
Anyone watching Yellowstone's season finally tonight?
Will Beth show us her milkies again?
Will Tate die?
What do you think will happen Yea Forums?

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I liked a lot of the Taylor Sheridan films, and was looking forward, but I couldn't get through one episode of this. Felt so soapy.

Does it get better?

Am I the only one that hates this bitch? Her pathetic reason for being such a cunt, her inexplicable hate boner for Jamie, her little princess attitude she puts on when she isn't projecting her insecurities onto everyone else. And there is no way they are killing Tate. They might kill Jamie in some half-assed attempt to "redeem" him.

she's better than kayce's wife

Don`t let this thread die, i can only watch it tomorrow, i need a faggot to spoil it for me

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Damn, boys. Ending with the “Weary Kind” got me in the feels

will I like this show if I'm a Californian?

I’m in Chicago and like the show. Only time I’ve ever interacted with engines is at their casino resorts.

there's a rich guy from california that gets btfo every episode it's funny

dan gets killed as do the casino brothers. thats about it