Want gf

>want gf
>realize I have to change myself
>think of all the times I saw fatter, uglier guys with gf's
>realize even if I get in shape and dress nice i'll still be weird
>realize i'll never be normal
>i'll always be unlikeable and changing my outward appearance won't fix that
Movies or TV shows with this feel?

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Me, except I don't jack off to cartoons. I just jack off to my own thoughts.

>thinking you need to be normal to get laid

if the girls look like that, i'd rather jack off to cartoons

I just need a well-paying job. I pretty much have everything else in order. Problem is I'm already old as shit.

Women will fuck literal pedophile rapist murderers as long as they look like gigachad

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Why not fix your shitty personality?

A polished turd is still a piece of shit

>not working out because you want to get /fit/
>not getting /fa/ because you want to look good
>not reading books because you want to be more educated and not be a fool
Improve yourself because you want it for yourself. If you do it for any other reason, you'll just be disappointed because the reason you did it for didn't live up to your expectations, and you'll only return into being a sad fuck.

Um, they're called ecchi MMD's

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The problem is you are a whiny faggot. I got my dream gf from just being kind and patient also being a genuinely honest person.

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>no source
I-Is that your gf?

no thanks

Many will also fuck you if you just act normal

she's ugly bro

grats on the FAS girl
bet her parents were glad to get her out of their house

Yes it is, she's beautiful, smart, loves video games and enjoys cooking. Been with her for 10 years.

She's pretty ugly bro, dump her

There's a saying out there that if you want a gf, look for an ugly gf. All good looking girls cheat and will treat you like trash, but ugly gfs will treat you like a king.

You have no confidence. How do you expect to score if you have none? Getting in shape and bettering yourself is what’s gonna give you that and change your life.
Stop crying, mopping and being a pathetic fucking loser


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>t. seething incels

>i'll always be unlikeable and changing my outward appearance won't fix that
Not true, people are so shallow that they will be convinced that the ugly person has an ugly personality and the attractive person has an attractive personality.
Even if you're weird.

Just be yourself bro.

On a serious note, work out, get a social sport hobby like bouldering, skating, ghetto workout and go on tinder. Dating became piss easy when you settle for normal girls and not the fantasy bimbos who are being put on a pedestal here.

It's not real. You're anxiety isn't real. No one hates you no one cares if you ask a woman out..

Just accept reality that even if you had a girlfriend after being ugly or fat her feelings and love for you aren't real, they are all superficially based on your appearance, your personality never changed.

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Guess whose pussy is infertile?


What do i have to cope about?

I could easily get a gf but I don't want one. Aside from the fact that all girls are social media addicts and always on their phone (thus making them even less useful in conversations than 10+ years ago), I legit don't want to go out on dates once a week. I don't want to go on vacations with them. I don't want to hang out with their friends.

>no friends or social experiences since school, no female attention ever and everythingless with women, never been to pub, club, or party
>have a job that only lets me save £250 per month if I'm frugal because my London rent is so high
>had thousands in the bank years ago but wasted it all on junk food
>ugly beta meek charismaless loser who is blackpilled and knows that Staceys and Chads get everything handed to them
>job currently gives me ok experience but low pay (if I get promoted in 2 years my pay will go way up)
>can't stop wasting money on £3 coffees and junk food, to avert the demoralised feeling for another day
>almost no savings

Now that summer is almost gone, the pointlessness of life is more palpable. I'm currently reading dating subreddits and contemplating my wasted teen years and 20s.

every woman of childbearing age as far as you're concerned, user

If you don't lose this mindset you are fucked in your 30s. As fun as this site is, it brainwashed you into a lazy faggot that gives up on everything. I'm 32, autistic, live at home with my mom and even i have a gf and a well paying job.


That doesn’t even make sense liberal

Women are unlikeable so you'll be in good company. Proof being there's no point being just friends with them.

