Which timeline is the best? Or at least the least bad?

Which timeline is the best? Or at least the least bad?

Attached: [email protected] (1080x608, 55K)

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someone actually made that graphic lol

Watching those movies back to back is a strange experiences.

The best timeline is the timeline where only the original movie happened

>not the timeline where every movie after 3 had it's own story that took place on halloween and still had carpenters' involvement

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The "He's still out there" timeline
>Halloween '78

The "Michael and Loomis died" timeline
>Halloween (78)
>Halloween 2 (81)

The "Anthology" timeline
>Halloween (78)
>Halloween 2 (81)
>Halloween 3 (82)

The "Thorn Curse" Timeline
>Halloween (78)
>Halloween 2 (81)
>Halloween 4 (88)
>Halloween 5 (89)
>Halloween 6 (95)

The "Laurie Strode's Revenge A" Timeline
>Halloween (78)
>Halloween H20 (98)

The "Busta Rhymes" Timeline
>Halloween (78)
>Halloween H20 (98)
>Halloween Resurrection (02)

The "Zombie" Timeline
>Halloween (07)
>Halloween 2 (09)

The "Laurie Strode's Revenge B" Timeline
>Halloween (78)
>Halloween (18)

Is this the most convoluted horror series of all time? I'd say it's probably still beat out by Godzilla and maybe Bond, but this is fucking ridiculous for a horror series.

Halloween 3 is absolute kino. Its unironically my favorite of all.

I thought Halloween 2 went with Revenge A

>dude! were making a ending to the original hallowwen! its the last one
>ends on cliffhanger
>a year later announce 2 movie movies back to back

idiots. stop paying to see jewish movies. just pirate when the blurays leak

It's been forever since I've sat down and watched H20, but James says in his Monster Madness review that there's a line in it about Michael's body never being found, which works a lot more cleanly with him disappearing at the end of 1, rather than being fried crispy at the end of two, and then somehow still managing to still get up and wander off in broad daylight from a burning building that is likely surrounded by police, peramedics, reporters, firefighters, and general onlookers.

No Laurie's son specifically says she watched him burn.


Haven't seen 2018...

> Strongly Great

H2 = H4
> Great

H6 (producer's cut)
> Very Good

> Good

> Decent

> Decent

H2 (09)
> Ok/Meh

> Ok/Meh

H6 (theatrical)
> Poor

> Bad (but slightly underrated)

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Halloween->Halloween 2->H20

The only worthwhile movies in the series and they happen to be in the same timeline.

>The "Busta Rhymes" Timeline

>It's been forever since I've sat down and watched H20, but James says in his Monster Madness review that there's a line in it about Michael's body never being found, which works a lot more cleanly with him disappearing at the end of 1, rather than being fried crispy at the end of two, and then somehow still managing to still get up and wander off in broad daylight from a burning building that is likely surrounded by police, peramedics, reporters, firefighters, and general onlookers.
Another problem with it is the Myers in H20/Resurrection doesn't have burns like the Myers from 4-6.

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The "Best Movie in the Series, Fuck the Rest" timeline
>Halloween 3 (82)

same, brother

>Halloween->Halloween 2->H20
>The only worthwhile movies in the series
There is nothing wrong with 4 besides the mask.

It has all this going for it...
> Great moody opening credits surveying farm equipment adorned with Halloween decorations.
> Solid score.
> The film certainty has a different feel from the original 2 films but is still very suspenseful & atmospheric in it's own way.
> Like 2 the film does a decent job of fleshing out Haddonfield as a real town with culture & history.
> Donald as always is great.
> Harris as Jamie remains among the best performances from a child actor I have encountered in a horror film.
> Rachel is a solid final girl.
> Sheriff Meeker (beau starr) I have always thought to be cool, his professional & trusting interaction with Loomis is more enjoyable then the more strained back & forth between Brackett & Loomis in 1/2. We get a faint hint of laziness/denial on his part with him initially trying to blow Loomis off but once he takes things seriously he goes into war mode like a boss.
> I liked that they wrote both Loomis & Myers as having learned from the events of 78, what with Loomis not hesitating to demand a town wide curfew which he resisted doing in 78 and Myers taking out both the Police & Power stations early on & letting officer Logan take him directly to his targets.
> Build up to & reveal of the police station massacre is chilling as well as the triple Michael sequence.
> This is easily the most powerful we have ever seen Myers on film.
> Entire ending from the battle atop the truck to the shootdown, to the twist is epic as hell.

