ITT: Actresses that you want to see in more movies

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Why are white boys so hot nowadays?

is that a girl?

lol no this /tv

>nyxi leon
absolutely based

I remember you from the Yea Forums thread. I was the user that suggested a death in venice

Have to admit I fell for the trap.

>the Yea Forums thread
cross link pls

he is so cute

What happened to him?

More importantly what is happening to the gentleman in the OP?

I have a thing for weird looking girls. Man Lennox luxe is so fucking hot.

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just landed a sick deagle headshot in CS

>Nyxi Leon

Absolutely patrician taste, I'm proud of you Yea Forums

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I’ve only seen 2 scenes. Why isn’t Lexi cast more?

Looks like Sophie Turner

I hate that I fucking recognize that video.
but at least she is not as ugly as the eunuch neanderthal of natalie mars.

>that ugly fatso greasy guy pounding her ass
I don't get it

Does it matter when they look like that?

nah that's Skylar Snow

Stop watching porn

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The “drunk one” is kino

that maid one is fuckin hot

Fucking cumbrain

I'm glad I'm not the only one who watches this shit.

Nofap isn't the magic bullet to turn your life around. It's a cult built on pseudoscience. But don't let me change your mind, believe what you will.