What am I in for?

what am I in for?

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I have not clue because the kiwi shooter was clear on his message but idk about this furry

dunno but whatever opinion a furry has is the wrong opinion by default.

>video about school shooting
>animated avatar



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Furries are kinda hot desu

>school shooting

user I...

>conservahick carries out mass shooting
>other conservahicks come in to defend him

No wonder Trump's plummeting in the polls.

This. Based. Redpilled.

this is absolute garbage. thanks


dude it's okay to hate muslims some of them did bad things...
wait a minute. NOOOOOOO, don't hate white conservatives ahhhhhhh all those shootings were isolated incidents.

This unironically

>arms not crossed

seethe more

I'm halfway in. these guys are all incredibly homosexual autistic subhumans, so Yea Forums.

got a link?

Then how would he hold his helmet?

furry tranny

He's right you know

Have you guys seen Ready Player One?

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