Remember that time Hollywood campaigned to get three child murderers out of prison?

Remember that time Hollywood campaigned to get three child murderers out of prison?

Attached: wm3_2.jpg (620x465, 58K)

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Bravo, Hackson

Echols 100% without a doubt did it, I'm sure he corralled the other two in somehow.

You only think they did it because you want to do it. You are a sick fuck.

Nothing surprising, normal liberal behaviour.

I felt so too. That doc did a stellar job muddying the facts and tossing shade at side characters. A master work in manipulation.

They killed them boys

They weren't the murderers. That was the whole fucking point.

They found pubic hair from a black male on the body.

Remember that time Sneeds feed and seed campaigned to get Gucci loafers out of the fancy german car?

>Child murderers
And yet you have no evidence to support that. Imagine putting three kids in prison because loved Heavy Metal music and it would make a great story for the press. This whole thing was a big media conspiracy, and it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure it out.


>child murderer
He indeed was.

Attached: 679e8d20fe4c8acfdb68c83db2fd7d27.jpg (300x205, 12K)

>They found pubic hair from a black male on the body

>IQ of 72
literally me on the left

Attached: JP-WESTMEMPHIS-1-jumbo.jpg (1024x629, 138K)

Remember when they observed teeth marks on the bodies of the victims, and then Terry Hobbs and John Mark Byers just happened to have their teeth pulled shortly after? I remember.

byers had a solid alibi, none of the wm3 did. hobbs didn't have his teeth pulled

the teeth marks have a plausible theory in

Remember when Hollywood tried to do it again?

Attached: steven-avery-attorney-files-new-motion-appeal[1].jpg (2345x1814, 295K)

Look up "Hurricane," Hollywood does this all the time, or bing "they was scaring me."

Imagine the cognitive dissonance it would take for someone to read this and still think there’s no evidence.
Eat shit.

there's good money in manipulating public opinion

its stupid to put someone away for life for some shit they did when they were young. I made a couple mistakes too at that age, and even a bit older. looking back, you can't really be held responsible for shit you did before the age of say 26. you just feel too invincible

I'm sorry, but if you kill someone, you deserve to be separated from society forever.

It's no big deal if a 25 year old murders you.

forever? for 20 years sure, but you aren't the same person you were going in after a time. obviously there are exceptions but people change going through their twenties and not much after. that's what im saying it makes sense to put someone in for life if they do some shit after their brain stops developing, which is around 26 years old, before that though...ehh

Well, it should be perfectly legal to murder anyone under 25 then.

If they did those heinous crimes, how come they live as normal people now that they're released? People that do that kind of shit are unhinged to the point of being incapable of participating in a society.

Cold blooded murder takes a certain kind of psychopathy that you can't just "grow" away. If anything, mental problems get worse as you age.

you're retarded, seriously

They were innocent and so is Michael Jackson

who cares? they look like white trash anyways.
reading the comments genuinely upset me. people are so fucking gullible

reminds me of the recent case of cyntoia brown, who murdered a john in cold blood as he slept when she was 16. a decade later, she got a slick defense team and made an appeal, and all of the sudden you had celebrities posting that she killed her pimp and that her charges were unfair. it's a bit infuriating how easy it is to lie to people.