You’ll never be as badass as Creighton Duke

Why live

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is this a F13 thread or a cool black guy in hats thread?

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giv em a fingah, op

go ahead!

Now that makes me think of a little girl puttin' a hot dog through a donut

Why not both

i think you mean Rufus Turner

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2nd worst F13 movie. 1st part 5 or X

it's my favorite because it has funny characters and it's different than the cookie cutter other ones

Duke vs. Booth, who wins?

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No, Mr X

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pretty sure you mean Capt. Fuller

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>1st worst part 5
Bullshit. There is nothing wrong with 5 besides Tommy being a non character.
Pam is a great sexy final-ish girl.
Massive body count.
Best T&A of the series easily.
Fantastic end chase through the storm.

The killer not actually being Jason is inconsequential.

>2nd worst F13 movie
Nah, it's severely underrated.

> Most mature well acted cast of the franchise.
> Solid final girl.
> Duke is cool & mysterious.
> Great Jason make up & stature, he is imposing as fuck.
> Best gore of the series.
> 2nd best sex scene of the series.
> Great opening.
> Great finale.
> Great diner shootout.
> Solid score.

> Duke is underused.
> Jason's outfit is generic.
> The claws that drag Jason to hell look kinda cheap.
> Not enough Jason.
> Jason looking exactly like he did when he was killed after being resurrected through Diana's body is weird.
> Weird shaving scene.

What I would have done different within reason...
> Never have Diana's body be moved to the Voorhees house. Have the morgue be built into the police station and so when CampbellJason attacks the police station he resurrects himself there and so the whole diner massacre sequence has him in his traditional Jason body.

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I've see a lot of black people say 'Jason Goes to Hell' is their favorite Jason movie. Notice how most of their favorite Horror movies are garbage? They like Resurrection as well. I wonder why that is.

>2nd best sex scene of the series
I remember when this was THE best sex scene in any slasher movie and it held the top spot for like 16 years.

>First Part 5
Seriously, fuck right off. At least Part V still felt like a Friday the 13th film despite the killer technically not being Jason in that film. If that wasn't exposed as the fact, you wouldn't be able to tell the fucking difference, unlike Jason Goes to Hell that only features Jason in two scenes.

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>They like Resurrection as well. I wonder why that is.

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Let's all agree that Part 6 is the one people need to stop saying is "one of the better ones". Production values and jokes don't make it a better F13 movie. Blood, tits, great characters do, and it failed on all fronts.

>Fucks up continuity and doesn't explain how he returned from New York to Crystal Lake

>New York
You mean Canada.

Bingo. They act as if this crap was funny when the majority knew otherwise. The Halloween franchise will always be tained because of this movie's existence.

I've never really cared much for Part 6 to be honest. Turning Jason into a reanimated zombie was a mistake and it only got worse from there.

>Duke is underused
Aren't there some more scenes in the extended version or something?

You knew what I meant. The director wanted to do more scenes in New York, but Paramount didn't want to spend loads of money on a Friday the 13th film. They're pretty much the reason it flopped.

All the horror sequel budgets got slashed in the early 90s. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy them still, but they're some of the worst horror movies ever made.

I think that's also the reason Jason goes to Hell flopped so bad. It starts off great, but turns into a completely different movie after the opening title. If most of the film was Jason in Hell battling monsters and demons, and then meets Freddy at the end it would've been a much better movie.

I don't know... I am probably going to get a lot of shit for this, but I really enjoyed The New Blood. I know it's 1988, but it's still right there at the end of the F13th chain. I don't get why everyone hates it.

They offered a VOD type service called Pay Per View (I feel obligated to explain this as I'm sure many here haven't ever heard of it) and this ruined low budget movies the same way VHS ruined the porn industry a la Boogie Nights. Studios sunk less money into them because people would just consume via PPV channel. They would never have spent the money necessary to showcase a true FvJ fight. Not until FvJ, when they had the great idea of handing the series off to some Japanese guy, turning Jason into a lumbering retard, and filling it with zero good characters besides the dude who played in the only good Uwe Boll movie as a town shooter.

