Let's make the most lethal being in the planet a mentally unstable sociopath and then how about just emotionally...

>let's make the most lethal being in the planet a mentally unstable sociopath and then how about just emotionally manipulate him. What can go wrong guys haha

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>let's make the most lethal being in the planet a mentally unstable sociopath
they didn't know he would turn into a sociopath from that kind of upbringing

He was raised in a fucking sterile, furnitureless room with his only possession being a goddamned blanket. What the fuck did they expect was going to happen? Honestly it's a wonder he's as well adjusted as he is.

That's pretty much the point. Dumbass.

>Came in 3 seconds inside an old hag
Kek no wonder why Maeve left his autistic ass.

He said he made Billy's wife cum 3 times. Was he lying?

No he just has an uncontrollable mommy fetish and was on years worth of no fap

were YOU?

He never once lied during the entire season.

Is he raised the same way in the comic?

I would imagine that the corporation would have a way of "turn him off" in case he eventually snaps

>1 year

I just went day 1 and my body is used to fapping when I get bored.

I hope it gets easier.

Vought is run by ice chewing psychopaths and colossal dimwits


Their solution to him going rogue is to have a slightly stronger clone of him to put him down if necessary. Yeah it's pretty dumb.

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They didn't. They literally just made another one of him who was even worse. Not sure what their plan was there. From what I've seen homelander in the comic was just a selfish somewhat psychotic brainlet.

you've been taught that nofap will solve your problems

in actuality, jerking off as much as possible to constantly live in post-nut clarity is monk-tier


If the clone always obeys and is even stronger, why not just take him out to begin with

I love that hes basically Lex Luthors mind in Supermans body.

The clone is mentally challenged, or something."but so is homelander" you retort, and i say, well stable enough for Voight to make money of his powers. See they didn't knew how Homelander would turn out, he was one of the first babies injected with Compound V, once it ripped his mother open with laser heat vision they understood this was their strongest yet. So they put a nuclear bomb in his room and tried to raise him. It's all very shallow and not well thought out. But maybe that's the point, like Disney, they literally don't care as long as they make profits.

Despite it all before going insane on the comic thanks to Black Noir, Homelander was just an edgy faggot not a sociopath like the show

>He was raised in a fucking sterile, furnitureless room with his only possession being a goddamned blanket.

This breaks my heart because I know how he feels!!!FACT!!! youtu.be/3vzwb2Rd7w4

he lied to all those people on the plane.

The sups sex club was dope.

So Homelander is basically an incel with superpowers?

Where is a good site to read the comics online?


Homelander has too much sex to be an Incel, he's just /pol/ with superpowers

That scene and when he talks to Vogelbaum are great.

Antony is a tremendous actor

And he lied about what happened on the plane. And he lies about his entire persona. And he lies to Christfags to pander to them. And he lied about finding Compund-V in that terrorist hideout.

because the clone is a retard with zero social skills. Homelander could at least pass off as an inspiring hero

this, Homelander never murdered anyone like the senator and kid on plane like showlander until he really snapped after the photos. And even then after he actually killed someone he felt super guilty over it and threw up, something I don't see showlander doing

The original thinking was they would replace him really quickly but comic book Homeland er stepped back from the edge of insanity

Let's think about their plan:
>We'll make a better, STRONGER Homelander in case Homelander turns on us
>Oh what if the stronger and better Homelander clone turns on us?

also why didn't black noir take him down before this? Homelander thought they were bros he would have let him in on his coup plan, woulden't that have been enough?

>Arab Super: power of exploding himself
Holy fucking shit, the not to subtle powers. What other rival nations to US would have stereotypical superpowers?
>Chinese Super: Multiplying himself
>Russian Super: Strength from drinking vodka
>African Warlord Super: Turn into a giant gorilla

Why didn't he just guide the plane down to a water landing? He is lazy af

Or you know, take the life raft from the airplane and fly the people down to the water in that and then push them to the USA? Or hell, just put life jackets on all of them, fly them to the water and leave em, and then get the life raft to put them all in.

>not implanting small explosives on his brain stem or whatever to kill him if he gets out of control

The show mentioned that no weapons would ever work on him, and we see Maeve get shot and have the bullets bounce off of her, how are you going to even pierce his skin to implant the explosives?

Having the plane to crash and blaming the terrorist was part his plan. That way they could get the supes into the US army

Nofap is the source of his powers

Does he not murder that family in the car?

It's funny to think that being with unlimited power won't be cinsidered psychopath by the sheeple. Same reason it's hillarious when people claim that billionaires earned their capital fairly and are charitable.

