Will gays ever recover from this roasting?

Will gays ever recover from this roasting?

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just finished it
based black man

Can you give me the low down

Dave Chapelle don't take no shit an calls out SJW culture

bashes trannies heads in with his massive black cock, while at the same time making trumptards seethe.

this one?


The discord trannies on Yea Forums lost their shit over this special

How dare he say hes not a nigger though. I've watched the boondocks, he a nigga.

He's as much a nigger as a gay person is a faggot.

Recover? Why? The whole point of being gay is to get sick.

Gays haven't been burned this bad since Germany Circa 1940

he didn't rly roast gays tho also the epilogue was good, he clearly has a lot of respect for the alphabet people as humans if they're mutually respectful, dave is great

I like Dave Chappelle. He's one of the greatest comedians of all time. But seriously though, fuck his new special. And no, I don't think he should be "cancelled." I think he should stop attacking disenfranchised people that are in less fortunate circumstances than himself just because he thinks they're different. He knows better. But hey, controversy sells, so fuck me, right? People like me, the "triggered SJW baby safezone snowflakes" blah blahs or whatever they're calling "people who try not to act like dicks," we're the butt of the joke, right? So laugh at me all you want.

But forget words for a second and let's talk numbers.

When it comes to discrimination, transgendered people have it the absolute worst, especially black transgender people (numbers provided by UCLA and the Williams Institute):

Family chose not to speak/spend time with them: 57%

Harassed or bullied at school (any level): 50-54%

Experienced discrimination or harassment at work: 50-59%

Doctor or health care provider refused to treat them: 60%

Suffered physical or sexual violence: — At work: 64-65% — At school (any level): 63-78%

Disrespected or harassed by law enforcement officers: 57-61%

Suffered physical or sexual violence: By law enforcement officers: 60-70%

Experienced homelessness: 69%

Suicide attempts among trans men (46%) and trans women (42%) were slightly higher than the full sample (41%)

These numbers are not an accident. They are a direct result of our culture of intolerance towards the trans community.

I have seen, first hand, how this prejudice leads to trans children killing themselves. A trans girl in my high school killed herself a week before her 17th birthday, and you're lying if you don't think jokes about her being trans aren't what pushed her over the edge. This shit isn't funny. It isn't a joke. It isn't a game.

Trans lives matter.

Chappelle released a mediocre special with some lukewarm jokes about gays and trannies. Now he's literally hitler according to WaPo and other faggot magazines.

Literally no one will read this

Dave has a new special. He makes fun of Asians, Whites, Blacks and Gay people and mentions that Gay people are the ones who take the most offense.

Guess who is coming up with articles attacking his act.


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you have to be more subtle my man

Oof, now this is cringe.

>Gay people are the ones who take the most offense.
he literally did not say this!! lmfao

His bit about how you can't mock the alphabet people is literally that

For this insult his little filipino son is cursed to be trans and to love white men.

he was basically making it about trannies making lgb people look bad

this shit doesn't warrant this much analysation tho it's super gay

We need to bump those numbers up. I want to see 100s across the board

So he's taking the piss everyone off approach. Kind of disingenuous if he himself admits to believing in nothing.

They’re all the same freak show.

Nice pasta. All fags, queers, and trannies will burn in hell.

Anyone feel like this special was pretty shit? Dave's great, and I'm glad someone is standing up to the bullshit, but his takes are stale. Some bits felt like 90s jokes.
>Lmao gays and lesbians don't get along
>lmao chinee in a black body
>lmao jussie lied about the hate crime
Just goes to show that you can't take a break from comedy when twitter exists. The field is constantly shifting.
Also the "walk away from the audience after making an offensive joke" tic got old quick.

His chinese impression was the best bit

stand up is just dated as a medium and he's turned into a boomer, it cant be helped, it's as funny as it could be, he's on the outside looking in now

When did Chris Rock get big? It seems like Dave's really cribbing from him here.

this. even the funniest tranny or wnba joke still comes off as stale

Do your beliefs need to line up with your comedy routine?
Does it really matter what her believes?

Sounds like a pretty dangerous lifestyle, why does it get promoted?

>the loudest boos were when he makes the 36 year old pussy joke
Roasties are so salty.

