Obi-wan wore them because he lived in the fucking desert.
Robes should never have been the official Jedi uniform
What should traditional Jedi wardrobe have been?
Something that wouldn't have gotten in the way as much and actually made them look like knights.
Yep. Uncle Owen wears the exact same thing.
Ok cringlelord
Go watch your mcu
This. Darth Vader wore armor because he was a knight, not because he was a cripple. Originally Star Wars was more feudal with systems as kingdoms that had their own jedi chapters and the evil emperor invaded and occupied systems and killed their jedis and captured their rulers.
Actual knights wore robes, though. Especially ones dedicated to those 11th - 13th century monastic orders, which the Jedi seem to be taking their inspiration from. The canon Jedi robes just look too Asian-ey
>be in hiding
>wear the official jedi uniform
Is this pre-prequel EU stuff?
>t. weebs
why do people wear layers in the desert, isn't it hot?
What Luke wore in RotJ
Yes. For example prequels ruined princess Leia because by then the idea of sovereign kingdoms went against globohomo dogma and the galaxy was turned into a unified republic with elected "rulers". Jedis became a united nations organisation instead of chapters of knights that protected their realms.
The moisture farmer robes are actually different from the jedi robes. And there's nothing wrong with ascetic monks dressing like poor people any way.
What about Yoda? And ghost Anakin?
Yeah it is complete shite that he'd be a Jedi in hiding yet he always wears Jedi clothes
paradoxically with more layers arranged correctly less heat passes through
>He's more Machine now that man.
You retard.
too sith, the one he was in after with a small tunic was best
Whatever the fuck they found comfy. Just look at Yoda: he wore a brown shirt and sweat pants with a big ol sweater thing on top for maximum comfy.
The whole "all Jedis wear robes all Jedis use lightsabers" thing is retarded. If you become strong enough in the force you don't even need a lightsaber, as Yoda and Sheev in the OT showed. Sheev even shits on Luke, mocking him to take his "Jedi" weapon. Yoda didn't even bother trying to train Luke how to duel.
The Jedi as originally conceived were not a monolithic religious order who all wore matching robes and used lightsabers. It was only the ones who were weaker in the force or who didn't understand it that used sabers.
>Sheev even shits on Luke, mocking him to take his "Jedi" weapon.
this parroted plinket nitpick never made sense to me. A lightsaber is a fucking basically unblockable laser sword that you can easily slaughter an entire army with if you're a force user. Why woulden't the Sith use them too? It's just a throw away line, like pointing out cuffs or a handgun are a policeman's tools. Dosen't mean nobody else ever uses them.
Actually it's because the Fremen wore robes on Arrakis.
Umm obviously Obi went to a planet where they dressed like HIM so he could blend in. It’s pretty self exploratory morons.
He actually wore armor beause it was a stillsuit + samurai armor.
the younglings were essentially wearing luke's outfit from star wars
This. These are the same people that complain about Superman looking like a man when Jor-El specifically chose Earth.
>parroted plinket nitpick
It really is. He was never mocking the lightsaber, rather undermining Luke's confidence that he couldn't be swayed.
>Ah yes, a Jedi's weapon...much like your father's
Dad was like you once, now look where he is.
where can I read this version of star wars?
They wear the robes because everyone wears them. It shows humility and let's them blend in because it's the most common outfit in the galaxy.
the original movie mentions the galactic senate
>This. Darth Vader wore armor because he was a knight, not because he was a cripple
No, I’m pretty sure the ending of RoJ solidly established him as a cripple.
Nowhere, because he’s making shit up. The prequels did not make up Vader’s backstory and the reason for his armor.
Why did Yoda and force ghost Anakin also wear robes then?
Unironically kill yourself.
>No, I’m pretty sure the ending of RoJ solidly established him as a cripple.
His laboured breathing did that already in ANH. The guy was established as being kept alive by machines from day one.
That's his 50th or so clone's name. Or maybe he's the clone of someone named Shev.
Why would armor matter when the sith also use lightsabers? Shit would just get in the way
Also, by some bizarre coincidence, Luke and his family wore padawan uniforms as their everyday clothes.
formerly snoke's
Well yeah it’s like poetry. The prequels foreshadow Luke being part of a force-sensitive bloodline
They're warrior-MONKS
Plus they don't need gay-ass heavy armor since they're superhuman
I always found the idea of the sith to be stupid. It made more sense that Darth Vader was just a rogue jedi that turned evil. The lightsaber was described as the weapon of a jedi knight after all, so it makes sense that Darth Vader's was red because he is an evil jedi, not from some other ancient cult.
Well no. Not really, they can take out a couple guys pretty easy but you can’t have the reflexes to block and dodge a group of baddies shooting you with lasers. Eventually you’ll get hit so why play the odds?