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Just the first movie is good
Zombies take on giving more backstory is neat but its not necessary for Michaels character because he's supposed to be mysterious. The sequel was fucking garbage though

Favorite Mask?

> 2 (when partially in shadow) > 95 (would be nearly perfect if the neck wasn't so wide) > 18 > 02 > 09a...

88 is the worst easily.

98a would have been fine if the hair wasn't so comically flared out & the eyes weren't visible.

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I like them up to, and including, H20.

Anything beyond that and I've lost interest -- especially retconning the plot, like in the remake and the new Halloween -- which is essentially an H20 remake.

1 had the best mask followed closely by 6


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for me, it's 00s Laurie

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Showed off her ass here.
She is the one with the braids and tattoos.


Damn, never thought I'd see that.

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Halloween > II > Halloween 2018 > Halloween Rob Zombie > 5 > 4 > Curse > Zombie 2 > whatever

3 not considered, but very underrated.

Makeup truly is the devil's work.

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Superior/Cuter blonde coming through...

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There should never have been a sequel.

It definitely spooks me more than the proper movies in the series. Very creepy and underrated flick.

As it stands, Halloween 78 and Halloween 18 is a pretty good timeline. We'll see how Kills and Ends pan out though.

Best: Halloween 1, 2, skip to H20 and quit there
Silver: 1, 2018
Bronze: silver shamrock pocket universe
Notable Mention: 1-8
Worst: Rob Zombie

this is better than 00s laurie

Unironically Rob Zombie
>Michael is developed and made an actual character which breathes new life into the series (and its the only person anyone cares about anyway)
>Mikey is huge, not a twig boy
>Joe Grizzley
Prove me wrong

I honestly think those movies tried too hard to be edgy to the point of just being comedic. As an example, Michael's stepdad is so over-the-top, I don't know whether he's supposed to be intimidating or funny or what. Then you've got the janitors or whatever from the institution who inexplicably bring the chick into the hulking murderer's room to rape a chick, or the paramedics who talk about fucking corpses.

And outside Malcolm McDowell or Brad Dourif, the acting is BAD, and it just feels like everyone is trying to out-scenery chew one another. It's got the same problem as the '98 Godzilla, where everyone in the cast is trying to be the wacky side character.

That said, I will admit that Danielle Harris writhing around naked on the floor covered in blood was oddly hot.

1,2,3, and especially 4 5 and 6 are so comfy watching every october.

ignore the reply, didnt mean to.

I'm thinking about doing Friday the 13th 1-4, Night/Dawn/Day/Return of the Living Dead, and Halloween 1, 2, H20, and maybe '18 this year.

neither godzilla or 007 are convoluted at all

>And outside Malcolm McDowell or Brad Dourif, the acting is BAD
Harris as Annie was good, more so in 2009 but still.

Halloween died when Donald Pleasence died

HE WAS Halloween. Not Tranny Lee Curtis.

She was always shit. Always. h2o is fucking embarissing, and anyone who says it's a good movie is fucking retarded.

Pleasence carried the entire franchise. Halloween 2 was the franchise's peak. The 2018 movie is embarissing.

>halloween (for the third fucking time)
>halloween kills
>halloween ends
who the fuck is responsible for these abhorrent names?

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you just made it twice as convoluted as it really is

holy shit!

Halloween 3 > All
dont @ me

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what a whore. those tats are trashy

it's only really notable because of it's strangeness and it's not really good. i loved the sudden ending though

well pretty sure laurie knows she is his brother which is stated in 2

I really love the Jamie Lloyd series. It goes insane and there's a loli. All lines are on the same level of jump scares and kills, but I prefer the story getting more convoluted because they have no good ideas rather than keeping it simple "he's crazy because he's insane"

remember when loomis fucking dies at the end of 5 and then number 6 acts like nothing happened to him

>have movie titled Halloween
>skip 39 years
>want to make a sequel to it
>Halloween 2? no
>Halloween II? no
>Halloween Part 2/II? no
>Halloween? perfect
what the fuck is that? the direct sequel to your own movie has the same god damn title.

i will say it time and again. they should've called the 2018 movie "michael myers" which would've also helped with marketing because the monsters in these horror movies are more known than the actual movies themselves

like how in 2 he fucking blows up, but just has a little burn scar in 4 and 5. loomis passed out from his weird violent orgasmic attack.