It was neutered by the MPAA and that makes it a lot worse than many of them, but I have a soft spot for it.

>cutie Tina
>best Jason costume/mask/makeup
>epic showdown

But the rest of the characters are blah, except maybe Bernie, and the ending is pants on head retarded with zombie dad who hasn't aged a day since his little girl sunk his ass into Crystal Lake. I will always enjoy it more than it deserves.

I won't argue if anyone thinks it's the best I just love pic related from Part 5, she is the Alexandra Daddario of the 1980s.

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Oh yeah, Deb was fucking great. You nogs need to watch that 6 hour Crystal Lake Memories documentary if you're a fan of this series. It's surprising how many of these women look fucking great still, even Alice.

>Let's all agree that Part 6 is the one people need to stop saying is "one of the better ones".
Fuck no.
The jokes are a minor part of the film and not what most like it for. Like the inexplicable stupid smiling face on the tree should have been cut.
> Blood
A few kills were creative and brutal despite lack of blood.
> tits
The sex scene was lewd and sexy as fuck despite the girl not being topless.
> great characters do
Tommy in 6 is the best male of the franchise easily.

Pretty sure you mean "exposition dump man who explains the entire plot and solves the mystery in five minutes" from True Detective season three.

Just see it as a alternate reality, it's not a big deal.

You know what else makes a great F13 movie? Alice Cooper. So there.

It feels easy to come to the conclusion (especially with the military after him), that there's some kind of time skip and everyone is facing up to the fact that there's an unstoppable killing machine that relentlessly comes back over and over. You can almost imagine that there were several more incidents between Manhattan and Goes to Hell.

>but I really enjoyed The New Bloo
There is nothing wrong with it besides...
> Overall cast isn't as likable as those from 2, 3, 4 & 6 besides Tina.
> Gore being nutered
> End with the notably under decomposed dad coming back.

see, now that is very expensive information

part 5 and 7 are the best ones, unless you're from reddit

No I don't want to watch some garbage spin off about him

>part 5
Ah, I can see why you're an expert on people from Reddit.

Booth. 100/100.

She also released some old artsy nude pics she had done for playboy that were never published.

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>They offered a VOD type service called Pay Per View (I feel obligated to explain this as I'm sure many here haven't ever heard of it)
I'm 29 years old, so I know what pay-per-view. That, and plus the studios that handling the Friday the 13th name at the time in New Line Cinema who made Jason films so unwatchable purposely because they were always envious over the Friday the 13th series which Bob Shaye even admitted in an interview, plus he always held a grudge because Paramount shot down doing A Nightmare on Elm Street before New Line Cinema picked it up.
> when they had the great idea of handing the series off to some Japanese guy, turning Jason into a lumbering retard, and filling it with zero good characters
We have pic related to blame for that.

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it's common knowledge that soys love 4 and 6

>it's common knowledge that soys love 4 and 6

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> Option1 - Direct sequel to the 2009 remake. Picks up a day or so latter, swat teams & bounty hunters are combing the woods for Jason. Have some teens to get slaughtered but change things & put some focus on the cops hunting Jason.

> Option 2 - New sequel of undefined continuity. Just a new batch of teens getting hunted by a Jason who has been operating for years & had faded into Urban Legend.

> Option 3 - Adapt one of the F13 novels that came out around Jason X/Fedvs. Hell Lake would be good but require a bigger budget. (scenes down in hell, Jason bringing a army of killers back to life with him)

> Option 4 - F13 series on Netflix, HBO or the like. 6 (?) episode seasons? Don't want them to be stuffed with filler like the Marvel Netflix shows & wear out their welcome. This is the least likely now with the new season of American Horror Story basically being a Friday the 13th movie.

> Absolute not another remake, prequel, secret origin bullshit.

> Do a animated movie like the 2 Dead Space films? Maybe a animated Jason X sequel?