Stand up is the epitome of comedy user. You ever think it’s your comedic sense that’s dulled and not comedy as a whole? Blame the internet. Instant gratification and reassurance of your beliefs makes it difficult to adjust to other mediums.

That was so gold, you could see such a different reaction in the crowd between the men and women.

His job is to make you laugh. Too many people with too much free time get to analyze every little bit and judge everything so they feel superior. Either laugh or stop watching. Don’t know why Cunts sit there and be mad the whole time but watch the whole thing.

idk i enjoyed it but it felt like cumtown-lite and you're right we've been conditioned towards comedy via text/images, the funniest people are on Yea Forums

man, shut the fuck up

This is NOT ok.

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a few bassy boos defending their queens

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They still haven't recovered from this roasting.

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yes but did you watch the 22 minute epilogue/q&a

Pretty funny

I have a buddy at work who won't listen to him anymore because of his views on trannies. Also he "cancelled" Gervais for the same thing. I really, really wanna point out to him that he isn't into comedy, he's just into morally acceptable bullying.

Based BBC

Then go tell him you pansy.

>When did Chris Rock get big?
he was arguably the biggest comedian in the world from '96 to '04

Tis true m’lord. I’ll host a Yea Forums comedy special next month, bring your funny Maymays!

You forgot mental illness percentages.

dumb because he doesn't have bad views on trannies, he's completely respectful and kind hearted lmao

Stopped reading at "disenfranchised".
No one cares about your garbage ideology here.

my nigga

Yeah, this baby *slaps post* is (You) factory my man

Yeah I just looked it up I didn't know Bring the Pain came out all the way back in 1996, I thought it was like 2004 for some reason (probably because that was around the time I actually saw it)


die mad tranny. no joke. I wish you all the bad luck.

Americans have reached the completely retarded position where a joke must necessarily also be a political stance on the matter of the joke.
This a function of progressivism.

why? wishing you the BEST luck

>the backlash came and went and it only made things worse
we're so fucked

we got a solid decade of edgy comedy after the nutty 90's but I just don't see the light at the end of the tunnel from here

it's just what the elites want, use idpol to keep the working class divided, so we will never be united against them.

i love the part where dave is asked what he'll do if trump gets reelected and he says probably get a nice tax break, people need to pay attention.

I guarantee you 90% of men booing were doing it so their wife/girlfriend wouldn't annoy them about it when they get home.


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BEGGING you to have sex

you offering?

i wish this was copy pasta but some retard pasta crotch actually took the time to type this

Chapelle argues why he should be allowed to say faggot even though he's not gay, but also that white people should not be allowed to say nigga/nigger because they aren't black.

Haha this, why doesn't this just end everything argument?

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DoesChapelle not hate Trump? I mean, I dont care if he does or doesnt support him, but hate?

It's hilarious how so many people dont like this pozzed PC shit like him.


I'd say we need a new holocaust for people like this (not trannies per se but redditspacing thought-police who want to hector you with laughable self-reported stats) but there's not that many people like this.

He definitely doesnt hate him. I dont think black people as a whole "hate" him, though they dont support him. Blacks can be pretty redpilled. Republicans should be smart and aim for them in the coming decades.

The more LGBT and other dumb shit is embraced, it makes them feel on the outside.

t. live in philly

I didn’t. How is it?

I didn’t really feel like he roasted gays mostly trannies

Instead of b8ing, tell us which subreddit you stole it from so I can make fun of you for going there.

you're thinking too much through a racial lens. dave chappelle is a multi-millionaire, he was asked what if trump wins a second term and he said he prob would get a tax break, it's a hint towards his class, dave has no reason to hate trump really even if he isn't pro-trump. i don't think he cares one bit about the 'alphabet people' he just likes comedy. he respected the tranny that liked his bits and thought they were funny. this is another instance of people being too caught up in identity politics on both ends which is always poisonous.

I know in another special he said shit about how the media is too harsh on Trump. He brought up the Taiwan situation and laughed about how Trump didn't know Taiwan's status
Then he was like "But I bet none of you knew that either, so the same shit would've happened to you"

I just searched Chapelle on Reddit the day after the special came out, found the thread with the most comments, sorted by controversial and found this (You) maker. I typically get around 10-15 (You)s per post. /pol/ threads had better returns, which is to be expected.


