Who will they cast in the inevitable remake?

Who will they cast in the inevitable remake?

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>after 2020

Idris elba,john boyega,micheal b jordan and kevin heart with brie larson as the added love interest.

a black man can't be the villain. brie larson as a prostitute would be funny though

This movie is overrated. Not sure why Yea Forums faps over it so much. It's literally only good for the last 10-15 mins.

t. doesn't understand it

Ken Watanabe

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>its not edgy boomer-tier "muh subverted tropes" trash, you just don't understand it.
Imagine falling for memes in such a cringy way.

>Ken Watanabe
The Idris Elba of Ching Chong land

>”You’re A. Nonmyous, spammer of cunny and sneed threads.”
>”That’s right.”

What makes you think it's overrated?

Westerns were the capeshit of the 50s and 60s. It's settled down nicely since the 70s into a niche comfy genre. They just don't autistically crank out a hundred of them every year anymore. There will always be a market for good westerns.

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Clint owns all the rights to his movies
He won't allow a remake

Practically everyone in the entire movie is either fucked-up, annoying and unlikable, or both. It's unheroic, grim, and depressing, but without any hint of of the snarky shit-eating humor that Jews and fags like Tarantino like to stuff their films full of when they want "subvert tropes". Eastwood was sincere in how much of a dour waste of time he wanted this film to be. It really needed to be a short film instead. It could be redeemable if it were severely edited down, maybe.

Also, I have a seething hatred for Morgan Freeman and that mincing Jew, Kivas Fajo, so that might leave me somewhat biased.


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Clint Eastwood will play the exact same role. That motherfucker will still be kicking long after all of us are in the ground.


i like modern westerns but that movie was dogshit

>hating based Saul Rubinek

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absolutely one of the greatest kinos ever made


>he goes to movies to see stories about people he "likes"

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Fuck you, kikelord. She was pretty before you fucked up her face and she deserved better.

He's pushing 90. In a way, I'm kind of glad A Perfect World is only remembered by people who watched tv in the mid to late 90s. I never want that movie to be remade. It's brilliant.

>zoomer got lost

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>wtf is 'love to hate'?
>i dunno what charisma is but i must post
Protip: you're supposed to like the characters, user. Even if their shitheads or horrible people. If your reaction is "these people are unlikable.. this is great!" you're either a faggot, a masochist, or a Jew.

Wrong, infant. If your reaction is "these people are unlikable...but this story is great!", you're a patrician, or at least on the way to becoming one.

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zoom zoom

mel gibson

All of those are unironically reasons that its good.

>It's all so ugly and disgusting
>My appreciation for the revolting reveals my superior taste and distinctive sensibilities

>subversive trash is great
Jew, Boomer, or psychologically demoralized edgelord?

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Why would they remake this? The whole movie is basically Eastwood giving his farewell to the western genre.
Doesn't make sense without him.