Films with this asthetic

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bad lighting and shallow plot?

>no pubes
i sleep

too old

post pusy please

Imagine if women like that were attracted to you.

By that I mean, imagine if you were a coke dealer at some fashion launch party.


What's the point of living if a women like that will never touch you.

imagine if women had good taste in men
what a future that would be, huh?

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Mektoub, My Love: Intermezzo

>imagine if women had good taste in men
yikes, gonna post this on /r/niceguys lmao

I'm so fucking ugly. I'm short and ugly.

I hate myself so much. I hate being me.

Nobody has ever loved me. Nobody will ever love me.

I know my life will end in suicide.

Fuck off cumbrain

>coke dealer
more like 100+ millionare / billionare

women this good looking dont go for coke dealers lel

Old bitch , fuck this old bitch

Imagine rubbing your face in that pusy

I love you user!

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me 2

M8, you could literally get an escort that hot for 300.00 tonight if you wanted to.

tfw no model gf

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its okay man,even though we are not lucky when it comes to genetics,we are still here.


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>The 26-year-old cover girl
she needs 4 kids in her, stat

Ill do it, but I need compensation equivalent to the yearly wages of the janitorial staff on one

quit being such a fag
just jerk off a lot and find a drug you can manage to not derail your life with and ride out the rest of your life watching kinos

lmao just take the denial pill like normies do

there are so many short fat retards I've seen on twitter/instagram who think they're hot shit its amazing how you can live when you're in complete denial of reality

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