First things first, i am NOT a Disney shill. Im just a regular 4channel user

First things first, i am NOT a Disney shill. Im just a regular 4channel user.

Was The Last Jedi really that bad? Its set up The Rise of Skywalker perfectly, we get to see the return of Palpatine!

Hear me out. The middle chapter of a trilogy is supposed to leave questions unanswered, its creates mystery for when the next film is released in cinemas this Christmas.

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Other urls found in this thread:

>was the last Jedi really that bad?
Yes. They totally twisted the most important character- Luke.

>Was The Last Jedi really that bad?
Yes. If you can't see that, you're either a troll or literally too stupid to talk to.

please stop pretending anyone cares about star wars anymore

No ones complaining about unanswered questions other than Snoke, which btw is valid since now that he is dead it would make little sense to waste precious screen time in episode 9 on him. Most of the criticisms of tlj are about the stupidity presented in the film itself.

hyperspace ram literally invalidates the entire franchise. Not only is the entire bit about destroying the death star unnecessary, the death star itself is unnecessary.

Its like Rian Johnson and nuWars higher ups never actually watched star wars.

Luke hasn't been the most important character in 30 years

A very large ship split a slightly larger ship and did scattered damage to some others. That is not planet destroying. It might be in real physics but Star Wars doesn't follow real physics or everyone nearby during the hyperspace ram would have died.

>hyperspace ram literally invalidates the entire franchise. Not only is the entire bit about destroying the death star unnecessary, the death star itself is unnecessary.

Empire Strikes Back ends five minutes in when the probe droid hyperspace rams echo base.

Wouldn't work. Plus, Vader wanted to capture Luke, not kill him

Every battle, the whole conflict, everything became unnecessary with one scene. Why fight a galactic war when you can just put hyperdrive engines in some meteors to destroy planets everywhere?
The whole universe should be living under the MAD threat.


>Im just a regular 4channel user.
Yeah. us regular 4channel users, right? Hello my fellow 4channel users! How do you all do!

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by having him perform the most powerful force feat in the whole saga and cementing him as the legend in which future generations (in the films lore) will inspire themselves? yeah right... watch the movie again brainlet.

kek...I don’t think you understand how hyperspace works, dude

What stopped the rebel from putting hyperdrive engines in a small ship full of wookienukes and hyperspace ram into the death star?

>Was The Last Jedi really that bad?
It's ok. Everything outside of Kylo Ren, Snoke, Rey and Luke is pretty mediocre and boring

I don't even know. I only watched it once and it took like a week to slog through the whole thing. By the time I finally reached the end I forgot most of what happened.

So why didnt he kill Kylo then? Because he could have just crushed him with his amaaazing force powers. Also even if you were correct, that doesnt change the illogical writing of Lukes character in the first two acts

>What stopped the rebel from putting hyperdrive engines in a small ship full of wookienukes and hyperspace ram into the death star?

Competent writing.

The Death Star is far denser than Snoke's ship. You'd need much larger than Holdo's ship to do any significant damage. But that takes paying attention to the movie

>competent writing means you wouldn't go for a logical and tactical maneuver against an empire lead by a magic man with an ass for a face.

>its set up The Rise of Skywalker perfectly
did it really? the story is in the same position as it is in TFA

Because he saw the good in him and knew he was going to to get redeemed just like Vader.
Wait for the fucking trilogy to finish before letting the most obvious story beats fly over your head, brainlet.

>tfw you have the big pp

It was unironically the worst movie I've ever seen in my life.

The plot was stupid in every conceivable way, and every second kylo wasn't in the scene I straight up considered walking out of the movie

Because Luke is not a murderer. He wasn't as a young Jedi in training and he's not going to kill someone even if he can. He could have struck down Vader, he could have struck down Kylo. He did neither thing. Instead he used the Force for knowledge and defense. He embodies the philosophy of the Jedi

You don't need to understand.
>There is ‘no truth’ in the Star Wars universe, according to Story Group
>Everything can be changed if they so wish
>One of the advantages to having complete control over the continuity and canon of the Star Wars universe is being able to add or retract a universal fact to fit inline with a new story.

>He embodies the philosophy of the Jedi

Cuck thyself is the only law.

>4channel user

>You'd need much larger than Holdo's ship to do any significant damage.
Like a giant meteor going at light speed or something?

any object moving at the speed of light has infinite mass/energy. Any atom it collides with will also have infinite mass/energy.

