What's next for him?

What's next for him?

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Im saving this thread:

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Nothing, hes just a bro for people that are "kinda racist, but I have a black friend at work who's totally cool"

Depression and suicide. I wish he would hurry it up so his pathetic incel fans would stop wasting bandwidth making threads about his washed up ass.

Lmao at Sam samefagging in here. We get it bro nobody is buying your trash cumroad series go cry about it faggot

>after Sam's WP show got aborted Charls pitched his own show idea to AS, and instead of supporting his friend in this, Sam had his employees sign a contract to never work with Charls and he fucked Charls out of merch/book profit sharing
what a great guy, totally not the kike he makes fun of in his comedy

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Get me up to speed on him and Sam and Nick.
I thought they were all best buddies? Doesn't Charles do HydeWars with Sam? Give me a quick run down.

Charls is clearly done with Sam and his shit.

he's clearly joking, are you autistic?
this is just another character

keep telling yourself that buddy, MDE is never coming back .

Fucking nerd needs Sam.

Murder Charls was the funniest MDE skit.

>MDE invented sketch comedy
Ok obsessed retard. This thread also confirms my suspicions that the "huge fans" of Charls are just obsessed with Sam lololol

Or maybe he doesn't want to associate with someone that has the same taste in underage girls as Jeff Epstein:

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How old is he? He's with a 20 year old

or maybe he has nothing coming whatsoever if he stays away.

Cringe quads.

quads of truth

He paid a coalburner pornstar to sleep with him

that's kinda pathetic. At least sam doesn't pay women to sleep with him.

He seems to have legit gone crazy and house hopping a lot.

Something happened between him and Sam but neither want to talk about it. It's weird because Nick and Sam are still friends

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Mental hospital


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it's performance art


Normal people?

10 years, 20 years, 100 year how about I'm doing none of them.