There's many Godzilla movies that act as direct sequels to the original only.

i felt like the reboot was garbage because of the backstory completely destroying the character from being a 6 year old who kills his sister for no reason and becomes the mysterious "shape" after breaking out. the remake makes him older and basically turns him into a generic psychopath who has family problems. the sequel wasn't good either but i can apprieciate that zombie tried to do something different with all the psychological stuff and i thought that the atmosphere was good at times after the timeskip when you are waiting for michael to turn up at any moment

he clearly is supposed to die just look at his face. even don pleasence said in an interview around when 5 came out that loomis dies in 5. i guess they changed their mind when they did 6

i know hes clearly supposed to die. Just like he was clearly supposed to die in 2.

I actually like the Rob Zombie mask.

I actually like the idea of Michael being some kid who was MK Ultra'd by a weird cult
>no, he's just evil for no reason, lol

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>>no, he's just evil for no reason, lol
that is what made the original so scary when it came out. imagine if they had some sideplot like "lol evil priest makes him bad" in Halloween (1978)

He's not evil for no reason, he's evil for reasons that we don't understand. I'll bet you get mad that Romero never explained the zombies either, don't you?

>just do the same shit for a ten plus movie franchise.
That's dumb though. It was interesting how they expanded on his backstory in 4 through 6. If you're going to keep making them, you have to do something.

No. I got mad he walked back the interesting world building of Land of the Dead to do more day one of the outbreak shit though.

the Night of the Living Dead series is way more complicated with it breaking apart into 2-3 series and all the italian copies

Bond isn't convoluted, there are two timelines and they happen in order of release. That's as simple as it gets you absolute nitwit.

They just stopped pretending after Moore. Craig was supposed to be a full reboot, but then the Goldfinger car showed up, so who knows.

I've seen 4 and 5 the last few years, gonna see 6 this year, but you're right that they are the comfiest. They just have that halloween-tone dialed up 100% throughtout the movie (until the obvious final chase-ending).
There's the 80s serine small town, with empty autumn streets, trees that are orange, leaves on the grass. eerie spooky evenings, children walking around. Everyone doubting if Michael exists or not. People partying, hot girls dancing beeing lewd. They aren't good movies, but they sure nail the feeling.

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Texas Chainsaw. Literally every movie in that series after the second is a new timeline.

I don't really consider 2 canon either. The tone is so jarringly different. The original is a standalone, and then Tobe Hooper made a parody of his own movie because "fuck it".

what about dracula?

You got nosferatu, dracula then the horror series, then the italian adult versions, the coppola, 2001, the remakes and all those?

or frankenstein?

they are all based on a public domain character and the films are done by different people so you can't really group them together by timelines

He didn't fucking die in that scene dude he just collapsed from exhaustion and possibly loss of blood from the slash Myers gave him earlier.
He wasn't at the police station at the end because he was certainly at the hospital for the slash.

Watch the producers cut of 6 or the theatrical back to back.

you know what man, I'm with you on both counts. I love little girl Danielle, and I love franchises because they have to keep pulling shit out of their asses just to keep going. There's no horror franchise I DON'T hope keeps going on forever.

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here, this chart's even better

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It really bothers me that whoever made this graph had the lines go through each entry instead of connecting them
What dogshit graphic design this is

Final Wars references 98 Zilla, not GMK
terrible graph

here, this one's better

Attached: 1522735408146.png (1920x1072, 2.54M)

Oh shit, you know what, they both do, "my bad"

Halloween 2
Halloween 2
Halloween (technically Halloween 2)
Halloween Kills (Halloween 2 2?)

What other franchise has four fucking 2s?

Jamie Lloyd actress just had a cameo in Ouatih, maybe the clout will get her into one of these new requels