Do African-Americans not realize that this is making fun of every single aspect of their culture?

Do African-Americans not realize that this is making fun of every single aspect of their culture?

Attached: boondocks1.png (700x350, 79K)

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they also call conservative blacks "uncle ruckus" thinking its an insult


Criticizing humor is ok, as long as you're a part of the in-group. They realize, and they like it, because it's a joke and they get it.

Why did Uncle Ruckus hang out with black people even though he was racist?

Because he was a fat weirdo and he'd rather hang out with niggers than be a loner.

wow a white guy thinks he gets boondocks better than actual black people

kek. only on Yea Forums. wew. this is why I keep coming here. You guys are too funny.

How did they get away with making this show?

meanwhile at /po/

Attached: 6PUcUyf8et0dFTRPSXF2EGJU51A.jpg (720x979, 88K)

it's not difficult to 'get'. the show is in face your face about everything it portrays and criticizes.

how come they called huey a domestic terrorist out of nowhere in season 3? non of his antics reached outside of his neighborhood and he didnt even do anything big regardless

Tell me about it bro. White boys are the most pathetic species of humankind. Do they not know that the rest of the country including their own women are fed up with the shit they say?

aaron mcgruder got all kinds of shit for it

White cuck detected. Pathetic.

Trump rules papercraft and origami?

the fighting sequences in season 3 were legot the best ive seen animated and theres along list to compare it to. Not even anime itself captured the captivating scenes this show was able to produce

IIRC, he actually was horribly abused by his black father, both mentally and physically. Afraid of being an outcast, or not liked by his black brethren, he was immensely defensive and offensive as a coping mechanism related to trauma.

Cus the creator is a black left winger

most the weebs on this board don't get that because they've never been involved with any in group aside from r/the_donald and the middle school mlp fan club they got kicked out of for masturbating

>criticizing bad aspects of culture
Aaron McGruder has an original black panther mindset like Nas
If all black artists were like him, niggerism would be dead

You're projecting again.

Of course they do. I assume its something akin to people from a certain country being okay when people from their shit-talk the country but as soon as a foreigner says something bad they get up in arms about it.

Says the white cuck himself lmao

>making fun of every single aspect of their culture?

that is there culture. its all they got.

Sounds like you have to go back

What's wrong with criticism? Is anyone above mockery? Blacks see the humor in having their own situation parodied and laugh at themselves. It's very mature and belies more sophistication than REEEEEEing at anything that disagrees with them or points at a possible flaw in their culture.

>implying he's projecting when it speaks volumes about the average manbaby cuck who posts here
lmao you're so fucking mad it hurts. Stay seething white weebcel.

The lightskinned ones do. That's why he caught so much flack from the darkies.

I wouldn't say it makes fun of every aspect of their culture.

He has the best origami ostriches. People are saying it more and more.

*hand gestures*

The boondocks is making fun of niggers, not black people.
Have you not watched the new chappell special?

Based. Lightskins are just wannabe white people. Fuck those cornball ass niggers.

B-but at least we have Kendrick, the based black Israelite!

Stop using words you don't know the meaning of, whitechud.

You misunderstand. I'm saying the darkies were wrong.

You're either a Lightskin, a white cuck, or both. You're all the fucking same cucked species. Blacks are tired of both of you faggots trying to explain shit to us.

Hey, I got a joke.

What did the socialist say when he was asked how we can fight capitalism?

Nothing. He just put on a dress and started snorting coke.

The Trumpchuds can't meme.

I like the Boondocks. There is no honor in acting like a fucking subintellectual. Riley is the perfect shining example of everything wrong with blacks in America and around the world, for that matter.

here's a better joke

Attached: 1566471407857.jpg (682x736, 88K)

It's true though. Trump is just as retarded as you morons are. You're going to fight global capitalism by fucking trannies and becoming Slaaneshi acolytes? How does that work?

And white people don't understand that we want to be left the FUCK alone and stop watching shit like the Boondocks. Aside from the potrayal of Uncle Ruckus being the rightful coonchud he is, everything else is wildly inaccurate and clearly the work of white overbearing.

I prefer "bad food restaurants".

>comparing an Alzheimer's patient to highly educated people fighting the system through message and method alike
LMAO get a load of this chudcel

You can't make me stop watching the Boondocks. Only lowered production values have the power to do that.

And learn to speak a human fucking language for fuck's sake. I've never understood why blacks around the world always have to create a subhuman version of the local language.

Just curious, do you happen to know if Slaneeshi acolytes are meeting anywhere near the Carolinas? I'm a loyal son of the Emperor asking for a friend.

Just know that all other black people hate your lightskinned coon ass. I hope you realize that you fucking half nigger.

Attached: X3heI.jpg (480x360, 10K)

He said "Coonchud", it's a larping white from r eddit.

Imagine trying to prove who's more black than others on fucking Yea Forums.

>Smoking pot and making trannies millionaires to fight capitalism
Those ivory towers will be collapsing any day now. The problem with the "left" in America is that it's literally the same people as the edgy right in America. It's upper middle class white males roleplaying as Lenin but now they're obsessed with trannies for some inexplicable reason. Ask the Weimar Republic how that bullshit worked out for them. Oh wait, it worked pretty much the exact same way it's turning out in America right now. It's almost like human history is a flat circle, on an infinite loop, as if humans are incapable of learning or something.

White Antifascists always stood out to me as the most racist people I've ever met, and before people think I got that idea from Ben Shapiro I'm center left and am pro-Palestine.

Oh I know he is. That message was just addressed to nigs in general. That's why the rest I've written is addressed to HIS demographic: upper middle class white males trying to speak FOR blacks.

Anyone he uses people for their races purely as a political tool is a racist.

They're all unemployed losers on welfare or stuck in their parents' basement, and then project it onto others. I can't think of anything more pathetic than white antifascists. I just can't.

You forgot to mention all their parents are rich.

>He thinks this thread is still about the Boondocks

It's like black people love Chris Rock and Dave Chappelle. It's made by blacks, so even if it makes fun of them, it's "theirs." It's like when you pick on your little brother, but don't let anyone else do it.

shouldn’t you be dilating?

No? American negroes are pretty low IQ to be perfectly honest


This so much! We need to support intelligent woke black artists and writers like McGruber, Ta-nihisi Coates, Jordan Peele, Hannibal Burress, Don Lemon, etc. Can you imagine how much more empowered the PoC community would be and how that would benefit our society?