“I’m not a nigger.”

ā€œIā€™m not a nigger.ā€

What did he mean by this?

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he wasn't a nigger


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it was a way of throwing her retarded logic back into her face about not being able to say FAGGOT
like a little while after that part he calls himself a nigger
its a joke, nigger

Why does this look like the sequel to the scene from hateful 8?

Thought it's a ID4 screencap

This. He was pointing out to her that she basically called him a nigger by saying he can say it on tv

But fags can say faggot, I was interpreting it as more of the "not all black people are niggers" thing
Which I think would be the smartest way to reclaim the word, keep it but only for the niggerest of niggers

yeah sorry i forgot to mention this she was calling him a nigger

In the story she didn't say "you're not a faggot" she said "you're not gay"
Which means
>gay people can say faggot
>black people can say nigger

The idea is retarded. He's allowed to say "nigger" because he's black. He's not allowed to say "faggot" because he isn't gay. It's not difficult to understand, but then again, Dave is black...

it was funnier when dave said it

>does a skit about native americans being alcoholics
>goes completely under the radar
>says this shit

>bix nood
>got me some jordans, yo, but cant pay rent
>I is oppressed
>lol a job? fuck yall
>mo gibsmedat
>yo lets riot so's we can steal some sheeit
thats a nigger

Nice dress nigger.

Only the group that's being "oppressed" by the word is allowed to say it. It's not retarded logic, the joke is retarded
Black people are the ones that bitch about people saying nigger

>What did he mean by this?

And here's me thinking only niggers were retarded I guess OPs are too

he's trans white

No body gives a fuck about native americans.


Well no shit, the redskins were too drunk to even know what happened

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>It's not retarded logic
It is retarded logic. Surely the word isn't harmful if some groups can say it just fine? The outcry over nigger is dumb and is what gives the word so much power in the first place.
>Black people are the ones that bitch about people saying nigger
When used insulting sure. Nigga is the friendly version and a lot of blacks don't care if you say that. Of course there are some who get triggered over nigga too.

>groups of people are not allowed to say certain words because they're not in the correct group
get a grip on reality you stupid nigger faggot.

>Black people are the ones that bitch about people saying nigger

Of course they do, if not whites will be saying that shit all over the place, not just the internet.

Stop saying nigger

Best line since Simpson said "I'm not black. I'm OJ."

I say whatever i want, whenever i want, and i think that David should be allowed to, too. I was making fun of him for being too stupid to understand why that woman thought it was alright for him to say the nigger word, but not the faggot word.

If Dave wasn't such a leftie, I might like him.
Also making jokes about white people is so 2015. Considering I cant make a joke about a black person without being called a racist.


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Nope, blacks constantly bitch about people saying nigger. His joke makes no sense, he just wants to be able to say faggot.
>d-dude faggots are sensitive
black snowflakes are hilarious

>Nope, blacks constantly bitch about people saying nigger
Just the loud ones on Twitter. The concept of an n-word pass is dumb but they won't care if a close nonblack friend uses nigga.
>His joke makes no sense, he just wants to be able to say faggot.
And what's wrong with that?

Original kino


>blacks constantly bitch about people saying nigger
That's right, and they'll keep doing it, with good reason.
>he just wants to be able to say faggot
Well, it's interesting that he can say nigger but not faggot. Like that South Park episode.


doesn't even matter that it's still a straight white guy voicing garrison

Nope, most blacks have whined about it for YEARS
It's not interesting at all lmao
Black people whined for years that "ITS OUR WORD" and now he's trying to pretend it's the libruhls?
If blacks can whine about words hurting fee fees, then so can faggots.
And BTW he got paid millions to say faggot in his special anyway lol

No, he got paid millions to tell his jokes. And it's very interesting that a straight white male can sing a song mentioning the word fag multiple times but ten years beforehand Dave Chappelle, making a show for the same network can't mention it once in his sketch.

He got paid millions to say faggot on stage, he's not oppressed by "le alphabet peeple" he's just a black guy finallt getting a taste of his own medicine
How does it feel to have people police your speech? Not too great, welcome to whitey's world

So he's getting a taste of his own medicine, and they are paying him millions of dollars to taste it?

Well shit, what a time to be alive.

you better be black and gay

He's still crying like a baby on stage about it!

You're trying to sound clever but you're too much of a brainlet to realize he's on your side.
Wow some blacks hate the word nigger, I guess this one black who doesn't care about the stigma should pay for it???
>Black people whined for years that "ITS OUR WORD" and now he's trying to pretend it's the libruhls?
Black liberals, yes. And they're only being supported by whiter liberals and jews. So yes it is the libruhls.
>If blacks can whine about words hurting fee fees, then so can faggots.
That's not the point autist. This outcry over mere words is clown world and he's only making fun of it.

>on my side
No he fucking isn't, you're too much of a brainlet to see he's just like everyone else
>wtf bros we can't make fun of faggots? This is oppressive!
The outcry over words started with blacks, I'm glad they're now starting to get shit for "no no words"

I need a chappelle version of this
possibly one with both chappelle clones and jones clones

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baretta did that shit

South Park can say faggot because they were praised for Big Gay Al and got nominated for GLAAD awards. The show's biggest supporter at comedy central was Brian Graden, a gay guy, future creator of LOGO.

what is that fucking shirt lmfao

Meh, almost every single time gays have come for blacks it hasn't worked. They probably thought stopping Kevin Hart hosting Oscars was a big thing then Ellen has her on talking about how perfect he is. He didn't lose a single movie, Jumanji 2 out soon. This is just another example of their failure. Ironically the last time I heard about faggot being this controversial was last year when Eminem called Tyler the creator a faggot. Like Dave said, they clicked on his face. But it wasn't even about gays really, just the network weirdness. Weirdness, because that same network lets a straight guy say shitty shitty fag fag.