That's how all you pieces of shit sound like. I cannot wait for the political pendalum to swing back hard. I am going to laugh so hard when Trump loses re-election

Fucking kek. Time to watch this shit.

was the colin quinn special any good?

>"Get a huge tax cut"
You think the guy who asked that is okay? will he ever recover?

>I cannot wait for the political pendalum to swing back hard.
It already swang in 2018. But it'll actually get worse if Trump loses, which he will. Probably to Biden.

who else thought this special was pretty mediocre? i mean he was really aiming for low hanging fruit the whole time. he could have come up with content that related to modern issues but he just beats a dead horse going on and on about things people already know.

my suggestion is that you watch a real comedian instead of a contrived imitation

>I'm not gonna repeat what Kevin said
>.....because this is Atlanta.


You seem upset

Nigga, there aint no bathroom for you for four more states.

He wasn't lying though.
L - I'm fine with
G - Ew, but okay, except for when they start crying about everything
B - lol who cares these fucking memers
T - kill it with fire
Q - kek, he got them good. Gay guys like "Hold on, maybe he's one of us" fucking kek.

Watch the other special. He basically says, millions of whites put Trump into power, and Trump literally just says what they have been saying for years. So what sense does it make for anyone to hate Trump, but not pay any attention to any of the other millions still saying it.

Atlanta is the nigger faggot capital of the world. A lot of black gays there.

So many men who wish they could get by as women are furious, and trying to come off as nonchalant itt

Do gays really hate trannies?

Know your own country

Atlanta is widely noted as the gay capital of the South due to its progressive reputation, highly visible LGBT community, vibrant LGBT nightlife, and being a popular destination amongst LGBT people.[9][10][11][12]In 2010, The Advocate named Atlanta the "gayest city in America."[13]In 2019, Realtor.com ranked Atlanta the second best city in the nation for gays to live.[14]


Is this what you do now pol? Copypasta bullshit from tumblr bring it on tv and troll fucks a lil more to the right?

Cause that shit will probably work tv is fucking dumb.

so Dave just made fun of everyone like he normally does but people still got mad? sounds like business as usual to me
some do. they say they make the community look crazy to everyone else

He wasn't saying that gays hate trannies, he was saying that trannies start shit with everyone.They are all very much obnoxious drama queens



>Um, like, educate yourself on us sweetie????
kys now

They just got the severest form of solipsism imaginable.

Sweet bait. Here’s your (you).

This is an innovation to enjoy comedy again. Dave is pretty much clearing the air and saying its up to us the audience to want to enjoy comedy again or not. Kinda like morpheous in the matrix. blue pill normies will attack the special and red pill people will laugh their asses off.

>hurrr why does my shit taste like shit
>you shouldn't eat shit

this. really surprised Yea Forums is giving him this much credit. i really like dave but he's a sensitive little bitch. he's not bashing gays and trannies because he's epic based black man owning the libs, he's doing it because he's pissed that other people are robbing him of his oppression points.

That shit always drives me up the wall. Motherfuckers who don't know a goddamn thing about geopolitics eagerly slapping their palms together like retarded seals if someone else gets caught in a gotcha they would be deer in the headlights for themselves.

As much as I like the principle of his diatribe about the public being jacobin pitchfork mobs, the delivery was absolutely awful. If it wasn't Chapelle then it would be the sort of imitation a middle schooler would do. He's actually good at imitations despite saying he didn't like them. But the way some retarded faggot in the audience pavlovian responded with "DRUMMPFF" made it such a perfect act.

>Do the most stupid 'middle schooler pretending to be a retard' expression of someone being vindictive and promising to ruin you if you did anything wrong.
>It's clearly trump.

this trannies have been around for a long while it's just the new drama queens that don't even come out of gay ranks that starting shit with everyone

based and redpilled and must be jizzing himself right now from all the >yous

>So he's taking the piss everyone off approach. Kind of disingenuous
You're not familiar with his work, are you?

Ah yes, Chappelle stealing jokes again


So edgy, whew

Why would /pol/ post that? You know how filled Yea Forums is with reddit refugees who genuinely think exactly like this? It's a fucking lot. Those types of posts aren't even falseflags anymore

Nice try, reddit. The only ones seething are your kind. Trumpfags would find this whole thing hilarious, especially with all the articles crying about this special

serious question: did you even watch it, or are you just going on media hype and hearsay?

here, have a (YOU).

