is nerd “culture” going mainstream the worst thing to happen to film?
Is nerd “culture” going mainstream the worst thing to happen to film?
>the mo cheese mo
ay yo
What is "nerd culture" exactly? How can it be encapsulated?
Nerds have been mainstream for decades bro.
It's a generalization but includes shit like comic books, video games, and anime. What used to be a niche hobby has become normalized and mainstream entertainment has suffered as a result. Never ending stream of superhero movies has sucked out all originality from big budget film making for example.
Anything anime, games or comic books, really. Social media is the true worst thing to happen. Nerd culture going mainstream is merely because of social media
Oh like in the 60s and 70s
Video games have been mainstream since pong. They're a billion dollar industry not your secret club
film has been fucked since like the late 70s?
Going to the arcade was the normie thing to do. Playing World of Warcraft for hours each day was not.
The 60s and 70s was arguably the greatest point for Hollywood in its history with tons of original and incredible films being made. It was the heyday of guys like Scorsese and Coppola among others. Those decades did not see superhero movies dominate Hollywood to the point where we see today.
They made a South park about that dude.
Batman tv series and superman movie.
Yes as I said those films did not dominate mainstream culture and Hollywood like we see today. They were the exception rather than the rule.
The fuck is your point? Every fucking normie and their little sisters play Fortnite 24/7. No actually, it's worse. They watch someone play Fortnite 24/7. This wasn't the case even when that South Park episode aired
Weirdly enough, that was the time in hollywood when feminist and lesbian power brokers basically told hollywood that if they don't bend to their demands they'll walk and they also basically just...wrecked the shit of every movie that did something they didn't like.
For a long ass time there were a ton of movies made without a single woman of note in it and women were even completely frozen out of hollywood.
All sub-cultures eventually get co-opted into mainstream culture. Then new sub-cultures are formed. it has always been this way.
>that was the time in hollywood when feminist and lesbian power brokers basically told hollywood that if they don't bend to their demands they'll walk
Do you have any examples of this? As I understand it was the time that directors banded together to get greater control of their films from the studios who up to the point basically dictated films from start to finish. What resulted was an era of creativity in film like never seen before.
its definitely the worst thing that happened to pro wrestling. jesus christ i cant stand faggot wrestling fans nowadays
They just stopped hiring women for the most part.
Lot of films had few to no women in them for a long ass time. And the few women that were in those films were obvious dykes or fuggish,
This is coming from the directors themselves you can look it up if you want. Studios used to control films to the point where they would edit them without the director it all changed in the late 60s and early 70s when directors got more control. Also do you have any examples of:
>when feminist and lesbian power brokers basically told hollywood that if they don't bend to their demands they'll walk
during that era?
Superman was huge and started the superhero movie genre. Batman on tv was huge. Nerd shit has been mainstream since before you were born.
Not sure of your point. Warcraft is mainstream as fuck dude.
>Superman was huge and started the superhero movie genre. Batman on tv was huge
I never said otherwise dude. Read my post:
>Yes as I said those films did not dominate mainstream culture and Hollywood like we see today. They were the exception rather than the rule.
The weird kids at school played Warcraft. Are you 12?
Yes, and quite frankly it's the worst thing that happened to nerd culture.
All subcultures will be assimilated.
I'm beginning to think you weren't old enough. Millions of people played it.
There were lots of superhero movies since then. 4 Superman's, countless Batman's and others. You're just wrong.
>There were lots of superhero movies since then
They came out occasionally sure but they didn't dominate culture and big budget Hollywood films like we see today. Nowadays it's almost rare to have a non-superhero film in theaters whereas back then it was practically a novelty. It was an exception rather than the rule like I said earlier
>You're just wrong.
Are you really arguing that superhero films dominated mainstream culture back in the 60s and 70s like we see today?
nah, you'll have to give that to Kollywood taking less and less risks and mostly hiring "Yes Man" directors
also pandering.
ay yo
ay yo
The main part of nerd culture I hate is all the idiots acting like they are special because they are invested in multi-billion dollar franchises like Star Wars, Harry Potter, Nintendo games, etc