I love hearing the retort of "No one tried it yet!"
Hyperspace has been in the Star Wars Canon for over 4000 years... I guess Holdo really was just lesbian

>breaks the universe with hyperspace ramming
>completely useless fin subplot
>ruins fin and Luke characters
>super leia cringe
>terrible fight choreography
>bombs drop in space

There is literally a conflict called "The Great Hyperspace War" and this tactic STILL never happened.

Listen man. That's real life physics. If that rule applied, Holdo's maneuver wouldn't have just damaged the ship. It would have blown up Crait, killed all the Resistance, and the whole fleet. The FO wouldn't have been able to land troops on Crait because they'd be incinerated and so would Crait.

The badass force feat was fan service after they took what should have been grand Master Jedi Luke and turned him into a nuWars incapable buffoon. You dumb fucking brainlet.

>First things first, i am NOT a Disney shill. Im just a regular 4channel user.
Things a (((disney))) shill would say

Yes, and? It not only breaks the universe it doesn't even work in it's own context. They wanted the whole "speed of light = infinite mass/energy" thing for their big climax, but didn't even think to the point of "oh right that would destroy literally everything."

or maybe they did think that and that was the plan all along. kill the entire franchise with one scene.

Only needs to catastrophically damage the core retard. Also there is literally no reason to infer the death star is denser than Snokes ship. The Death Star might actually have been less dense because it had more living quarters.

>That's real life physics.
Unfortunately the physics they decided to mess with was motion,mass,energy. All things people are VERY familiar with.

If we took a grain of sand (0.00001kg) and accelerated it to near light speed that grain of sand would deliver 3,900,000,000,000,000 Joules of energy onto whatever got in its way. To put that in perspective, that would be like putting the earth's Sun in something for about a second. If we accelerated a piece of tissue paper, it would be like throwing a solar system at something.

>blatantly repeating the OT is good because reasons
If Luke was going to die anyway why didnt he do it in person? Luke is a coward.

The Ninka was 316 meters long, 242 meters wide, and 88 meters deep. The Supremacy was 13,239 meters long, 60,542 meters wide, and 3975 meters deep. It took the full mass of the Rinka to penetrate the 13,239 meter length of the Supremacy. It didn't do enough damage to actually cripple the military personnel onboard. It didn't even destroy their life support.

The first Death Star has a diameter of 160 kilometers. 160,000 meters. You'd need something with a diameter of 4000 meters to do comparable damage to the Death Star and that wouldn't be enough to put the weapon out of commission.

The 2nd Death Star was 900 kilometers (900,000 meters) and you'd need something 22,500 meters in diameter to do what Holdo did. Which would absolutely not win you the fight.

Its a ridiculous plan

Reminder that Luke was literally written as a cold blooded murderer in TLJ when he thought about killing Kylo
>embodies the philosophy of the jedi
>t-the jedi were failures
>run away from your problems
inb4 "he changed his mind"
Never indicated that he change about the jedi being failures only about letting the jedi and sith die out

Luke explicitly tells kylo to fuck off and he isnt going to save him. Whether or not the bullshit your pulled out of the episode nine trailer is correct doesnt mean that your theory was represented by the actual dialogue in the film

Its a fantasy world. The real physics sound cool, but they don't apply in Star Wars. It can't be "universe breaking" if its playing by its own rules

The Jedi were failures. Ultimately Luke didn't believe in the Jedi. And if Luke was a cold blooded murderer, Kylo would be dead. .

>what should have been grand Master Jedi Luke

you're a "mark", just like Hamill by the way, but he's worse cos he's a mark for his own character. keep seething about your fantasy character not being what you expected him to be faggot.

>if its playing by its own rules
That's the whole point. It's not playing by its own rules. Because now every character before The Last jedi is a complete fucking moron. Building deathstars is now retarded because you can do the same thing with a few missiles or less. Destroying deathstars with fighters is now retarded because you can destroy it with a few missiles or less. Everyone is now retarded due to shitty writing.

The rules of star wars right up until that scene, was "light speed" was just slang. Because otherwise why bother building any military space vessel other than light speed ramming missiles? The deathstar is completely unnecessary because literally any object of any size could destroy a planet, if accelerated to light speed.

Even if you say admiral gender studies was using new technology or did something no one thought of before, it is now the end-all solution to every problem.

Fuck off JJ. I'm not paying to see your stupid shit.

I made a mistake. It wouldn't be like "throwing a solar system" at something. That would be way too small. It's more like throwing a star cluster at something.

