This is deep

this is deep....

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Other urls found in this thread:

based society making beta incels go crazy

>we live in a timeline where incels have more balls than normies


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Your mom's puss is deep lol

Thank you.

>bullied by Robert de Niro
>yes, that Robert de Niro. with that family of his.

>shooting unarmed civilians
Pick one

Attached: brother.jpg (798x894, 117K)

Shooting unarmed civilians in the balls.

>implying unarmed civilians aren't guilty

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Do you find your mom attractive?


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How strange it is to be anything at all...

lol ur post number says boob

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Reminder that the gamers rise up meme is a feminist psyop meme


I'm a gamer and I wanna rise up in a feminist's psyop(vagina) if you know what I mean

Xoomer here


the left can't meme

I hate his makeup

I hate the story

I hate that every other character is a nigger

I hate the implication that joker would be an octogenarian by the time Batman hits the scene

Who has that image of the tweet “They laugh at me because I’m different...”


Attached: jokers.jpg (980x653, 139K)

this post isn't funny, i'm taking your tattoo rights away.

Nah, just your dick is too short.


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Makes sense though. Jews destroyed American society after WWII.

No shit.
Case in point I don't even have to click it to see it is usual miles long leftshit waffle.

>if you know what I mean
Yes, it means that you have terrible hygiene standards.

>I hate the implication that joker would be an octogenarian by the time Batman hits the scene

If you know the comics, then you should jnow that Joker is not standard mortal and that DC adressed his weird versions and timelines.

Which comics? I haven't read capes for a while.

this really does say something about the zeitgeist though unironically

it's gone through your head before but you're too much of a pussy to be the man you want to be

To be fair 1940s didn’t have school shootings, mass immigration, Me Too culture etc. Suburban American, God fearing life was correct and atheists and Nazis were a tangible evil. If you were on the right side, what did you have to worry about?

>it's da "leftshits"
kek, thank you /pol/ for this never ending comedy

so is he still going to be a psychopath?

not so strange to be the boob guy
I wish I was the boob guy
you get boobs
I get nothing
I am

There wasnthis one where they explained that Joker is some sort of Perpetual, an avatar of chaos, that keeps respawning in different versions depending on the 'society'.

They're armed with hands, a voice and a ballot. Most dangerous weapons in the world.

What gun you guys bringing to the theater? Me, a wasr10

Why would anyone want to watch a movie where nothing but dark and bad shit happens? Thats just depressing. This is Why no one likes DC because it's just too dreary and brooding all the time. Seriously Fucking lighten up a little ffs.

>Nazis were a tangible evil
if that society has now been turned upside-down, what does that make the nazis?


Why do you faggots keep posting this

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Stay indoors normies, October 4th will be our night. Give me your gamers, your NEETs, your incels, the wretched refuse of society and RISE UP

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It doesn't matter anymore. There are now kids that unironically believe gamers are oppressed. They don't understand how irony poisoning works and shot themselves in the foot.

Can I take my gf to see this or is that too dangerous

Still not as dark and bad as our real world. Modern society makes Joker look like a walk through the park with the Carebears.

Joker trailer at the top of the front page on Reddit. The fire rises

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it's time fellow gamers

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Wait at least one week to be safe.

based incels sitting in their mom's basement whining about society. balls of fucking steel right here

Ask Yea Forums they are always posting it basically it was recent and explained the Joker is some demon entity that's been around since the Indians days etc.

Is it just me or is it getting crazier out there?

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I know a dude with two joker tattoos. He's a literal boomer tryhard.
He voted for Hillary.

>unironically believe gamers are oppressed
Easy to see why. It was a social suicide to mention videogames in any social settings growing up.

It's just reddit, mate. Maybe there's some overlap there, but fucked if I know.

crazy? heh..
one day you'll learn kid...we've always been the sane ones...that's wha ts crazy...the world...

That's exactly why I watch DC movies, thought Logan was the best capeshit to date, and think everything from MCU that is not Infinity War is garbage.

I like myself some depressing shit.

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why would any man take care of his sick mother if she wasn't having sex with him? so I'm just supposed to fund her riding the cock carousel?

>logan best capeshit to date

thank you for making it easy to disregard you shitty opinion

I miss the 90's before effeminate marvel soys started finding "edgy" things too dark and provocative and we could enjoy edgy things for the sake of dumb fun without some faggot claiming Spiderman represents hope or some retarded childish bullshit. I want a new ultra violent grimdark Spawn movie.

how many shootings is this movie going to generate? id bet at least 10

are you retarded or just a shill? the 90's was the start of feminism and cuckoldry taking over comic books by storm. what you call 'grim and edgy" is really just jewish brainwashing to make you think whites should be killed violently.

Can someone post screenshots like the one that says we are all clowns

That was in the 2000's you retarded faggot. You're a zoomer leftist that needs to fucking hang.

>mfw this trailer is #1 trending on youtube
>mfw star wars couldn't do it on a fucking dead monday
Wtf disneybros we shilled this society meme for years now!!!

>enjoys watching black men kill white people violnetly
>calls me a leftist
typical shill, can't argue with logic.

Art is supposed to make you feel the feels not just one.

Spawn was the bad guy. He's a nigger that's why he went to hell. Malbolgia's army was always Al's enemies.

>quick, if I say nigger he might forget I'm a cuck
not happening shill

Reminder that this flick is actually leftist propaganda

I'm too scared to watch this in the theatre. Not sure Dragon Skin can protect me.

The Joker is going to be an aggressively mediocre film and will therefore be judged even more harshly on account of all the let down and disappointment and the fact that it didnt live up anywhere close to its expectations. Screen cap this.

He's literally the only character a nigger deserves to be, a literal hellspawn. So it's okay.

Just dont shoot up a Walmart, ok?

one ticket to joker (2019) please.

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Yeah you should try leaving once in a while

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And it started in Facebook groups. But t.b.h the OP image made me chuckle. But the meme in general is usually pretty shit.

This Joker is going to be complete shit, I already know. The whole point of The Joker is to be this strange mysterious force of nature that wrecks havoc in its path, if I wanted to see a white boy sperge out because he was too autistic to be a functioning member of society Id just turn on the fucking news.

I demand someone photoshop the damaged tattoo onto new yonkers face.

>would do myself
>i suck cock at editing shit

Nice projection

I don't know about feminists, but it's a literal reddit/ResetEra meme. Just proves how many of those retards have invaded Yea Forums and the rest of Yea Forums these last years

>if I wanted to see a white boy sperge out because he was too autistic to be a functioning member of society Id just turn on the fucking news.

Upvoted. Really says a lot about society

based incel

Audible kek


You dont know what you're talking about faggot, Phoenix is gonna knock this role straight out the park and this Joker will probably be the best version of all time.

Unbased and cringepilled.

based normalfag pleb

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Based transparent as fuck disneyshill