Nice blog faggot. Your problem is you're a weak beta cuck who puts pussy on a pedestal. Women are like dollar bills on the road, when you see one you go for it without a single thought. Yeah sure they'll probably shut you down but you're surrounded by dollar bills. The 10/10 ones like a hundred dollar bill, somebody else gonna get that shit first most of the time. 5/10 are like pennies that go unnoticed most of the time and are ripe for the taking. You want a 100 dollar bill you have to put in the effort. Anybody can snag pennies, for the 100 dollars you need to steel your ego and prepare for rejection. Also 100 dollar bills end up getting spent the quickest, meaning the 10/10 are only good for a few pump amd dumps. Settle with a 7/10 that wont attract the attention of every guy up and down the street and wont have her ego inflated with massive self esteem on accpunt of the attention betas toss at her.

Or continue wallowing in misery until you stick a shotgun up your ass and blow yourself to the moon. Your choice.

Trans doesn't count, faggot. They are mentally handicapped.

that she's fucking ugly, borderline manish

>t. never interacted with a woman in his life

Being blackpilled in general makes you have no future. You just wallow in self-defeat without even trying because you just don't think you can and you don't see the point.
It doesn't matter if you browse Yea Forums everyday or reddit or whatever the fuck. If you do nothing and just let yourself be bitter and hopeless, then nothing will happen.


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This is bullshit.


rent free
She fucks like a quarterback, so i guess i'll take that as a compliment.

Jesus Christ imagine actually sticking your dick in thag thing lmao you were truly desparate werent you?

Dont be bothered by these incels user. Im glad you found someone to spend your life with.

That's not his girlfriend, you fucking retard.

I bet she grunts like a like a hog too. Disgusting.

Yes we get it
You're white.
You're male.
You're a virgin
You're "depressed" and think all the media sucks now and can't consume it anymore

We get it? Okay? Now kill yourself.

I remember saving that picture last year.
Haha 2019 is almost over and i'm still a virgin

You wish that was true don't you?

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>rent free
does he pay rent though?

Not enough for proof, post at least 2 more.

I think your gf has Downs or something, but hey good on you for making sure retards get laid too

I'd rather be an incel than have that inbred looking gollum anywhere near me. Imagine waking up in the morning to see that face lying beside you.

It's symbolic. Of all the fish in the sea, you chose that one.

She has autism, but so do I. Yep retards are fucking a lot more than you.

I will find her and show her this thread. Get fucked

>do NoFap
>do NoPorn
>stop drinking
>try harder at Uni
>still a friendless KHHV
>acne still hasn't left
>still shedding hair
>pounds aren't leaving
>random blacked vids on here still make me hard
I'm tired...

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I bet she's a horny girl.

>No other sizes of this image found.

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>dont want gf
>emotionally stable
>dont need to slave for validation
>dont care if liked
feels good


I would honestly be impressed if you could.

Hey man more power to you. I could never do it with a women that looks like that and Ive had sex a grand total of 2 times in my life.

I have my top guys looking into that aquarium, motherfucker.

>go outside
>humans are boring and unlikeable
>go back to my cave

They had Dolphins to.

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this shit again

Why would you put her life at risk, you selfish bastard?

If she fixed her teeth and lost a bit of fat, she'd look better, but she isn't bad as she is now.

Really good movie, but my cringe levels were at an all time high watching it. Watching some weird socially inept person trying to connect to other people and failling is very awkward.
That's how people who see me irl must feel about me.

>Get gf
>I quickly realise she is not only unattractive but a shitty person
>Have to have sex with this and put up with her nonsense for months
>Finally break up a couple weeks ago
>Immediately start dating another shitty woman

I just want a friend desu.

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>he doesn't have a diastema fetish
Check out this pleb.

guilty as charged

first time this buzzword makes sense

Al Bundy-feels.


If you want something to yikes about you should go to Yea Forums and see how hairy her ass it.

>go to Yea Forums
Jesus Fucking Christ no. That is legitimately the most boring board right next to /ic/

post it? haha

>my dream gf

it's on Yea Forums if you are really that interested.

Once you find someone you click with and that loves you unconditionally you will understand.

That’s rude. I’m an Latino American and I think my girlfriend is very pretty thank you very much.

>I’m an Latino American
checks out

You will find someone who is as retarded as you user. Dont worry about it

This is what happens when you stay single over 30. I thought things only got better for men but it turns out only in the sense that I get my pick of women who couldn't hold down a man.

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Can she cook though?

>user's dream gf looks like a troll
Poetry I guess