Why am I supposed to dislike this character again?
Why am I supposed to dislike this character again?
maybe you arent. but ask yourself this, why are you supposed to like her?
You can't tickle its belly and have it be cute.
I like slightly chubby asians, I work with a lot of them and enjoy watching them as they walk down the hall. Her character was under-used and it seems like the director didn't know what to do with her.
le fat asian diversity double whammy
She's ugly
I like her.
Nothing is wrong with her character so much as they completely rushed her relationship with Finn. The entire pacing of TLJ is fucked up. All this shit happens over the course of like two weeks. Rose and Finn barely meet and suddenly they're in love. Should've waited until the next movie for that.
She was never gonna endear this movie to Chinese audiences.
One she's ugly, we Asians only like to see beautiful people on screen. And two, she is Viet, that's like casting Jimmy Smits as an all round American guy.
>Yea Forums in charge of deciding how love and relationships work.
>"That's how we are going to win. Not by killing what we hate, but by saving what we love."
>Ugly fat Asian
>stops fin from doing one good thing
>disgusting kiss sequence
>vomit inducing dialogue "Save what you love"
>her attractive sister dies 5 seconds into the film
>Basically jar jar binks 2.0
Also: she was waiting round by the escape pods to tase anyone who tried to escape. That's pretty fascist, especially considering at that point the "resistance" is a couple hundred people led by an idiot in a ball gown
Why do incels get so upset by "saving what you love"? It was a powerful line.
She can make Pho for me any day, baby.
Why do you assume that anyone who doesn't suck disneys dick is a so called Incel?
It was not a powerful line. Finn was perfectly ready to sacrifice himself for the "greater good" and this dumpy chink comes out of nowhere and stops him, because she wants the bbc. How did they get back into the hangar from across the battlefield?
The whole thing was written by a child.
Probably because it comes off as sappy, cliche, and retarded? Wars aren't won by saving what you love, they are, in fact, won by blowing shit up. Nobody has ever won a conflict by just stopping people from dying or protecting things. You have to kill people.
She stopped Finn from sacrificing himself in order to save the rebel base just because she developed a crush on him in the two days to a week that they met and hung out. Finn that entire movie and most of the previous movie had been this cowardly comic relief side kick and in what could have been a truly redeeming moment that would have lasting impact on the rest of the lead cast it was stolen away for the most shallow of reasons and contrived plot twists. Love conquers all. By us making out the New Order can never win.
She isn't a great character at all but it's not until the end when you're actually supposed to look at her with disgust and contempt.
Fun fact:
did you know that the marketing team of big corporations sometimes create and foment controversies, fiascos and "social problems" purposely so the brand stays more present in social media, making you think about the Brand more and more?
Disney knows very well about this, making even people that hate Disney do the marketing job for them. Ex: when Solo was announced and all that shit about Lando being pansexual, anons couldnt stop talking about it; the issue with Rose; the diverse casting etc etc etc
Disney knows how to use even /pol/tards
So the more you speak, the more you love or HATE, the jew always win
Poorly written?
Bad acting?
Forced hollywood romance trope?
Thats why i do
ugly fat gook and an annoying forced character
Just fucking look at her.
I found her pretty inoffensive but I had no idea why they thought she would be interesting enough to carry a whole subplot by herself with Finn.
Them promoting her to an officer is a genius move though. She won't be directly involved in anything that happens in 9 and sjws can't bitch about it because she got promoted and she's "too important" to be going on missions etc.
she supports oppression of Hong Kong people
Because while the line in itself is a bit sappy, it goes in absolute clear contradiction of what the hero (Finn) was about to do, which is saving the people he loved and cared about.
She comes as a fat party-pooper hypocrite by being like :
>You have to save people
>But my way.
>*Rapes Finn with a forced kiss*
So no. It would be the same hypocrisy to say to the hero who is about to kill the badguy : "If you kill him you're just like him", while ignoring the legions of goons that they absolutely slaughtered to get there in the first place. It's surreal.
She's cute and you're kidding yourself if you say you wouldn't.
And yet they though that having bad PR to some basement dweller was better than trying to get the Chinese market interested in their product, by casting the sister instead of the fat lard ?
spotted the gook
Dude, even the Nigg was disgusted, and he was supposed to act that he wasn't.
If a dog won't eat it, then it's inedible.
If a nig won't fuck it, then it's not fuckable.
for real Fin was about to die like a samurai if not for her
Yes, the thought they were being inclusive of the Mainland Chinese market by putting an Asian face in this movie. Except she's not Chinese. Somehow Disney thought slanty eyes would be enough to give Star Wars a sudden 1.2 billion extra fans. All they did was doom this franchise in China.
This scene ensured the movie was never going to be a hit in Asia. This stuff might wash in the west, but with us, it's offensive and makes fun of our heritage and family morals
>you can't say a meal tastes like shit unless you're a cook
Nothing is wrong with her character. The way the story surrounding her character happens was retarded, but you could have swapped any other character in her place and it would be just as stupid. She's at least cute.
She saved Finn by ramming his ship with hers. Most retarded concept I have ever seen in film.
Finn should have died right there.
>All this shit happens over the course of like two weeks.
What the fuck? Both TFA and TLJ happen in more or less 3 days.
She stopped finn's sacrifice and basically handed the entire rebellion over to kylo on a silver platter. All because she wanted to get on finn's lightsaber. She also killed them both when she intercepted finn, but the Plot made the order stop shooting at them and allow them to jog twenty miles back across open desert in a few minutes.
Dont forget crashing the casino and saving the horses while leaving the child slaves behind.
Solo was a box office turkey. Great strategy.
Even at her absolute best, angling her face so it doesn't show the weird shape, she's less that a 4 in looks
too old
Small boobs.
No tits, no thanks.
It's funny. I don't even remember any of this. I mean, I saw the movie. But the storyline was so null and none of it even stuck.
Fuck off Disney
Danny Devito is ugly but it's impossible to dislike him.
I would honestly hate her less if she didn't have the retarded curled whisps of hair on the side of her face. Makes me irrationally angry.
She has pretty big ones actually. Rian hid them tho.
Why would you like her is the appropriate question
God, the look on his face.
He sure is enjoying that. He seems extremely satisfied with this course of events.
because upset adults on Yea Forums say so, op. no-one understands star wars except us don't you know that?
because you didn't get to see her hot formalwear reveal so she will be eternally the 'before' lol
"you win by saving what you love" meanwhile in the background what she loves gets exploded by a giant fucking laser which she just prevented the destruction of.
Sad but true. Asians have high beauty standards. Doesnt mean we look like beauties but our leading lady celebrities have to be perfect.