Sith we're already mentioned in deleted scenes and supporting materials in ANH, though.
Only the movies matter, bro
you're mixing OT with PT. lightsabers weren't super OP until prequels. why use some shitty laser sword when you shoot fucking lightning from your hands? even before that darth vader just uses the force to throw shit at luke and that's enough to rek his shit
prequels ruined the intensity of force power by making epic lightsaber duels the focus instead
I liked it better when force powers were limited and even a master like yoda could only lift an x wing at best.
When the force is too overpowered like in the old comics, it opens alot of questions like why can't X just use the force to crush a guy's heart instead of fighting or whatever or why don't they just fling a lightsaber with the force instead of holding it
t. didn't remotely get the symbolism of Luke's temptation towards the dark side reflected in its wardrobe, which would be utterly trivialized if all Jedi wore them anyway
I always thought Jedi should have had their aesthetic inspired by historical warrior monks, incorporating both armor and robes in their outfits. It would fit the setting given how obviously Vader's armor is a rip-off of samurai armor.
The armor the Jedi wear in the 3d clone wars show should be their traditional garb.
They should not have had official uniforms except for in important ceremony and in their temple. The major issue is that they wore the robes into battle.
Then your opinion doesn’t
because you can't deflect blasters with lightning hands. And yea I get Vader can absorb blasts and Kylo can freeze shots but it seems easier to just use a blade
Why do the jedi have to be an organized force with a uniform? Why can't they be just comfy and mainly just pair up in groups of 2 (master and apprentice), scattered across the galaxy?
Comics and and books never counted. Barely anyone read them anyways.
how the fuc you gonna shoot a blaster while you're curled up in the fetal position from being lightning'd?
How about you go and get fucked OP? You want to point out another farmer on Tatooine who was wearing that cloak over those robes? You want to explain why Anakin's redeemed ghost was wearing the same robes as Obi-Wan and Yoda? Suck cock faggot.
you could already ask questions like that with the powers demonstrated in the OT. if vader can force choke a bitch, it's not that unreasonable to assume he could crush their heart as well I guess. this goes back to the point I was making - if you're strong enough with the force all other weapons are pointless. it's just that "strong enough" as shown in the OT was yoda and emperor, and now retroactively it doesn't seem like much
That’s literally his fucking name
>We are going to cut off your johnson
obi wan had a hooded cloak because he was in hiding. yoda's clothes are different.
anakin is wearing that same shit because:
a.)they wanted luke's redeemed father to look like his mentor
b.) they just had no idea what to have him wear and went with the easiest option
Well Anakin is actually from Tatooine, and presumably ghosts can appear wearing whatever they want. Maybe it was nostalgia, or maybe he was pandering to Luke.
Those leg wrap things are fucking cool.
Obi Wan wasn't a farmer, fucktard.
The fact that his ghost continued to wear them kind of cemented it. It is what it is.
>even a master like yoda could only lift an x wing at best.
t. doesn't understand the OT force
>they show in the last thing they were wearing when they died
Horrible opinion.
I’ve only see a couple of these films. Why do only Jedi have lightsabers? If they are the strongest weapons why don’t the bad guys mass produce them?
>t. doesn't understand the OT force
explain nigger. It was never intended for force users to be flinging star destroyers, boulders or using it as a secondary weapon. The force requires alot of concentration and while the force ultimately influences the key moments of the story, even it's most experienced users can only use it in limited amounts.
The EU, prequels and sequels ruined this
They're too light, someone without the force would just cut off their own hand/dick
Lightsabers were built to be defensive and only really useful in the context of blasters if you had the force.
Imagine an army of lightsaber users without the force and an army of your standard trooper. The troopers would win hands down.
Shut up weeb.
they're only good in the hands of force sensitives. normal people don't have the reflexes to block/deflect blasters and doing other acrobatic shit with them
I agree, and it's testament to Lucas's slow mind that he opted to be so lazy about it.
>explain nigger
size matters not
>even it's most experienced users can only use it in limited amounts.
that is why you fail
He didn't mean it in a literal sense, brainlet. For instance, Luke used the force in a minor way to aim the torpedo in the shaft of the death star which greatly influenced the events of the story but ultimately the feat he preformed was small
This tunic look is prime
They expect us to believe he wore the same outfit for 20 years? Fuck off George. Fuck off.
luke wore a tight-fitting all black uniform. at least that kind of outfit helps when swordfighting. why would you swordfight wearing several layers of thick, heavy robes?
they are supposed to be samurai like figures
>emperor wears robes
>they're literally space-monk-wizards
>In small conflicts they have no need for armor as they can deflect minor blaster fire and there's no armor that can reliably resist lightsaber swings
That being said I liked the decision to have armor for the animated clone wars series.
he just likes to feel the breeze between his knees
>durr black clothes = evil character
get fucked. you can shove your community college film classes.
it seems like they would have some sort of standardized attire. they used to flourish, be organized, and were the symbolic protectors of peace and order in the galaxy. i could see them having standard attire when on duty.