>outcry started with blacks
And it'll probably continue. Plenty of blacks are still willing to die on that hill and most whites just seem to be like fuck it about it. Makes no sense really. Everyone knows everyone says these words anyway.

Dave Chappelle needs to just go away. He used to be funny. Now he's full of himself.

The point is that he's still complaining and that's enough for me.
Kendrick Lamar embarassed that one white girl for saying "nigga" not too long ago. Blacks want to police whitey's speech but can't handle faggots trying to do the same to them

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Ill Mind of Chapelle 7

And see here -They did not want to let South Park say fag, South Park just had the balls and power over Comedy Central to say
>fuck you, we support gays more than your entire network, we can say faggot

That shirt looks weird

Yeah well, he's gonna push. Otherwise he might as well just hang up and quit and we can all watch Nanette. And shit, like he said, you clicked on his face.

Yes, I can see that South Park had support from board members are CC to say fag. Good for them I guess.

>Kendrick Lamar embarassed that one white girl for saying "nigga" not too long ago
That was funny shit. But that was Kendrick's fault, he can't really complain about that. He asked her to sing the song. And from the shit around it had plenty of blacks also saying it was fine.

The point is they said the exact same shit they said to Chappelle to South Park but South Park stood up to them.
It's especially hilarious because it's playing the race card when whining about people playing the fag card.

Stood up to what? They have a network executive, one who got the show commissioned in the first place to approve it. When they tried to actually fight the network over Muhammad they lost, Comedy Central didn't let them do it. They were allowed to say fag because the network had no problem with them saying it. But Dave couldn't. And still, nobody actually gay on CC has ever said fag or faggot.

The weirder thing about faggot is that people want to use it and say it's got absolutely no reference to gays.




They stood up to the OTHER network executives. You realize there's more than one guy working there right? And that they was quite a bit of pushback, pretending they just let white boys do whatever they want is dishonest and shitty, when South Park is the only reason Chappelle had a network to air his show in the fucking first place.

And you missed the part that he was a faggot, he has the power to let straights use the word. Dave likely did not have many gay people involved with his show, South Park wasn't allowed to say Nigger until season 11 while Chappelle could say it every episode (and even then, it was only because of the strong anti-racist message) Same logic.
They couldn't do Muhammad because CC admitted they were afraid of Muslim retaliation, not hurting fee fees.

Again, playing the race card to whine about the fag card. Blacks can't handle being held to the rules they set for others.

Yes, it's easier to stand up to network execs when you have one of them on your side. They've even had entire episodes where the network has allowed to say fag by every character uncensored, like the one with the Harleys where they tried to claim the word fag has nothing to do with gay people.

Dave will keep saying faggot, like every other black, like whites will keep saying nigger. Race card, fag card, after all of it, someone still clicked on his face to watch his show. Hell a bunch of fags probably did too.




Race card to complain about fag card, again.
Dave knew execs too, retard, that's how he got the show. And I already said why South Park can say faggot, because a faggot said it was okay.
And that Harley episode aired YEARS after Chappelle ran away to Africa.
Maybe Dave should have fought more instead of whining like a bitch a decade later. South Park is a TV MA show, Chappelle had a TV 14 rated show. That's also why the rules are different.

And BTW South Park is the only reason Comedy Central became popular, so it's not just because they were white and Dave is black, they have more authority over other shows for that reason alone.

Sure user. Dave's whining, playing race cards, saying nigger faggot bitch insulting trannies doing chink face. But it still stands, you clicked on his face. I don't think I've even seen many gays complaining. In fact, I don't anyone cares. Nobody else is even in this thread. The people on twitter are more angry he defended Micheal Jackson, that's what's on TMZ. And yeah, the race card is always gonna get played. Always. No matter what. Every single time. Every single situation. No matter what that card will be played.

I'm just saying, play with fire get burned
Black people fought hard to get whitey to not use "their word" and suddenly now it's wrong to police speech.

>insulting trannies doing chink face


>I'm not a nigger
definetaly not your kids Dave.

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>you better hear what I said or ill unplug this whole computer

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He seems fucking miserable



The logic was retarded. By that logic Dave is saying theres no reason only blacks should be allowed to say it, so anybody can. Which he definitely does not believe

>suddenly now it's wrong to police speech
Well yeah. Much like how black people can't be racist.

No, by that logic he was saying that he can say nigger because that's all the network sees when they look at him. His opinions on the words he uses don't matter at all.


five, probably ten years too late with this shit
easy to abandon ship now that the humiliating consequences of your worldview being realized are now inescapable

go away nigger, the whites have new stand ups to watch now


He's saying all gay people are faggots, but not all black people are niggers. Really makes you think.

The kid on the left is more asian than nig.He prolly thanks the stars everyday.

Why do people obsess over this ugly goblinoid? He was never funny to begin with and is extremely irritating.

good way for le enlightened centrists to get info/talking points second/third hand while preserving their So Totally Above It All faux-aloofness
oliver, stewart, etc

That's the joke

Ever seen the Chris Rock stand up?