What I find funny is that among all else, the stuff he is really getting heat for is thinking the Micheal Jackson accusers were making shit up and cracking jokes about how if MJ was a pedo, why the fuck wouldn't he go for Culkin

implying he pays attention to a literally who

That was gold. What topped it off was that you can spot Anderson Cooper laughing in the crowd following that joke.

wonder how much he laughed at the whole "the G's are the ones driving the car" bit

>“No such thing as good 36-year-old pussy.”

>“No such thing as good 36-year-old pussy.”

>“No such thing as good 36-year-old pussy.”

>“No such thing as good 36-year-old pussy.”

>“No such thing as good 36-year-old pussy.”

Really hits the nail on the head, Satan. The MSM has been acting as if all these talking-points and policies are all from Trump's head and then he just voodoos them into his supporters or something.

was that an attack on Comedienne Prime?


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This was the first Chappelle standup I actually liked. I liked his show, but I never cared for his standup for some reason.

Is he wahabi or shia

has anyone complained about the "My money, my choice" bit yet, that should be a good one for that shit

Truth be told, they can't help it. It's part of their identity that they are so fed up with their situation that cutting their dicks off seems like a logical option to them. The vast majority of them are on their last nerve all the time,, so they don't care about being bitches and stepping on toes

go dilate somewhere else

mental illness among trannies is 100% because it is a mental illness duh.

>that 30 year old boomer that still thinks stand up is relevant

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Such a pleb. His 'for what its worth' is leagues above this shit.

you need to reassess what you see as the political spectrum because reality doesn't like up with your mental model. ideology and reality isn't as cut and dry as you want it to be. I'm probably more "progressive" than you by a longshot but I find this shit hilarious and you faggots need to shut the fuck up and have a sense of humor. if you're "normal" like you so desperately want to be, fucking act like it and take it in stride not like a tranny faggot.

Seethe more

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Decent. Not his best, but second rate Chappelle is better than virtually anybody else's grade A material. He continues to take chances and say the most outrageous shit that he can and still manage to wring humor out of it. I'd love to see more from him in the line of The Bird Revelation, though. His Formalist stuff is excellent, but I think he's gotten to the point where off-the-cuff sessions are even better.

dave is pretty based, it's rare to see someone capable of calling out fucking everyone while still making some very valid points regarding your own bullshit

Honestly, I think he wanted to offend as many roasties as possible with a single punchline, and figured that's the average age of his fanbase. It's a classic trick of shock comedians, to insult the audience, and force them to laugh at themselves or fuckoff.

Seriously, though. Everyone is so hung up on the trannie schtick, but the abortion bit was the most biting social commentary of the special. "If you have the right to kill the baby, then I have the right to abandon it".

Dave was right, the jokes write themselves.

>Will gays ever recover from this roasting?

we don't need to "recover." Chapelle is cancelled.

There's middle ground there. I hate trannies and also don't like Trump. I don't think he's as horrible as the left makes him out to be, but I don't like him.

>you have to subscribe to everything one political party believes in otherwise you believe in nothing
As an American this is why we're fucked

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These numbers are the result of a crumbling society resisting against the degeneracy plaguing the west. Transgenders should never exist.

oh no, whatever will he do

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why would I be seething?
he barely mentioned Trump at all, and I wouldn't give a fuck about his opinion on politics regardless

Honestly, this whole bit perfectly encapsulates my opinion on that whole debate. I generally don't fucking care one way or the other. But it's blatantly hypocritical and sexist to say that a woman can decide whether they want to kill a dude's kid, or financially ruin him, and he has no say in the matter.

it's 22 more minutes of Chapelle.
Best part is when he recalls talking to a transwoman who loved his set
>They say you "normalize" R. Kelly when you tell jokes about him
>I wonder why they never say you normalize transgendereds when you tell jokes about us
fucking bombshell

>Trans lives matter.
kill yourself you waste of oxygen

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What about this particular special made trannies so upset they feel the need to spam 4channel.org to try and turn people against Chappelle?

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Cumbrain who only thinks about sex.

