Who will they cast in the inevitable remake?
Who will they cast in the inevitable remake?
>after 2020
Idris elba,john boyega,micheal b jordan and kevin heart with brie larson as the added love interest.
a black man can't be the villain. brie larson as a prostitute would be funny though
This movie is overrated. Not sure why Yea Forums faps over it so much. It's literally only good for the last 10-15 mins.
t. doesn't understand it
Ken Watanabe
>its not edgy boomer-tier "muh subverted tropes" trash, you just don't understand it.
Imagine falling for memes in such a cringy way.
>Ken Watanabe
The Idris Elba of Ching Chong land
>”You’re A. Nonmyous, spammer of cunny and sneed threads.”
>”That’s right.”
What makes you think it's overrated?
Westerns were the capeshit of the 50s and 60s. It's settled down nicely since the 70s into a niche comfy genre. They just don't autistically crank out a hundred of them every year anymore. There will always be a market for good westerns.
Clint owns all the rights to his movies
He won't allow a remake
Practically everyone in the entire movie is either fucked-up, annoying and unlikable, or both. It's unheroic, grim, and depressing, but without any hint of of the snarky shit-eating humor that Jews and fags like Tarantino like to stuff their films full of when they want "subvert tropes". Eastwood was sincere in how much of a dour waste of time he wanted this film to be. It really needed to be a short film instead. It could be redeemable if it were severely edited down, maybe.
Also, I have a seething hatred for Morgan Freeman and that mincing Jew, Kivas Fajo, so that might leave me somewhat biased.
Clint Eastwood will play the exact same role. That motherfucker will still be kicking long after all of us are in the ground.
i like modern westerns but that movie was dogshit
>hating based Saul Rubinek
absolutely one of the greatest kinos ever made
>he goes to movies to see stories about people he "likes"
Fuck you, kikelord. She was pretty before you fucked up her face and she deserved better.
He's pushing 90. In a way, I'm kind of glad A Perfect World is only remembered by people who watched tv in the mid to late 90s. I never want that movie to be remade. It's brilliant.
>zoomer got lost
>wtf is 'love to hate'?
>i dunno what charisma is but i must post
Protip: you're supposed to like the characters, user. Even if their shitheads or horrible people. If your reaction is "these people are unlikable.. this is great!" you're either a faggot, a masochist, or a Jew.
Wrong, infant. If your reaction is "these people are unlikable...but this story is great!", you're a patrician, or at least on the way to becoming one.
zoom zoom
mel gibson
All of those are unironically reasons that its good.
>It's all so ugly and disgusting
>My appreciation for the revolting reveals my superior taste and distinctive sensibilities
>subversive trash is great
Jew, Boomer, or psychologically demoralized edgelord?
Why would they remake this? The whole movie is basically Eastwood giving his farewell to the western genre.
Doesn't make sense without him.