hate that faggot. He's got one of those faces that just makes you want to beat him to death
It depends on security level and locale. If you end up anywhere near blacks or inmates from the Cali/Texas systems the odds of you catching another charge just for fucking defending yourself is pretty high.
t. did three years at Racine Correctional for manslaughter
shot caller would've been so much better if they didn't make it so the only reason he stayed away from his family was for their physical safety. would've been better if it was a conscious choice he made, since the prison system had changed him so much.
What happens if someone comes up and grabs your booty do you have to beat them up to show your not a bitch?
>Waßßup everybody, Big Herc here with the homie Weß Waßßon from Dago. Now Weß, what waßome of the things...
im trustee material
i'd be fine
i would do the wardens taxes and all the guards so they wouldnt let me get raped by the gay gang
Some the COs are gay
>thinks weeks, months of solitary confinement is better than interacting with other inmates
Boomer here with a legit advice that could save your life. If you ever find yourself in prison just approach the biggest motherfucker on the yard, stand up straight, maintain eye contact and give a firm handshake. Boom, you're set for your remaining time.
reminds me of that "Yep still got it" pasta
One guy in the discussion of Inherent Vice described it perfectly:
>hilariously, forced integration of prison populations was basically the first (and only) real step towards bridging the racial divide the US ever took. For if blacks and whites have no choice but to share a tiny space, where violence is harshly punished, they have no choice but to get along, and if they get along, they realize who their real enemies are. And once our illustrious masters realized this, voluntary segregation policies were adopted in all US prisons.
Yep, I still got that.
You ever had your shit pushed in brah?
Depends which one.
It’s an open invitation mah guy. There are other gangs in prison that are whites. I know on the west coast the prisons are segregated. The peckerwoods are another gang that is white out there. I’m from the Midwest. Here because of the FOLK and PEOPLES nations, it isn’t segregated by race. But yeah the AB is the “Cadillac” of white prison gangs. They don’t take just anyone and a member, in good standing, has to vouch for you and you have to be voted in.
That’s not how any of this works.
>everyone just acts gay in prison
If we get locked up I want to stay near you, but not act like I know you. That way when the inevitable beat down you will receive occurs, I can get a little respect by joining in and calling you a faggot.
*its NOT an open invitation
Depends on the person. I remember Patrice O’Neil was on Opie and Anthony (perhaps you have no idea who any of these people are) and he was talking about his stint in prison. He said the guy he got locked up with was so terrified of being raped he wouldn’t shower Unless forced. I think he even said the guy stopped wiping his ass. Of course it back fired because someone Patrice had bonded with who was up the ladder of inmates pulled Patrice aside and basically told him if he didn’t talk his friend into hygiene he was gonna get killed. They had already started beating the guy and throwing piss on him and he still wouldn’t shower till Patrice told him to. I would bet that dude would take adseg if he could.
>beat down
Yeah, a bunch of testosterone-fueled closet faggots tend to get pissed when you call them out on their rampant homosexuality.
A long time.
two of the ABs founding members are jews. look it up dood. thomas silverstein and tyler bingham. bingham even has a star of david tattoo lol
Kek I watched a ton of his vids from last nights thread. Doesn't sound like I'd last long in American jail. Hard to say though until you are put in that situation I'm sure a lot of "tough guys" crack
I've heard Canadian jail isnt as fucked though so I might survive
i'd rather be shot by the popo than be locked in with white homos, nigger homos and beaner homos
burger prisons need zyklon b (the b is not for butt)
So how do you pick a gang? Do you just try to get in with the scariest looking guys? Can you switch later on or are you stuck with the first gang you join?
t. Stalin
>The majority of people in prison are people that have 0 impulse control and think like literal animals
That tends to happen if you treat people like animals.
no u
>the US
From what ive been able to learn from prison youtubers, state prisons are far more violent crazy shitholes than federal ones, does anyone know why that is?
Also, it seems like certain states (espscially the west coast) seem to have the worst human scum to live in their system making it an utter hellhole of gang violence, yet other states seem relatively calm, why do they have such a big difference between them?
Prison isn’t that bad. Granted I was in a prison in Connecticut. Got to meet a lot of cool dudes. Made more friends on the inside than out. Besides the constant ass rape it’s actually pretty decent.