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he pointed out how people only started caring about trannies once white people started doing it.

which has a few implications. The obvious, but also how basically all non-white trannies are that way because of numerous sexual assaults where they had the choice to either get fucked or to fight, lose, and still get fucked. So they made themselves pretty so they could get protected in exchange for getting fucked slightly less. An idea that completely sets fire to the entire concept of transgenderism.

he fell for the yellow fever meme


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Faggot. Go back to the closet and hang yourself.

needle dick needle dick pepe is a needle dick!

what a time to be alive

Haha epic libtard roasting based and redpilled nigger he's one of us. The truth doesn't care about your feelings lmfao send more money to Israel goys

get off Yea Forums mom-

Dave: I like gays. I'm friends with lots of them

Wow what a roasting.

The shotgun bit was actually hilarious
definitely a hit or miss special though

tips fedora

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He probably doesn't have TDS but I don't think he likes him

did he even mention Trump once? You trannies are so fucking obsessed.

Imagine the chad gays like Wilde or Rimbaud had a chance to read the absolute state of to-days faggots

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Whats this man?


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No, the retarded crowd did at the very start which was just... man as someone who's not from the US, that was just eye-opening on their current mentalities lmao
>"hurr durr hehe who am I?"
Fuck me I thought it was just on the internet guys

>white people bad! niggers good!
>muh dick
>btw trannies are weird

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>he almost has $1.50
surprised he knew about the bird shot

found the /leftypol/ faggot

Does this guy own a mirror? He is a nigger though

Nation of Islam

>the funniest people are on Yea Forums
Wrong, /ck/ is the beating heart of comedy.

this pasta is tldr user you might wanna clean it up a bit

it had the word FAGGOT in it

it clearly worked very well, retard convention itt

seems like he's only talking to himself.

>does a dumb hick impersonation
>audience screams “that’s trump!”

>being so retarded you think he roasted the gays

I don't think comedy is for you pal

This special was better than his last two

you're just mentally ill
you're not trans

Israel has no right to exist

Sounds like they have bigger problems to worry about than a comedy special

powerful post, and the (You)s are truly heart-breaking


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Did you watch the special? He obviously doesn’t hate anyone. There are funny things about being trans, gay etc. The irrationality and oversensitivity of the trans community is not doing anything to help trans people gain acceptance. It’s also slowing progress for the rest of the lgbtq community. If you actually watched it you’d understand that’s all he’s saying.

No, it was fucking amazing. It was brave and timely.

I don't think the spread of misinformation, zero legal misinformation, and openly accepted hatred towards the trans community is not doing anything to help trans people gain acceptance
but you are right the real problem is white people on Yea Forums getting mad at tweets

tl;dr trannies are compulsive liars and tend to be delusional. A real shocker!

He believes in Islam.

The punchline to that was pretty good too.

he said he made out with a tranny and their pussy felt like pussy. so much hate.


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That was the best joke

Why is LGBT so hypersensitive?

“White guy in booty shorts” really got me. That’s exactly what it is. Every “queer” dude I’ve seen is a bald/balding white dude wearing make up, a crop top/mesh tank top, and booty shorts.

>the wishful thoughts of a mentally ill tranny

The economy will collapse as we become Brazil 2.0 and all order breaks down. The feds won't be able to handle the chaos and local police will be stretched thin to the point of not caring. Then you will have mob bosses form to run protection rackets. It will be the rebirth of brutal masculinity and it will lead to race war flare-ups, revenge killings, general mob rule.

These people will not be able to survive in this climate. Trannies will be killed for walking down the street looking the way they do. Weak men will die in droves, robbed, screeching as their nigger pets turn on them and scalp them.

Hahahaha fucking surreal

Because it's obviously copy pasta bs from tumblr you can tell. Again it's like someone being homophobic and racist yet actually watching the a gay minority show, nah. No one that types like that and genuinely believes that shit goes on Yea Forums. It's just some pol fag larping like a sjw to move whatever tv center that hate pc sjw bs but hate conservetards too just that bit to the right. Specifically bringing up the election as a way for apathetic voters to post about how they're gonna vote now.

It's pretty obvious bait. It's just funny cause tv is dumb and it will work lol.

