Why did they have to make Dracula look like this in the 1992 film? It takes me right out of it and it's hard to take anything else serious? This is a far departure from anything in the novel I ever saw.
Why did they have to make Dracula look like this in the 1992 film...
What is wrong with it?
Apart from the fact that he has a pair of tits on his head, nothing I suppose.
Honestly thought it was this guy from the thumbnail.
The inspiration is obvious.
>anything in the novel I ever saw.
The novel wasn't illustrated.
I was too busy lusting after Sadie Frost.
It gave a pretty great description on what Dracula looked like it the novel, retard, and it looked nothing like this. Maybe if you read you'd know.
Boy you seen some fucked up tits
>It gave a pretty great description on what Dracula looked like it the novel, retard, and it looked nothing like this. Maybe if you read you'd know.
So your complaint is he should have been wearing black and had a long white moustache and pointy teeth that permanently stuck out over his lips? Shucks, I guess all the other adaptations sure have this one beat...
You retarded or something?
>This is a far departure
everything in the film was a far departure from the book stylistically. Hair style aside, everything else worked.
Goddam right.
The book does say that his hair lacks colour, that he has a lofty domed forehead with hair absent at the front, but profuse with a bushy curvature of its own elsewhere. It's a fucking weird look, but I can see why they landed on it
>Post is about Dracula
>Temer is on it
not my proudest wank
>everything else worked.
Apart from Keanu Reeves and Winona Ryder's accents.
I liked it, because it just made him seem eccentric and weird at first glance, with more and more hints of the supernatural as Harker interacted with him. If he looked like what was described in the book, any sane man would have left after one look at him, and Harker is supposed to arrive sane and rational.
His hairstyle is based off the geisha, giving him a mix of oriental and eastern european.
Keanu Reeves as Harker was one of the biggest miscasts in history. Should've gone with someone who was actually British or someone who was great at doing British accents.
Apparently they wanted Depp. Not perfect, but would have been better.
Yeah, and plus Depp and Ryder had acted together before so it would've made more sense and probably would've motivated Ryder to better.
> he should have been wearing black and had a long white moustache and pointy teeth that permanently stuck out over his lips?
You have to admit that would look pretty badass on film.
Because it's unsettling and visually striking which is what this whole movie was trying to be.
How would you capeshitters dress dracula in your stupid movie?
This is old and decrepit dracula. Not the young and handsome version. Of course he was able to transform but his original form continues to age in appearance even though he's immortal. It makes sense to me.
love this movie
Keanu's accent makes Winona's look like masterclass acting
Aye, fair enough
Together with his head and dress, it forms a bloodless, weeping heart. Also, it makes him look like a bat. The film features very impressionistic costumes. Originally, it was also to have minimal set design, but the studio vetoed that part. Mixing sorta realistic sets with out-there costumes can lead to confusion, I guess. I hated the film as a kid, too. Recently gave it another go and habe rewatched it 10 times this month.
>Keanu's accent makes Winona's look like masterclass acting
It really doesn't. She's not Oscar worthy in it, but you can tell where she's meant to be from. I like him generally, but holy fuck, he's laughably bad in it.
Hahahaaa, shit, I completely misread that. My bad, man
Keanu has an English mother too, he has not excuse.
Cleanshaven, white-haired old man with a mustache and hairy palms, with the fangs hanging over his lower lip even with his mouth closed and dressed all in black.
>Coppola movie:
Cleanshaven, androgynous old man with white hair and hairy palms in a flowing red dress and hair imitating bat's ears. The fangs are not visible in this form.
hehehe boa macaco
It's sort of like the book description, but I think the movie was trying to play up how "foreign" and "Eastern" Dracula (and Transylvania) were to contrast with British Victorians. The novel had some of this East vs. West type stuff going on too.
I'm convinced Harker being made of the finest mahogani through and through works well for the film.
>Scene at the beginning where Mina is begging for the D
>Jonathan shoots her down and reminds her they can be married once he returns from Transylvania
>Mina's pusspuss: *dries up*
>denied the D, she seeks out Harker's dear friend, D.
Note that while SOTN Drac has the best, most regal look die Drac ever, he doesn'tv have
>an overbite
>hairy palms
>all-black robes
>a receded hairline
Still a departure.
Dracula in the book comes as a conqueror to destroy Western civilization, with Britain being depicted as its heart because of the Empire. A walking infection, a venereal disease of premarital sex and uncouthness, aided by Zigany gypsies. Basically, it's the ultimate anti-refugees welcome book. It's extremely xenophobic. It also makes fun of Mina's then-progressive stance on women actively seeking out suitors instead of accepting a marriage proposal. At one point, the others tell Van Helsing Mina won't agree with his methods, and he says something to the effect of
>Ah, of course not. She is of the new age.
>But this nigga here rolls oldschool. We be staking Count von Cunt before he can count to three. Helsing boys represent!
It's been almost two decades since I read it, but I recall Stoker was more interested in showing how the protags use cutting-edge modern technology like voice recorders and typewriters to share data and that Van Helsing was a comic relief relic from a more superstitious age (who turns out to be correct)
That too. His "King Laugh" scenes became his entire personality in Copolla's version, which I find highly enjoyable.
>Jack, can I borrow your scalpel?
>What do you need it for?
>I need it for Lucy.
>You want to conduct an autopsy... on Lucy?
>Actually I want to cut off her head...
>Lucy... was she... in great pain?
>Ja, she was in great pain. Then we drove a stake into her heart, cut off her head and filled her mouth with garlic and then she found peace.
His haircut in the movie is absolutely kino, you have bad taste Im sorry
Once I held the rarest rose that ever dared to bloom.
Cruel winter chilled the buds and took my flower too soon.
Oh loneliness
Oh hopelessness
To search the ends of time
For there can be in all the world
No greater love than mine
gaudier than a drag queen
Hey, I look like that
I never said SOTN was completely accurate, it was just a pic I used for my response, but I'd still like to see the novelization Dracula on-screen.
Put a wig and a stache on Count Orlok and you have it.