Why could she not have been the new Tomb Raider? Instead we got an uninspired flat board. WTF Hollywood.
Why could she not have been the new Tomb Raider? Instead we got an uninspired flat board. WTF Hollywood
Laura Cruz is supposed to be athletic, not fat.
They were doing a reboot with a young Lara like from the new games. She's far too old now.
You've obviously never been to the gym
>OP's pic
Post pic
Yeah, that's fat. Are you blind?
Pic of what?
>Lara Cruz
I just looked it up, apparently it was the beta name in development. Are they using it to cast a
spic perhaps?
Or a girl with an actual Brit accent* for once.
* admittedly Gemma's accent is Norf and not Sloane Ranger.
She's happy doing wholesome movies on Hallmark Channel. I would not want to see her become yet another Hollywood set of boobs and ass.
Pic of you. Post it, since you must look amazing to think that is fat.
I’d like to be her womb raider
Who is this semen demon
Thats some 0 IQ logic. He could be just as fat as her and still think shes fat
Why do you want to see a picture of me? How is my own physique relevant to whether or not I'm capable of judging if someone else is fat, or thin, or atheltic, or hypermuscly, etc.? Get outta here, dumbo.
Weird way to spell cheap and embarrassing.
New tomb raider should be a somalian transgender. they/them
She's still getting paid to do easy and chaste work, what is wrong with that?
>what's wrong with hitting a career dead end and making scale in embarrassing movies obese women leave on for their cats to have some noises while no human is home????
this aint it, chief.
>Tubby titboys confirmed
She's a womanlet.
Did the Tomb Raider movie with that cutting board of a woman ever get made or was it meme'd into non existence?
Because she has a dumpy ass middle aged mom body, that's why, brainlet.
But can she ride a horse?
I think it got released and bombed hard as fuck. I never saw it and don't know anyone that did.
Well for one, this pic is from like 12 years ago.
women with hips like those are the best