I always felt the knights should have been a bunch of Knight-Errants occasionally on fools crusades.
I never liked how the clone wars turned from what I originally would have thought was a blade runner-battlestar galactica style mass insurgency crisis across the galaxy to clones vs robots.
>He didn't mean it in a literal sense, brainlet.
Look at me. Judge me by my size, do you? Hmm? Hmm. And well you should not. For my ally is the Force, and a powerful ally it is.
Luke's ROTJ outfit and record thereof should have been the default Jedi outfit for non-temple activities
the black was a nod towards him feeling the dark side, one of the first things we see him do is choke a guard and then threaten jabba because he's so high on himself
regardless of that though, he's basically wearing fencing gear which is a good look for space wizards with light, quick swords
The forces influences people and people are able to influence the force. That doesn't mean that jedis are able to throw around planets and giant ships.
The force is a powerful ally because it literally control destiny and the jedi are able to tap into that energy and move small objects or mind control weak minded people but nothing more
>>durr black clothes = evil character
Are you retarded? The entire first half of the film was about Luke flirting with the Dark Side in order to achieve certain means. Choking out the Gamorrean, sending his friends into Jabba's Palace one by one to a possibly fatal result in order to save Han, killing with impunity, etc. This culminates in him being tested in the Emperor's chamber. These are movies where all the villains are deliberately dressed in black, and you think it's a coincidence that Luke is also dressed in black in the movie where he's closest to the Dark Side? Do you also think it's a coincidence that the inside of his tunic is white, which is revealed at the pivotal moment when he rejects the Emperor?
what did Rian mean by this?
>Be Obi-Wan in hiding from Vader
>Take one of his children to live on Vader's homeworld with the closest thing to family he's got left, and who's existence and location he's fully aware of
>Don't even bother changing his name or anything
>Change your own name, but keep the "Kenobi" surname
Brilliant strategy, master Jedi.
>I wonder if he means Old Ben Kenobi?
Aunt and Uncle side glances intensify
Monks wear robes, Jedi are space monks, what the fuck else would they wear
It's all in your mind, like jumping the buildings in the matrix. If you've transcended the physical and legitimately believe you can do it, you can do it. If your mind is still burdened with things such as size and distance, you're fucked. That's why you need to UNLEARN what you have learned.
I like the edit with Hayden Chsitensonsnsnen
you don't include new evidence, like my yoda quotes, you just keep repeating your point
I can read, I know what your position is
you have to support it
>jedi are able to tap into that energy and move small objects or mind control weak minded people but nothing more
an x-wing isn't small
you left out shooting lightning from your fingers and seeing the future
talking over hundreds of kilometers
and fucking force ghosts
okay mike
They're Jedi Knights, not Jedi Monks. Vader's suit should be a dark perversion of the knightly aesthetic of the Jedi. Also pretty dumb of Lucas not to do this since it'd sell way more toys, which was half the point of the franchise anyway. Who wants a bunch of robed losers?
I don't count any films besides a new hope and empire strikes back. Force ghosts are goofy but lightning is ok because the emperor is an estoteric, shadowy figure whose power is beyond comprehension.
However stuff like flinging star destroyers and giant boulders in so stupid
Yet another reminder that Anakin and Darth were originally separate characters.
You guyd are forgetting that they DID have combat uniforms
My head canon just tells me hat skywalker is a common name.
That being stupid doesn't mean it's impossible to do. It definitely is possible, if you're strong enough in the force. You justify the lightning by describing the Emperor's character, so what I think you're really arguing about is: Should we ever see that in a Star Wars movie? I think we both agree, no fucking way should that be on film. It would seem dumb, overtly grandiose, and opens a ton of those 'well why didn't they just do [magic force thing] earlier?' problems.
Would have been kino with these 80s style clothes throughout the series
Sure, but they're not now, and George had all the opportunity in the world to not write that to make no sense.
Pre release concept art from the first movie had storm troopers using light sabers and carrying shields. Hell, when Vader and Luke have their first fight the sabers even bounce off of walls, railings and even Vader's arm. Lightsabers didn't instantly cut through everything until fanwank decided they should be OP superweapons and the focus of all the jedi's powers. The expanded universe and the prequels were a mistake.
Point being, the Anakin/Darth retcon was the worst thing to happen to Star Wars.
Sith were also mentioned in the 1981 radio drama.
