Has anyone seen it on 35mm?

has anyone seen it on 35mm?

Attached: Once-Upon-A-Time-In-Hollywood-Rick-Dalton-Jacket__72958_zoom.jpg (720x900, 89K)

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seems like a really unreasonable screen size to try and watch a movie on

I'm sure someone has. At least one person must've

Saw it on 70mm, looks great

How do I make a whiskey sour?

Attached: 1566796528294.jpg (1366x578, 202K)

It wasn't shot on 70, idiot

With egg whites

why, i'm an autist who wouldn't km The Fucking difference...feels nada man :(

wakka wakka

*Feels bad

How do you know my penis length?

I thought i was The only one tbhm

Yeah it was great in 35mm

I saw it in 70mm and it was great.

So this is what it feels like when doves cry.

Whatever that's what it was shown on. Must have been this:

I have 35mm right here for you OP

I saw it at the Cinerama Dome, which is in the movie.

Attached: CineramaDomeArcLight1.jpg (653x367, 44K)

if it's not 60fps why bother

Yeah my local theater does 35mm and 70mm presentations all the time, it's comfy af.

I hardly even know what that means. The exchange in the restaurant between DiCaprio and Pachino made me uncomfortable.

1 shot whiskey + 1 oz. ammonia + 1 oz bleach + egg whites

That’s really cool. Was it packed?

nice touch

I saw it at Alamo drafthouse on 35