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You literally couldn't destroy a 160 kilometer Death Star with a 10 meter missle. Not given the specs of the ships for Holdo's maneuver

You could VERY literally destroy it with some spare change and a few screws you find in the parking lot. as evidenced here

Its a very impractical solution that doesn't work the way internet autists think. TLJ doesn't support it being a magical end all solution

>admiral gender studies was using new technology or did something no one thought of before
another fun/subtle part to this is hux also clearly knows what holdo is about to do and tries to something to stop it before it happens.

so yes, this means someone in the GREAT EVIL EMP- excuse me, FIRST ORDER knew about hyperspace ramming before it had actually happened, and never used it once.

Not in the Star Wars universe you can't. Read that post again and think about how large Holdo's ship was. Think about how much energy it should have generated

being able to destroy just about anything with a object the size of a grain of sand is an end-all solution, my indian chum

friend, size doesn't matter. Because the collision of an object moving at light speed will send atoms flying off in every direction at/near the speed of light.

>Its set up The Rise of Skywalker perfectly, we get to see the return of Palpatine!
Nothing, and I mean it, literally nothing in Last Jedi indicates or foreshadows Palpatine's return.

It's clearly shown in many millennium falcon scenes that there is a long acceleration period to get to lightspeed+. The ships in TLJ were extremely close together so it is natural that it only delivered a small fraction of the energy possible.

>No one's ever really gone

he was actually talking about death not being the end of someone

What about multiple ships? The whole rebel fleet

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>its creates mystery for when the next film is released in cinemas this Christmas.

kys kathleen


>its ok to plot the murder of your kin because muh darkside in complete contradiction to your characterization over three complete films as long as you dont actually end up carrying out the act


reminder all threads about disney properties are nothing but indian clickfarm shills going back and forth with eachother in desperate hopes to make it look like people give a shit

>pointing out inconsistent writing is just fanboy power fantasies

If that is true in Star Wars it would have obliterated everything. It doesn't.


Note how the star light looks during jumps. If there's a minimum distance, Holdo hits it.

Whoa there, Ahmed

>Because Luke is not a murderer.

Attached: dont-you-know-im-loco--luke-skywalker.png (1365x583, 972K)

Nobody is murdered in this scene. Keep trying though


Anyone who says they're not a shill... is a shill

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it obliterated the franchise, though.

If you can't suspend your disbelief about an evil force that actively encourages you to murder people (like how Anakin went from "don't kill him, he deserves a trial" to "murder all children") then why watch fantasy movies at all?

>Plus, Vader wanted to capture Luke, not kill him
Vader didn't know Luke was his son or even on Hoth.

so the dark side of the force can do literally anything at any time to anyone.

you're not helping the franchise.

user is mad that its not effective but also thinks it breaks the universe?

Luke murders a bunch of people. He refused to strike down Vader because the man was family. He also stubbornly refused to believe that Anakin was completely gone. He had no problem mowing down Imperial troops or killing Hutt’s goons. At the end of the day Luke was still a rebel soldier.

>Note how the star light looks during jumps. If there's a minimum distance, Holdo hits it.
This is BEYOND ridiculous. The stars look the way they do because the ships are traveling past them (stars in front are now stars in periphery). When stars are spread out to the point that they all look perpendicular to you, that means they're millions of light years away. To go from perpendicular to periphery perspective means they moved 6,000,000,000,000 X 1,000,000 miles. in a matter of seconds. The ships in TLJ were well within viewing distance. less than 1000 miles from eachother.

Everyone here is missing his main point.
>The middle chapter of a trilogy is supposed to leave questions unanswered, its creates mystery

Except TLJ didn't leave questions unanswered.. They answered them.. It created no mystery, it literally THREW OUT the mystery..

The Last Jedi wrapped up the entire trilogy while being the 2nd movie and that's incredible to me.. Nothing else could come from Star Wars and it would mean nothing narratively..

There's nothing left to do.. Kylo went full Sith Lord he now leads the First Order.. Rey is now a full blown Jedi.. Leia is leading them, all the main players are together on the Falcon.. Luke died to save their lives.. Everyone is going their separate ways and a young boy shows hope that Jedi still exist around the galaxy.

To the point where I have NO IDEA what Rise of Skywalker could be about while remaining interesting and fresh.

Why do you think Jedi spent years meditating and learning to control their emotions? Being angry or afraid is dangerous because it opens you up to the Dark Side. You see this happening to Anakin, literally. If you don't keep your emotions in check, it feeds on your emotions and makes you an addict on its power. You fucking casual

yeah but palpatine's back bro.

Whatever you say pal.

lol pouty disney shill.

Self defense isn't murder.