>gigachad is a spic or eyetie
one of the only things phantom menace got right was qui-gon feeling resistance cutting through that door in the beginning and then just holding it to melt the heavier blast door
what are you talking about? obi wan cut a guys arm off in anh and the only reason why it bounced off vader is because he has special armor
the prequels didn't do shit to how lightsabers worked, in tpm it takes qui gon a long ass time to melt through the door and even then he couldn't get through all of it, the rest of it was stuff already established in the ot
if anything, the sequels nerfed lightsabers to near uselessness, finn gets sliced in the spine with one and is fine a few hours later, and in the first tros trailer kylo throws a guy to the ground with it even through it should be bisecting him
Watch the empire strikes back fight scene. The lightsabers can't even cut through the safety bars on the cat walk in bespin
Sharp looking military uniform for public appearances, events, and patrols.
Armor for actual military operations.
Traditional robes for ceremonial purposes.
Regular clothes for everything else.
Designed by people who grew up watching and misunderstanding ep4
>Obi-wan wore them because he lived in the fucking desert.
That's literally from Plinkett. Obi-Wan's garb has always been traditional Jedi garb and is very different from Owen especially underneath his robe where it looks vaguely Samurai
Presumably the original concept was that some individuals, like Yoda and the Emperor, were more akin to wizards and were so strong in the force that something like a lightsaber would have been redundant or ridiculous to use.
>need to go into hiding
>extremely recognisable general from the clone wars
>one of just two high-ranking jedi to escape the purge
>move to beside vader's family
>change first name
>continue wearing the official jedi uniform (tm)
I love how the prequels retrospectively make Obi-Wan look completely retarded
It's never been stated Obi-Wan went into hiding what has been established is that Tatooine is a remote location far from the Empire because they were the only ones hunting for Jedi. Notice Obi-Wan had his lightsaber in view in ANH. No body cared. Also see that Obi-Wan wasnt the only wanted man on the planet, he was there with other outlaws because of this backwater planet no body have a fuck.
>extremely recognisable general from the clone wars
>>one of just two high-ranking jedi to escape the purge
>move to beside vader's family
The only thing Anakin cared about was Padme. Also, Obi-Wan thought Anakin died on mustafar if youve forgotten ROTS.
>change first name
Again, he thought he was dead. No one was going to be looking for Anakin.
at least pretend to watch the movies
Yeah its pretty hard to justify. The best case I can make via mental gymnastics is the following:
>perhaps Kenobi isn't a rare surname but Obi-Wan is a rare first name
>its possible most people don't know what Obi-Wan looked like or even necessarily what his name was and only high ranking Empire types would know him on sight
>ditto maybe most wouldn't recognize Jedi garb, especially as it didn't seem too official and might seem to be just non-descript robes
>moving in next to Luke was a purposeful risk to keep an eye on him and wait for the chance to groom him and Vader didn't know where Luke was anyway
Obi-Wan always knew Vader was Anakin you complete fucking moron.
Did you not watch ROTS?
Yes I watched ROTS, it doesn't change the fact that through the entirety of A New Hope, Obi-Wan was fully aware that Anakin was still alive and in fact was the figure known as Darth Vader. Did you not watch the fucking OT? Clearly, at some point between the OT and the NT Obi-Wan realized Anakin was Vader, most likely immediately, as how many fucking Sith were running around lol. There was just 2. Doesn't take a fucking genius to realize Anakin survived the lava burning, ESPECIALLY when Obi-Wan didn't leave him necessarily to die but according to released materials "wanted the Force to do with Anakin what it would".
When Luke accuses Obi-Wan of lying to him about his father being dead he basically admits that he lied in Jew-speak.
Vader - when we last met I was but the learner, now I am the master.
Obi wan - Who the fuck are you?
Oh right, it was so obvious the obi wan had no idea vader was anakin.
vader, along with the rest of the galaxy, thought padme died before giving birth
there was little to no risk of the empire looking for him, but yeah obi wan wanted to keep an eye on him just in case
Vader knew about Luke though
This is the most confusing bit. He knew about both Luke and Leia, but did he know the entire time? When did he figure it out?
>Clearly, at some point between the OT and the NT Obi-Wan realized Anakin was Vader, most likely immediately, as how many fucking Sith were running around lol
Kek, this
not until after anh, i'm not sure how he found out in the old eu but i know in the newer vader comics he gets boba fett to track down the pilot who blew up the death star since he figured he was force sensitive and it turned out to be his long thought dead son
Sheev told him about Luke
The real question is how did Sheev know and why didn’t he tell him about Leia
He found out about Luke between ANH and ESB. He learned about Leia in ROTJ from reading Luke's mind.
>how did Sheev know
Last name is skywalker :^)