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Part 5 is kino.

I agree it needs more Jason and I personally don’t think he looks that cool in this one when he is onscreen but overall I think they did what they could. It’s supposed to be the last Friday the 13th movie so you gotta shake things up a bit and make it different and talk about lore and Crystal Lake and shit. Maybe should have just had him walking around town looking for his sister for some odd reason. I liked the townies and the environment and what they went for, I see it as a one off Crystal Lake episode of the Friday the 13th series. Why not focus on something besides Jason for one movie (aside from the first). Although yea a few more scenes with classic Jason would have been nice and that strong hair looks like shit. Also agree with somebody else that the continuity error is easy to forgive bc there was already eight movies of him coming back to life so fuck it. Girl in the beginning was hot, best sex gore scene was awesome (she prefers no condom) and even Jason’s relative chicks were hot.

you had me at direct sequel to 2009 with bounty hunters in the woods going after jason.

1 or 2 is the only way to go, limited tv series sounds interesting although it’s all fucked now bc of the lawsuit thing

Yeah that sounds good, but how do you work in the boobies?

Pretty sure this is what the Creighton Duke spin off will be about and it’s the loophole they will use to get around the lawsuit

lol you're alone and bitter

My wife is literally sitting on the couch next to me. I'm just pathetic. :(

Have some campers in the area who intentionally went out without any technology to experience nature and who haven't heard about the massacre the night before getting hunted.
Maybe have the females be nudist like Trash from Return of the Living Dead.

Two of the bounty hunters are dikes and they lez out at the 40 min mark.

lmao dubs of truth, eh fucker? stop being a moody bitch and sack it the fuck up

Cowboy... What'd I tell you. Get back in the bunkhouse

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>swat teams & bounty hunters are combing the woods for Jason
The ending of the Assault on Precinct 13 remake in the snowy forest inspired this idea.

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Has anything happened in regards to the lawsuit?

No. Still waiting on Cunningham’s appeal. It really blows because we have two Friday The 13ths coming up and no movie

>the absolute state of nazi incels on teevee

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The best Friday girl. Fight me

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>not Tina

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>that absolute state of nazi incels on teevee

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unironically thought this was idris elba

Idris wishes

this would just be Hills Have Eyes 2 (remake) but in the woods, and that wasn't a great movie

they can't call it Friday the 13th or Jason, but could they just call it "13"? Especially considering it's the 13th one?

She showed off her hyper snow white ass in another movie.

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start calling Jason "The Man Behind the Mask" instead?

What's that movie with the guy that's basically this character, Street Hunter or something?

Best Sluts...
> Tina (p5) > Amanda (2009)

Best Final Girls...
> Trish (p4) = Tina (p7) = Ginny (p2) > Pam (p5) > Megan (p6) >> Kari (hell) > Rowan (jx) > Chris (p3) > Whitney (2009) > Lori (fred vs) > Jenna (2009) >> Alice (p1) >>>> Rennie (p8)

Best side females...
> Violet (p5) > Paula (p6)

Naw, Part 4 is the overhyped one. There’s a solid 40 minutes where nothing happens, Crispen Glover is the only good character, and Jason is barely in the movie.
Part 6, meanwhile, is fun as fuck, has kills evenly throughout, has a great Jason actor and look, references fucking Frankenstein and other Universal horror films, balances its humor and its horror and has one of the best casts in the series between Tommy, Megan and Sheriff Garris.

Part 3 is the best slasher movie of all time

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I love Part 3. Great cast, one of the better Jason actors and a good mix of comedy and scares. Only problem is the sub-par effects work, especially compared to the films immediately around it.

X was fucking hilarious

You mean the nigger who dindu nuffin the whole movie then he died?

Tommy (even as a kid) more of a badass than Duke.

Tommy never fought Uber Zombie Jason.

>Never fought Uber Zombie Jason
He resurrected Jason (who was a Zombie at this point) and chained him at the bottom of Crystal Lake. Again, Tommy is the most badass male protag in the series.