Eh, the left has gone so far off the scale that Poe's Law is in overdrive. It's entirely likely that person is serious as it's legitimately something many people post on other sites.

>all the faggots falling for this b8

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You can google it and find the source from reddit. Along with it being spammed on pol a lot. It's obvious copypasta yall just retarded and love bait. The point is only one dude genuinely wrote this, even on reddit few agreed with him, and now it's getting reposted all over Yea Forums to make it seem like there's way more libfags that think this than really do. And it works cause you got the pattern recognition skills of a baby. Yall are just as retarded as libfags that believe obvious bait like that french fags bs. You all brainlets that gave the bait a (you).

Where do you think you are jesus

Or maybe they kill themselves because they're mentally ill, regardless of how inclusive or not society is. Just a thought.

>Yea Forums: based Chappelle roasting trannies

He will not only be re-elected but he will win a 3rd term. The people will demand it by that point.

trannies kille themselves regardless of surgery or society. theres still dickless transwomen in san fran who top themselves.

it's not society's fault, it's because they have a mental illness.

I mean as annoying as sjw pc police is I'm gonna have to vote Dem cause I can't vote for a literal retard. It's gonna be "do you hate sjw bs more than all this fucked up bs trumps been failing at?" kinda decision.

If the suicide rate is really this high then it wont be long before all trannies are gone

Imagine voting based solely on what makes the other party's supporters mad in general.

I'm gay and thought his car analogy was hilarious and extremely apt.

Basically the same kind of jokes gay men make in each others' company. What's the problem?

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Conservatives have been doing that since Nixon
Thanks Atwater

He kinda looks like Pepe a little

That was literally the last election and in fact most fucking elections.

But I'm just gonna vote not Trump cause he's failing at his job.

>That was literally the last election and in fact most fucking elections.
I don't know where you got that I didn't know this.
The people who vote based on party rivalry are idiots.
Vote based on policy you agree on, not because people you don't like are voting on something.

Chappelle dabs hard on the trannies.

He also shits on white people, but he is forgiven, because of how hard he dabbed on the trannies.

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People repost shit all the time that they agree with. Go to pol or /r/politics and there's massive amounts of copy paste of statistics and arguments that they actually believe.
You think copy pasta is only done ironically but that's not true at all.

Remember to always dab on trannies, so they shall kill themselves faster!

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So you missed the part about the transexual fan who was happy about the jokes because it shows acceptance to be joked about like everyone else.

Ok so ill go back to your a fragile mentally ill person who isnt worthy of jokes being written about and therefore are separate from the rest of us.

Ok. I'm not voting to piss off trumpfags. He's just an objective failure at the job and basically anyone else would be better.

My post wasn't really directed at you personally, and I agree that he's a massive failure as a president.

Pol is just copypasta and memes and trolls trolling trolls each thinking they're the most clever. They're also all retarded. I don't get your point that something done on tv can't be retarded cause retarded pol does it all the time.

based pasta retard

>An idea that completely sets fire to the entire concept of transgenderism.
Because it's pure conjecture? The main cause for transition is gender disphoria, which for MtF is caused mainly by autogynephilia and homosexuality.

Why would anyone ever want to appeal to this audience. What is to be gained from being as safe and broadly acceptable as possible

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KYS, faggot

my man knows where its at with his asian waifu 36 is 20 in asian years.

Chappelle understands the basic truth that to treat people equally, everyone is open season for jokes. Critics and gays get butt hurt as if they protected or above getting their feelings hurt or be laughed at/about.
tldr: Over sensitive pussies need to grow thicker skin.

You have to lurk 2 years since you're an obvious newfag. That or fuck off back to whatever shit hole you migrated from.

I've been here too goddamn long to fall for copypasta anymore but I'm the newfag

He was way harder on transcum than gays. As a gay man, I'm not even bothered, we've been the target of black comedians forever, so it's expected a black comedian will come at us, same as rappers do. The transickos, on the other hand, are fucking freaking out and it's glorious. Bandwagoner, agenda-hopping trash deserve the roasting.

Dumb frogposter

You've been found out newcuck. Back where you came from.

>what user posted
user didn't even understand how their post was wrong.
You fuckwits are beyond redemption. What more to expect of Yea Forums, the normalfag shit hole of subhumans that it is.