>one ticket to once upon a time in hollywood please
One ticket to once upon a time in hollywood please
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Sir, this is a McDonald's
For me, it's the McSpaghetti. The best fast food pasta.
Someone please shop moot's face onto Bradu and Hiro's face onto Bruce Lee.
I feel like a chicken McDo
how do I know you're not just two betas on each others shoulders in a trench coat pretending to be chad?
post something more inspired, like "cast them"
For me it's lasagna.
i'll take one bowl of happiness, please
The guy next to her probably hates the fact he has A FOUR POINT TWO INCH PENIS WHICH IS THE ASIAN AVERAGE HAHAHAHAHAHAGA
Why did I laugh.
That guys only 6’2” btw
>yellow men fear him, black men wanna be him
Epic geography
Who conducted this study? I don't know about you guys but I've never had my dick professionally measured
He posted an image of a tall and buff guy (he's just like me!) ordering in a mcdonalds with an asian cashier!
She must really do want to do the sucky sucky to him haha
But it is also very movie related yes sir!
>tfw you get a cheeky one piece Spicy Chicken McDo
The man in the OP is an actor so at least it's somewhat Yea Forums related.
>I’ve never had my dick professionally measured
Do they not have many microscopes in Asia?
>She must really do want to do the sucky sucky to him haha
Totally read this in Mitch Hedburg's voice.
t. seething tiny dick asiancel
same height as me
What I want to know is why would someone with a small dick ever want to be officially measured? How exactly are these studies done?
Damn you missed the manlet cutoff by 1 inch. Too bad, shorty.
Chink poon is the property of the white man.
Fucking McDonald's ripping off Jollibee's menu
Holy shit manlets are so embarassing
>t. chicken McDon't
>that guy on right flexing as if this changes anything and he dosnt look like a baby next to chad
when little asian people are the only ones you can feel like a normal statured person around i can see why that would be important
>6'1" is the new manlet for the Yea Forums
fucking kek I love this place
If everyone in your country is a dicklet how would you know? Asians are literally a race of tiny cocked feminine onions guzzlers. For every four inch Chang there’s a 4.6 inch Chang who thinks he’s got a giant rice grain to balance it out. That’s how they get the average of 4.2.
This man will not live past his 30s with his giantism disease. That’s a medical fact.
If anything he’ll die from exhaustion having spent the last decade smashing waves of Asian women Zerg rushing his BWC.
The hell steroids thing doesn't bode well for his health either
God he must do huge poos.
He doesn't appear to have pituitary giantism or anything problematic, though.
You won't live past 30 with the escalator situation in your country
Are you all retarded or just manlets? This isn't gigantism just a tall, muscular guy. Even I'm 6'4 and muscular people treat me like some freak. Idk what's wrong with people anymore.
>all these manlets celebrating him dying at 40 because of his height is justice like living to 90 in a decrepit old body is so great
>Congo can't use a tape measure
>woman has hand on black man
>other hand is just a fist
shut up chink
Try again, manlet.
Is there anything worse as a well-dressed 5'8" manlet than a qt girl eyeing you up the past half an hour getting distracted by some 6'6" chad who's just walked in in his glue-stained running pants?
>one ticket
Imagine going to theatres alone kek. Theatres are a strictly social event, you either go in with friends, or a gf for the handjobs, or family. If you're thinking of going alone then better stay back at home cause you'll only ruin somebody else's experience. Hell I got robbed out of a handjob cause my gf wouldnt stop talking about how she pitied that one autist faggot sitting alone in the corner by himself for the Infinity War showing when literally everybody else came with a partner/group.
One ticket is all he needs because that chinkette will sit on his penis
me in the middle
Ayo filipinoz represent
Why they pick an uggo for that film. Should've been AIKA
When will they ever learn?
That scale triggers my autism
>h..honey p..please, let's go.
Not even once
This guy messaged "congratulations, People of Israel!" the day Trump recognized Jerusalem. What did he mean by this?
are there actually men this short
is this one of those pygmy negros
>Ey chang, can u berieve dis guy
imagine if his dick isn't huge though that's probably shitty
Fucking kek, it's like a god walking among men
right now his dick could be too big for regular women
I wonder what their kids are going to look like.
Why do we see large size as something good? The big guy will probably have much shorter life span than those tiny asians
I mean, to look proportional it'd have to be a foot long. I have a 6'9", 265-lb m8 who bitches about how Tinder thots don't realize he has an 8" dick when they get naked because they don't think about scale and how some of them even laughed at it.
based drunk nazis
Just as well that I bought my ticket online.
Your mate tells you how big his dick is? Any homoerotic greentexts you want to share with us user?
Made me feel bad. Wh*te people are awful
She fucked a white man right after this too
Bastos ng bibig mo
>bullies innocent asian tourist
>does nothing against millions of arabs and blacks
His dick probably isn't 8 inches. Chop atleast a couple off
This dude's nudes aren't that impressive..
That's a Nip, not a chink. Stop being ignorant. Get your slurs right.
>islam bad
dilate, tranny
A friend of mine used to call an Asian girl he was friends with gooky-chan. She thought it was cute.
a lot of people can handle the banter and realize it's more making jokes at white people's ignorance.
I used to call my indian friend "nigger" obviously making light of a white person seeing any dark skinned person as black.
Nothing wrong with that.
how tall is he?
Even funnier than that it's self reported. They just lied lmao.
The guy has a bad heart. His chest was fucked up before surgery. I'd rather be a healthy manlet desu.
