>Six million?
Six million?
i always like to fantasize about this a bit, how many ovens/gas would it take to make 6 million human sized cookies in around a year?
Probably 4000.
>Ah.Ah.Ah. Lets not blow the red cross numbers out of proportion
>How much do you want to say?
depending on the number of ovens they have, how long would a human size cookie until its fully cooked almost to a crisp?
>allies bomb supply runs
>woah why are so many people starving it's anudda shoah
I'm confused should the Germans have planted more food for their war prisoners or something?
And the cookies are being baked in different kitchens right?
>I want to hear statistics
Im from beunos aires and I say SIX MILLION MORE
A lie. It was all mutual. Zero, not six million, rapes occurred.
It's not about the truth... It's about sending a message.
Absolutely correct. It impossible to rape the consenting.
Six million. There's your statistics. Even asking a follow up is racist and hate speech. Am I joking? Can you even tell nowadays?
Because the six million, that's why? And before that, Saladin took Jerusalem from Baldwin. And before that, Titus leveled the Second Temple. And before that, Neo Babylonians leveled and sacked Solomon's Temple. Never mind the hundreds of expulsions from countries in relatively recent times. They deserve perennial respect and worship, and zero questioning. Why do you think the Anti Defamation League and Federal Reserve began simultaneously?
>....we're just blowing smoke?