I want a blowjob from starlight

He tried to match the images in the photos. If Black Noir didn't fucked with him all his life - he wouldn't grow into such a brat. Still would've been a dick, since he is a needy child with rich "parents" that nobody wants. At least he fucked Black Noir hard enough for others to finish off.

fuck off a-train

was crashing the plane with no survivors part of your plan?

He tried to do it in the comics, but since he's untrained/doesn't know his own strength, he ended up breaking the plane apart near the tail by shooting though it

women like Butcher's wife threw themselves at him

This. Vought in the comics is portrayed as a bunch of corporate dumbasses with no foresight on anything but numbers. Vought is basically Disney except Disney hasn't created real superheroes yet, but they would if they could for a profit.

this, think how Disney handled SW and you get how Vought handled Homelander

He was going slowly insane in the comics anyway the message was absolute power absolutely corrupts, the fact he was so easy to frame and instantly doubted himself was like the joker said in TDK, insanity is like gravity all you need is a slight push

it was probably just budget issues they didn't film it but I like they wrote it into him being a lazy shit

that was after the photos, he had to keep up saying "remember, people are toys" just to get himself into the mindset he thinks he is in after seeing the photos

>>also why didn't black noir take him down before this?

He didn't get the order to. And no matter what he tried they still wouldn't green light. Eventually he just snapped harder.

plant an explosive up his ass when he is a baby

Stilwell has always been smoking I bet Cruise was cumming in 10 secs when he was banging her on the set of Cocktail when she was in her prime

>Actually works for the ((company)) just for his fame and hos
>Actually works

Homelander would have invited him to the coup. He could have just told Vought he was going to do the coup, Vought tells him to stop it before the coup happens. Simple

Noir was insane because of the fact that he was built/bred for the sole purpose of killing Homelander but never being allowed to actually do it until Voight explicitly gives him the order.

Hence him doing all sorts of evil shit to gaslight Homelander, to drive Homelander into a murderous rage so the order would finally be given.

Black Noir didn't send them reports and shit. He was a barely functional insane retard. He was only their to watch and await orders. And if the whole eating babies shit still didn't get Vought to take action he figured his next best bet was to drive Homelander just as insane as Vought feared he might get so he could act. It's all VA's fault really, they make shit stuff.

Why can't Maeve kill Homelander if she is equally durable?

If they can clone Homelander, why don’t they have an army of Homelanders by now? Why bother with making movies and PR when you can easily take over the planet?

They have an even stronger clone waiting to take down Noir.

>>The show mentioned that no weapons would ever work on him

The comic clearly states a nuclear bomb would work, but VA can't just detonate nukes, it's bad optics.

>equally durable
hahaha Maeve is a complete fucking meme. Nothing is on Homelander's level. After Homelander gets Black Noir to rape her she tries to confront him, gets wrecked completely and goes back to being a little bitch girl.

So Homelander is literally the ultimate superhero, he's peak everything, unbreakable, unstoppable?

Occupying the planet would lower GDP, perhaps catastrophically, making it a conquest of little value.

I'm interested to see what they do with Black Noir. Everyone now knows the twist, they can't do it again.

>Homelander is literally the ultimate superhero, he's peak everything, unbreakable, unstoppable

Pretty much. Stormfront was close, but he was injected with V, not born with it like Homelander. It's clearly stated that there's no other supe on the planet that could possibly kill Homelander.

her calling him good boy while fucking gave me a gigantic erection, holy shit now i get the mommy fetish, holy shit
i want mommy sex

Thank you for reminding me why I despise comic book '''''''writers''''''''

.t hasn't seen the show and now never will

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don't be like that read Crossed.

It may be conveniant but its not bad writing. Its just a fact that retard persons exist and they can be strong as fuck... just translate this into comic and tadah!

The show seems to be going in it's own direction though. The actor who plays Homelander is absolutely loved, killing him with the ''le random black-mask guy'' would be fucking abysmal

>The comic clearly states a nuclear bomb would work, but VA can't just detonate nukes, it's bad optics.
Show isn't comics.

Starlight can't fly in the show and she has super durability to not die from getting shot in the chest by a rifle.

Maeve can't fly in the show. The Deep can't either.

Supers in the comics die to bullets. Supers in the show (aside from weak ones like Mesmer) take bullets like a fresh breeze.

Then who kills THAT clone?

>in actuality, jerking off as much as possible to constantly live in post-nut clarity is monk-tier

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Another, even stronger clone.

>discount wonder woman is mommy tier as well
mommy kino indeed

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Bad product.

And than the Butt-bomb