Probably because while the federal government at least occasionally has reformist governments or consistent standards, state prisons are shambolic shitholes ruled over by tiny corrupt bureaucrats and governors as their personal fiefdoms. It's no surprise Alabama, Louisiana, and Mississippi have the worst ones.
Mississippi's state prisons got in serious hot water at one point in the 60s-70s because they were "an affront to modern standards of decency" in the words of one judge. They actually had similarities with prisons in the Soviet Union 10-20 years prior.
>Hasn't heard of the bitch wars and the rampant criminality in Russian society
Watching these vids made me realize how cringe you are if you get elaborate tattoos and arent a jailbird.
Tatts used to just be for sailors and people who went to jail. Better times
tattoos are still a good way to show who has stds
If that’s the case I would have huge tats that said I have HIV
>not surrendering to the wehrmacht
rookie mistake
everyone that has a tattoo has an std
i didnt make the rules
I’m sure your buddies normie trash uncle lost his mind from not being able to interact but to the average autist on this website it’s hardly different from day to day life
i would do what big herc did and just go to the library
>kill some fucker on arrival
>get put in solitary
>cruise it there alone and at peace
his asshole had already been expanded by my cock
Google "Prison Island Inmate"
It's a story about Sonic getting raped in prison
The autists here shout and shriek at each other here everyday over stupid bullshit precisely because they don't have any social interactions and feel the need to talk to someone or something. Not to mention there isn't a computer to distract themselves with vapid entertainment. NEETs may be isolated but they're not alone in a cell with only their brain for company.
He looks pretty willing to me.
Well I based the story off that image and that's where it'll end up eventually, but as it is (the story isn't complete), Sonic doesn't want it
>getting triggered by factual hard numbers
Why though?
Because 99% are all methed out druggies, or various (unattractive) minorities.
It's possible. There's a guy from my town who was getting blowjobs from a female inmate, and he's a felon now. I don't think he got any jail time, but he got like 4 years probation and will be working at McDick's the rest of his life.
That's not what Cinemax taught me
i had to stay in a womens prison once
its literal hell
id rather be in jail in some muslim country than a womens lock up
I'd imagine it wouldn't be THAT bad, it'd be pretty catty and gossipy, but it would be more so people saying mean/snarky things rather than being straight up violent everyday.
Go on a tour sometime, dude. I've worked in corrections for a couple years, and I can count on one hand the number of female inmates that I've found even moderately attractive. They got mogged hard by 4's in the real world.
Women are pieces of shit, soulless creatures. They turn their side of the jail into one big, very gay high school, and bitch non-stop about rumors- their problems take hours and hours to solve and it's always fee-fee retardation. Guys just beat the fuck out of each other and call each other faggots. So much simpler to deal with. You just tap on the glass and tell them to knock it off.
the main difference is in mens jail its pretty much silent from like 10pm until 8am or so.
not womens prison, its just 24/7 BLAHBLAHBLABLAH
it NEVER stops, really drives you crazy if you are a dude
I always think it's funny how they complain. Women write retarded little notes and slide it under the door, then try to whisper through big, steel doors. "Psst... X is being really mean, she says my braids look stupid, can I please move.."
Only one of these can be correct.
Oz really made everyone believe prison is a non stop rape factory
in actuality it's rare and (rightfully) seen as gay and heavily looked down on
what prison show or movie does somebody not get raped in
before Oz it wasn't that commonly depicted and on top of that Oz pretended it was really frequent and normal to the point that gang leaders were raping and taking other men as their lovers
old timers claim it was really like that back in the 70s
probably hollywood was only able to talk about it after it was phased out irl
this is exactly what they do. if you didn't get jumped today, it's because cellfag was protecting you. you now owe him something for protecting you. if you don't return this favor, you get jumped. rinse, repeat. you either split wigs or get your wig split.
the one i stayed in was 24/7 yelling
Did you get your pussy ate by Donna from That 70's Show?
What kind of favors are we talking about?
>I-I CAN ASSURE YOU I'M TOTALLY A NAZI: I SHITPOST BBC PICS & KEKHOLDING THREADS EVERYWHERE HAHAH ..... w-what do you mean I'm a fag because I'm obsessed with dicks and save naked black men on my computer?!...
They do rush week just like college frats.
I'd rather die than be a prag.