>>woman has hand on black man
arr rook same
Not so fast brotha
why? she enjoyed it? they probably had sex afterwards.
absolute unit
Shut up or we'll have to take the civilization back until you can behave.
I'm 5‘4" but I'm a gay so I just got a boner instead of feeling insecure.
>has no clue about negging
>crackacels cope with their inceldome living vicariously thru some unknown cracker that doesn't look like them at all
chingchongs need extra bullying because they think they are better than Whitey, the browns already know their place
>this is what /pol/yps really believe
>oh yes ahmed fuck my 10 year old daughter while I watch
Why are Asian women so obsessed with white men? It’s like they worship them or something.
She can't reach chad
Same shit
pygmies in the congo be packin some seriouse heat
holy shit lmao
Bigger dicks and not dumb as bricks. Perfect balance.
Women like tall guys user. Its just that simple.
>It’s like they worship them or something.
this is actually a problem, asian women are now starting to think white men are TOO good for them.
This is very hot
How can black bois even compete?
>asian women have a biologically hardwired appreciation for aesthetics and urge to worship the divine aryan
based. hey reddit hapas, your women are alright. shame you fags suck.
I would do her a favour and fill her right Asian hole (tight as it’s used to 4.2 inch rice dicks) with my glorious Aryan seed. I am a gracious and giving divinity and would take pity on that poor gook.
That's a big guy. I mean, his penis is at her chest level while both are standing. She could give him a standing bj without bending over, that's insane.
ayo hol up man
Asian vaginas aren't actually smaller.
It's a myth based purely on their men having small dicks.
That's why they're so quick to abandon asian men, their pussies are made for bigger dicks.
Don’t talk to me, my wife’s son or my daughter ever again!!!
Is the girl Lily Adams the pornstar?
I feel sorry for all the dirt poor Asian women stuck in mainland China who will never have the chance to travel to the west and experience a real mans cock.
>worked really hard on this post
top kek
Wait... McDonalds is KFC now?
>white people
he's probably australian
user is a connoisseur of cock
on the cock carousel one might say
Yeah it's the same with white women abandoning white guys for BBC
what do you say cracka
Thats factually incorrect
Dang cumskins really are racist af aint they. Thank god they're going the way of the dodo
I know, I'm trying to make a point that this sort of shitflinging is retarded. If the stereotype of small Asian dicks is true in that guy's mind, is the stereotype of big black dicks not also true?
god damn look at that viking.
She looks like she wants his monster cock inside her so bad
why haven't they made porn of this yet? Is there any porn with really big guys?
there used to be this pretty big bodybuilder called lee stone that fucked little pornstars like asians.
fuck chinks
> lee stone
Yea I'm familiar with his body of work. He's not really a big guy tho he's really buff but not big.
>going straight for the cunny
I'll go alone and sit down next to you next time, faggot.
Punching up is acceptable, down is not
>white women abandoning white guys for BBC
>Thats factually incorrect
don't come between Yea Forums incels and their need for drama now breh. this "bruce lee & all the other feeble azn bug men" shit's become so popular lately because Yea Forums types are hopelessly out of touch and can't understand anything except the simplest generalizations. they believe in the idea of white women being sluts for BBC and feel a corresponding need to kick down
No no blacks having big dicks is a myth supported by jewish porn snd self reporting
Asians actually have small dicks though
That's in the Netherlands. The average lad around him is 6'1-6'4. The tall guy is 7'3.
Why do normies always shit on yellow fever yet no one ever mentions the white fever that Asian women have that's just as strong as yellow fever and even more common? It takes two to tango yet people complain as if it's purely white men's fault for there being so many WMAF relationships.
Is the concept of a group liking white men instead of hating them just too uncomfortable for them to even acknowledge?
this is so demoralizing. I'm 6'0 I have blonde hair blue eyes facial aesthetics that are top tier and abs but when I see big guys like that I just get emasculated because he could just dominate me like I'm a joke and fuck my gf and I wouldn't be able to put up much of a resistance
>not getting a spicy chicken mc do with a rice ball to cool it off
>he and his buddies never measure dick sizes togather in order to establish who's the leader of the group
its just azncels reeing. Theres a bit of roastie reeing too but mostly asian incels butthurt.
well there's probably plenty of guys that feel the same way about you so you got that going for you
wtf is this cuisine
>fried chicken
>rice balls
there's always a bigger fish
its supposed to say mcdog
6'0 is fucking short tho no joke
Richters is unironically too tall to be an effective combatant. André the Giant made it work but he also had an insane bulk to him.
yeah i could just aim for his dick with my fists
it depends where you live tho. I live around urban bugmen who are usually shorter but there are still big guys at clubs and gyms
who cares how big they are, just make sure you have a gun.
plenty of teenagers have proven at their local school that the chads are no match for them and their AR-15. the bullets just tear right through the big biceps apparently
Damn I can't believe Rich Evans did that
>get into fight with a bigger guy
>shoot him to death
That'll soak panties for sure.
Why is this thread about asian women just because OP's image completely incidentally features them? Who's really obsessed here?
>get a criminal charge
>girls like the bad boy
>get panties wet
think the long game faggot
You must be pretty new here if you think OP's intention was to do anything other than make this thread about white men and Asian women.
> get a criminal charge
> get BBC'd in prison
> die
Why? He’d never do a joke like that.
There are n-nudes? Link?
Don't Break Me scene when?
Be my bf and you can dominate me whenever you want to feel superior.
6’4 isn’t even tall lmao. I’m 6’3 and I’m just above average over here in the Midwest. What Manlet area do you live in where 6’4 is tall.