What are some kino with cute girls and christmas?

What are some kino with cute girls and christmas?

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its not fair

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is the twitter thing real?

Yes she got hacked

She got hacked, already deleted the tweets

I will never doubt our girl again guys. I'm ashamed of myself

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Good, very nice.

What happened?

Was there more than one tweet? I only saw the first one

Her twitter started following a shitload of random niggers, american politicians and replied to a random nigress
Only one

She randomly replied a tweet from a feminist black dyke anti-white book writter


I don't see it

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I wish poos looked like that

Imagine if pajeetas actually looked like this
100+ million Emilia clones

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Anyone else love her?

I don't care about her having Twitter but seems out of character for her to troll people by just following random people without any explanation

The tweet seemed out of character for her too, she doesn't seem to the type to say "my taste is good" in response to someone who's surprised she got followed

Maybe I'm just autistically reading into it

Nobody will never find this thread.

I don't really believe in that nigger gossip site, but i gotta admit Emilia as Zatanna would be kino lads

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Nah, It had basic grammar errors too, also no emojis and hashtag not retarded enough

more cute roles would be better than capeshit

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The tweet itself was fine, that was tongue in cheek and self deprecating to make the other girl look better

non-unhinged people will surely find it

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It just seems more likely she'd compliment the other person before herself

Also what the fuck are those twitter fangirls, holy shit. They actually entered in contact with all her friends AND the SameYou thing lmao

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These are my favorite threads on Yea Forums. I hated that fucking show and its fans but these threads are so wholesome and comfy I love them.

Good taste but unfortunately there's (((others))) that hate us

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Threads earlier were with some bad vibes, but in these hours it's always comfy

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The tweet itself was not the problem, the person is the problem. She's the author of "Why i don't talk with white people about race" or something like that

I don't see the problem in case she actually was hacked

Pic related could happen

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It's not really complimenting herself. It's like you telling your girlfriend "I got good taste", it's a joke, like saying "I'm really arrogant and you're great", meant to be a bit of a self deprecating compliment. It is probably a hack though

They are 100 times more based than we will ever be

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That would be based, sadly the hacker was a SJW faggot. Probably a literal nigger too

>muh politics
I don't agree with my mom on politics but I still love her, it's not a big thing for her

Prime Zooey has been dethroned by a 32 year old woman

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Dubs confirm

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I remember this movie being reprized every Christmas a few years ago

Just don't post around 12 EST, shits getting weird then

Hopefully Last Christmas is successful enough to be played along side Die Hard every Christmas

It was just weird Emilia start following AOC and other american politicians out of nowhere, since she doesn't give a fuck about politics


And she comes back to Twitter out of nowhere after 6 years, without a annoucement, doesn't even follow her own charity or Beyoncé? lmao It was obvious

Following a couple politicians isn't a strong statement

she didn't unfollow the people the hacker has followed yet

She didn't even follow jeeza who she has baked before

Unfollowing 60 people is a bit of a hassle and why bother if she doesn't even use twitter

>implying her manager even remembers who she was or wasn't following before
It will probably stay that way forever


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timesupnow, Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton are the only political things I saw in her insta follows from a quick scroll through of all 400

The vast majority of it is other celebrities and things she's affiliated with

Imagine being Emilia, chilling on a spa in India when suddenly your phone starts buzzing non stop

Comparing with now, she's fat there. I think she's in cutting for Zatanna role

i hope it's real and i hope they control lewdness at least a bit

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Imagine being Kit when woman you love and your wife are both on holiday without you

I don't think she'd take a role that required her to lose weight, she's pretty against that kind of shit it so would have to be her choice


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Black Christmas the remake with MEW

I hope she unfollowed the people too

She didn't (yet) and there's basically no reason to if she doesn't even use twitter


Dany is supposed to be Tall, Willowy and and Blonde while Emilia is Short, Round and Brown

She might not even know

Both new and old have cute girls


How important is that to her character exactly

>required her to lose weight
Why would she need to? She's fit

>select parking meters
It's a sign

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Wouldn't there be a list showing the recent people she'd started following? Don't use twitter myself but there should be a way to tell how long ago you started following someone

I wouldn't really put my chips on this one, lads. It was a blind gossip by CDAN/Enty. A schizophrenic middle aged woman. Who loves to talk shit about Emilia btw

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Nope, it doesn't show anything

Based and smolpilled

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Even from the user's end? Twitter is more retarded than I thought then

Nah, Instagram does that.

The same person who said she was casting couch when she was on Glastonburry?

i have a twitter to follow crypto news. there's no way to know when you started following someone

>The same person who said she was casting couch when she was on Glastonburry?
Yes, also the same person who said she was paying for the aneurysm exposure

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The source isn't even right, they raised 130k for her charity not her

Wait I'm retarded and didn't see charity on the end but it's still a massive leap that she paid for the exposure

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Even the comments on that shit are calling him out lmao
>NOTE: Guesses in italics are only guesses;
>guesses in RED are a link to the solution or substantial clues.

How longo until Christmas, bros?

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November 8 but pray for the press tour to start in late September for more comfy Emilia interviews

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