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shes ugly and fat
so am i
i confess i wish she was 5-10 years younger.
What the fuck is up with those eyebrows?
Sorry priest, I'm too.... distracted.
I confess that there is no deity but God and Muhammad is his slave and messenger
name and more?
I don’t watch TV and the last movie I saw as Napoleon Dynamite a year and a half ago. Before that I hadn’t seen any movies in 4 years.
I just come here to shitpost and objectify women.
dumb iphoneposter
if i was god my messenger would be AIM version 5.9
I don't get it where's her penis?
Absolutely based
Marilyn Manson's We Know Where You Fucking Live music video gave me a nun fetish
What the fuck, why are her nipples the same color as her skin
Indigo White. She was kind of based till it was found out she’s a fan of shadman.
>nipples barely darker than base skin tone
I don't hate it but I don't like it either
I still haven't watched any of the Star Wars or Harry Potter movies.
And? Could be worse, she could be a mudshark or some shit
God already chose his high priest.
I miss him
Here’s a little Terry kino so that we don’t forget
It hurts
>tfw you'll never again race home from school so you can immediately hop on AIM
>you will never arrange weekend plans while downloading mp3's directly from websites because Napster wasn't around yet
>you will never again be that happy, bullshitting with your friends and clumsily flirting with your crush
Fuck, AIM was based, late 90's and early 2000's were based, and if social media as a concept would die we would get a lot of that back
bioluminescent negroids killed him
They killed him but they didn’t kill his ideas.
we can't go back
Nipples tend to darken during pregnancy.
Have sex.
insane body, but her face is kinda meh
Dumb alt-right nazi whore.
I've been watching porn for 12 years and have never seen nipples like that
Those girls are based.
Why is it always ugly old harpies in these videos.
Shiny skintight materials have the capability to highlight natural beauty of human form and yet it's always that shit. Am I the degenerate or is it porn creators that are wrong?
His greedy parents killed him.
I thought she was wearing a body suit, what the heck are those 2 vertical lines above her nipples? Scars?
I think those people are jaded, so they need to find new, extreme things. And at the same time a niche audience accepts them more easily.
But if you are young and beautiful, you can do literally any vanilla thing, and still profit from it, so there's no reason to get extra freaky.
My confession: I've never watched The Wire, Breaking Bad, Mad Men or GoT. I literally have no idea why people love those shows.
>Pierced navel
Begone, thot.
She reminds me way too much of my former co-worker.
Who was male.
I just... I just can't fap to her.
But I commend her dedication. Some of her videos show heavy duty post-production work.
>no interracial
She reminds me of my high school crush.
Makes me sad but I fap anyway.
I confess that I'm gay.
where are the videos
I...I watched Lady Bird and didn't keep my contempt through out the duration of the movie...
My confession is that i found the webm hotter before she lifted the costume
strings from the dress. get your eyes checked
That nipple coloring is perfect, what the hell are you faggots on about?
I'm 28, khv, no degree, never worked a day, living with parents.
I'm not particulary ugly or dumb, I'm just very lazy and sad.
I spent two years of my life pretending I was going to uni when in reality I was hiding in a gym toilet.
Every day for 5 hours I smelled shit and sweat, every fucking day, all of that to not tell my parents I droped out in the first month
Eventually I told them and it wasnt that hard, they understood I was totally depressed and paid for therapy
Then after some years I went back to uni but drop out too, this time after christmas
Its been three years since, needless to say all my family have lost hope
I'm starting to hate my gf because she has gotten extremely fat ever since we started dating but I can't break up with her because I'm afraid I'll never find anyone that cares for me
Film is a dead medium. It dies when it became a story focused medium, so from the beggining.
I confess that I feel guilty for a lot of things I don't want to share with you fags but I'll tell you one thing.
If you think the dating scene is fucked you don't know the term until you enter a fetish community.
In polite society, women are expected to be monogamous or at least discreet about their sexual encounters but in the fetish world they take pride in the amount of people they fuck or at least tease. The gender disparity is even greater and even the fattest, ugliest women (who think they have an edge because they like getting whipped) are showered with praise and attention. Thankfully I've lost pretty much all my kinks due to underwhelming encounters and I don't have to be part of that scene anymore. But if you encounter a woman with multiple tattoos, mouth or nose piercings or if she fancies herself a "sub" or "dom" or "little", stay far away. Attractive women never needed to gain kinks (or any personality) to get attention. Sane women explore kinks in a loving relationship. Stick to your dreams, make money and you will age better than women. You don't need one to be a success. I had one when I was a loser. You are a success just by going after your dream every day.
women are trash.
i hate everyone but the one i hate the most is myself
protip: chicks can't care about you. they did not evolve that functionality
Encourage her to diet/exercise/eat healthier. Be her support. Don't keep silent and seethe as she gets fatter. You'll just end up murdering her or cheat on her one day.
i shitpost making fun of things i like
i can't be stopped
>cheat on her one day
he will definitely do that given the chance, by his post i can see he is one of those people who wont jump the ship unless they have a safety boat secured
Before or after he turned full gay and swore of smoli?
>"sub" or "dom" or "little"
What the fuck is a "little" in this context
If she stop being fat, she will go and find a Chad.
I have been in your position (not attracted to gd but too afraid to leave) and it's a tough situation. I felt guilt for not loving her like she deserved but was afraid there was no-one else out there for me. Well it manifested in staying at work and jerking off because I couldn't stand being around her. I was mad, upset, fearful, jealous and a lot more. If it's clear she refuses to change then you need to consider leaving her before she wants marriage and kids. You might be like me and never find anyone else but escaping that pressure will improve your life. Listen to your gut.
Girls who want to pretend they're daughters who get fucked by daddy.
If the thought of statutory rape and incest didn't disgust me I might have more luck with thosr kids but thankfully I feel repulsed.
based and shariapilled
>>I spent two years of my life pretending I was going to uni when in reality I was hiding in a gym toilet.
>Every day for 5 hours I smelled shit and sweat, every fucking day, all of that to not tell my parents I droped out in the first month
What the fuck? Lol
The problem is that I've been encouraging her to eat well and exercise for almost 2 years now but everytime I mention it she just cries and puts the blame on me. She's also extremely lazy which fucking sucks.
Yeah that would fucking suck
I feel the same, I've tried to break up with her several times but she makes it real hard. I always come to a point where I'm 99% determined to end it but when the time comes I chicken out.
my initial plan was to hit the gym but there were some classmates mothers there who would've told my mom so I didnt go out from the male locker room toilets
Sometimes when my sister was going to uni with me we rode the subway together, then I went out in my station and got a subway back to my place to go to the gym
If I saw it in a movie I wouldnt believe it but that's what I did
I had a friend who dated a chick and he was her first boyfriend. She put out zero effort. Even cleaning around the house was too much. They broke up and she started trying as a person. He probably felt bad at the time but it ended up being a good thing for her. Can't say for sure if your gf would be the same but it's possible.
I know it's hard, love is literally a drug which is why kicking the habit is the toughest thing ever. But consider how happy you are with her vs. just being by yourself. You know you can't change her. And again like me you might be alone forever but surely you have bigger plans in life than watching her slowly inflate until she dies.
im jerking off right now
make her get even fatter