What "long acceleration period?"

haha, btfo

someone posted video here. it's the falcon one. during their accelleration they move past the stars that are all perpendicular to them and the stars seem to all be on same plane. this means the falcon (one of the fastest ships in the universe) had to accellerate for over 6trillionX1million miles before it hit max speed.

The dark side isnt an intelligent entity that waits to seize unsuspecting jedi retard. Why is it that Luke lost control of his emotions here and not in front of Palpatine?

God you suck at this.

you know you can't argue people into caring about star wars again, right?

The writing of TLJ was so bad Colin T. ending up quitting after working on a screenplay for 2 years. The best thing to do when it comes to Episode 9 is to just ignore TLJ, really this movie is going to be a sequel to TFA. The description points out to this, with the story jumping ahead 5 years we can go straight into an adventure story that has no real connection to TLJ. Yes Snoke is dead and yes Luke is dead as well, but that's all that's going to get pulled from that pleb flick.

this desu

Can you name a single thing about TLJ that you hated that isn't

>Canto Bight
>Jake Skywalker
>Leia Poppins
>Hyperdrive Kamikaze
>MaRey Sue
>Snoke's Death
>Political Agenda
>Rian Johnson
>everyone getting the force
>bad acting
>bad choreography
>the master coder
>plot inconsistencies
>Non existence of consequences of actions
>dropped plot points like the Knight of Ren
>Finn getting resetted
>the ship designs
>gravity physics in space
>the insignificance of the plot
>bad special effects
>characters having abilities they shouldn't have like Finn being able to fly or Rey being able to swim
>Hux being turned into joke
>Poe being made useless
>Phasma inconsistencies
>the plans of the Resistance
>the incompetence of the First Order
>Maz Katana
>The alien designs
>the green alien milk
>the tonal shifts
>the pacing
>the editing
>the retcons and continuity errors
>Chewbacca being a non-character
>going nowhere with Kylo Ren
>the forced morals
>the disrespect for OT characters in general

No? Thought so.

Attached: tlj_is_not_good.webm (900x378, 2.89M)

>The best thing to do when it comes to Episode 9 is to just ignore TLJ

Attached: actually_good_argument.gif (312x176, 882K)

The actual best thing to do is not to give a single dollar to Star Wars 9. There will be enough on the internet the following week to see the movie in it's entirety.

>this desu
>Can you name a single thing about TLJ that you hated that isn't
Hah got you! i have a fetish for fat, disgusting, stupid, annoying, asian men.
>>Canto Bight
I'm a gambling addict and design casino floors for a living. This scene gave me some ideas!
>>Jake Skywalker
Personally I feel this is a much more accurate dipiction of luke, you remember he used to kill small animals with his T-16! budding serial killer much?
Finally a strong female protagonist that puts chauvinistic, unrealistic, pig men to shame (shame on you poe dameron)!
>>Leia Poppins
Latent force powers. The force is female so she doesnt need any training or anything.
>>Hyperdrive Kamikaze
why didnt anyone think of this before! Holdo is so SMART!
>>MaRey Sue
force is female, so she's especially strong.
I dont know what this word means
>>Snoke's Death
ughh. when do my disney checks come in?
I wonder if I'll be able to shake hands with Kathleen kennedy again. I love her so much, and she smells nice

Wrong. The best thing to do when it comes to Episode 9 is to just ignore Episode 9.

Storylines started off in TLJ such as Canto Bight or big money weapon dealers won't be resolved in Episode 9. The slave kids won't show back up, and Benecio Del Toro won't be showing up either. JJ Abrams already said fuck it, when writing out the screenplay, so it's going to feel more like a sequel to TFA, such as the Knights of Ren getting reintroduced into the story.

StarWars is just so fucked at this point, all the goodwill has been spent and a SOLO movie can't even break even. Gareth Edwards hasn't done jack shit since 2016 and Tony Gilroy laughed when asked if he would ever go back and make another Star Wars film

How about how the entire subplot with canto blight invalidates holdo's entire plan? if they can hyperspace in and out without being detected, why not just do that?

TLJ represented the expenditure of all the good will, solo was showing the good will was gone.

But no one cared more than that purple haired carpet muncher! I'm ashamed to say I've seen it, I wish I hadn't. Dear God, make them stop. And faggot shill moron OP is excited about Palpatine? His return makes the six films and their climax just an exercise in futility

He saved so many people and forgave his own father but will Kylo Ren at a single assumption?

Use the last of YOUR brain you brainlet

also read the canon SW pre Disney

They made Luke....'suck'?

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Putting this in the movie was a total troll job and people are dumb fucking morons to keep Rian on the payroll.

STFU Rian cunt!

Hello there!

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