Memorable VHS covers

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Imagine if they spitroasted me

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this one used to bedevil me. still haven't seen it. i'm gonna assume alice cooper is only in it for like 5 minutes

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Yes dude. Seeing these posters as a kid at the video store was always an attention grabber.

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My brother-in-law's Fortnite buddy says he's working on a Barbarians sequel... So that's the most reliable inside scoop I've had.

Which is why I would rent and watch the shlockiest shit when I saw 10. Renting 'April Fools day' and all the Puppet Master movies. Staying up for Joe Bob to see what classic was on.

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this title was very confusing as the movie was ostensibly about giant insects who were not in any way blue

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Always loved the fright night cover

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Mars Attacks

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>Tfw never entered a video store 'special room'
How was It like inside Bros?

Just imagine the smell.

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There it is.

Brehs... who remember this one?
It always freaked me out when I was a kid, I remember making my little brother cry showing him the cover
It was a lenticular cover, you move it and it shows something else

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Is the movie actually good?

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it's a self aware spoof that's better than it has any right to be

I mean, not bad. I only did once. It was a Family Video. I selected my videos. Not very carefully because I was extremely uncomfortable and in a hurry. I was alone and the room wasn’t very big. I come out and grab my preselected copy of Resident Evil 2 on game cube because it was 2004 and, you know, it would be weird to rent just porno. I head towards the front with my eye on the checkout with the dude.
>customer checking out
>slow my pace
>acting like I’m browsing
>customer leaves
Little faggot goes on break.... Girl not a day over 17 greets me at other counter. I’m 26ar the time. Feeling extremely pervy. It was such an out of body experience because I think part of me actually died from embarrassment. Shit was not cash. Not at all.

Only thing I know about it is that Sparks did a song for it.

It's probably a good thing my parents never let me rent this, no movie could be as kino as the movie this poster made me imagine.

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Too bad it sucked

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Pretty sure I got my first lil kid boner over this box art.

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Why do they have a picture of the scene where the Martians are watching people have sex on the box?

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She was cute

Should have ditched the porn and tried to pick up the girl

This movie fucked me up as a kid. Clint Howard's face fucked me up.

I think that will be pretty gay no homo haha

Do you know merch is still being made and sold with this image on it?

I have students with backpacks with this image on it.

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Is anyone even digitizing and preserving these old vhs movies, apart from whatever you can find on the pirate bay?

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there's a shit ton on youtube scanned from video tapes

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avoided this for years because it looked too spoopy, then my friend and i rented it one day and were pissing ourselves laughing within 15 minutes

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>rando 26 year old guy renting porno and a video game
>17 year old girl
We’ve gone from talking ABOUT renting pornos to shit that only happens IN them.

Even Jurassic Park was kind of disappointing to me in the theatre after my imagination ran wild during the many months of anticipation.

Love this cover.

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What looked at all scary about this to you? Was it the skull?

I saw Jurassic park in the theatre too. Jesus that sucked. It was so packed. I learned at that age I was not a “let’s go to the movies” person. I just wait and watch that shit at home.

Sleepaway Camp 2 is a better movie overall than the first one.

Zombie was my first Italian horror movie and it fucked my shit up forever.

I would see this in the horror aisle occasionally (it was a popular rental). The description on the back of the box made it seem like one of the most disgusting tapes ever. Finally got to rent it, and it delivered.

Patrician taste.

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I liked it so much that I bought it before watching the movie.

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any good? thinking about watching it.

This is what I remember.

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but yes your correct.

wasn't the worst thing i've seen

You can always spot a Vallejo cover. Technically very good, but his poses are often stiff.

Are you kidding? The skull looks like it somewhat surprised at you.

Is it the eyes protruding out of the sockets staring at you with goofy but deadly intent?

Reminiscent of Peter North's fag films in the 80s.

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I've seen CHUD passed around as a throwback insult by coastal smartypants, which makes me chuckle since the CHUDs were in New York.

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That was the poster, but it was also the VHS cover. I can't see too well, sorry.

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Seen all of these except for
used to rent porn from my local video places (Purple Potamus Video, then Video Connection) very regularly. Would copy everything too. Don't have any of those copies anymore.

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Is that a sword handle on an M-16?

>I have students with backpacks with this image on it.
>has students
>on Yea Forums
pedos get the rope first

Fuck, I remember seeing the UK VHS cover at a flea market. The title, the minimalistic cover art and the huge 18 rating logo made my imagination run wild on all sorts of horrific things.

Then about 10 years ago or so I made the mistake of watching it and discovering it's actually a huge piece of shit.

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CHUD 2 was fucking clown shoes though. The first one was actual horror. I used to lay in bed at night thinking of what I would do if I was the cop in the diner at at the end of the first movie. I remember thinking I would hide under the diner counter and crawl behind it somehow

t. 31 year old boomer

I just liked the cover. I thought it was neat.

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chud 2 was at least entertaining. chud 1 is boring garbage

this is the one that always spooked me as a kid

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Is Street Trash the most misanthropic movie ever?

Any particular channels to look for?

No, he's the star. And it's a crappy movie.

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