So, was it gay Yea Forums?
So, was it gay Yea Forums?
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If my bro looked like Pom, I'd fuck him and I ain't even a quarter gay, just like an eighth.
God this show became fucking garbage
If he asked you to change characters, would you do it?
Only if I could be another Pom and he stilled remained as Pom
No because his brother was a woman in the game. For the time being he had transitioned.
Imagine there was a ring that you could put in your bro that he instantly turned into a 10/10 girl, you guys could fuck, but 1 minute after you guys finished he would turn back.
I think that would be pretty gay, and it's a almost like this, he may not turn back right there but you know his character was a male under the skin.
>expecting anything from netflix
I'm pretty sure if men could, at will, turn into women to be fucked and then their buddy did the same for them, we would have zero use for women ever again and society would crumble in less than 10 years.
Speak for yourself faggot
If trannies keep getting on hormones younger and younger it's going to end up like this anyway
but trannies are mentally ill fucktards who nobody wants to be around. i'm talking regular bros who will for a short time become gorgeous women whose holes you can fuck before going back to being your best bro and you guys just get drunk and play some basketball or something.
imagine defending genderniggers like this
If they get the hormones too young they'll try to act like girls, I would rather they figured the hormones working better and later ages, that way you could have a man in a woman's body. Women's mind are fucked up.
women AND mentally ill people who think they were born in the wrong body are both fucked up. we're talking regular dudes with temporary girlbodies to plug.
There was a short story by Gaiman, where a guy trying to cure cancer figures a pill that can change people sex as a side effect. Whole society is a free as ever, and it would be pretty much as you told, chilling with a bro playing videogames, take a pill, fuck each other, go back to playing video games.
The guy from that shitty show on netflix and "jazz" started as children
And that's the absolute best that can be done.
>but trannies are mentally ill fucktards who nobody wants to be around. i'm talking regular bros who will for a short time become gorgeous women whose holes you can fuck before going back to being your best bro and you guys just get drunk and play some basketball or something.
Then get a closet bi butch lesbian or ftm.
Bend em over pound em out and leave them drippy and half conscious.
It's what I did.
>men could continue playing games and being bros forever because they don't have to chase puss they could become each other's puss
I don't put it in tradesman's entrances, so not trannies for this fella. Butch lesbos are usually ugly, so they're out as well.
Fuck, she does look exactly like a Gerudo.
insect: a tranny story (2019)
Black Mirror
But seriously imagine for a second a future where you never were compelled to put up with female bullshit for the purposes of sexual gratification and pair bonding. They would start to look like shapeless blobs like in that Black Mirror episode when Jon Hamm get's ostracized. Who wants to listen to them squawk about nonsense when your friend Chuck can transmogrify into peak JConn for long enough to get a goo shooting sesh in then change back so you can finish that fun conversation you two were having about which show had a worse ending, Dexter or GOT.
Mantis looks like this?
Dexter ruined it's ending for the chance of doing a spinoff someday. There was no closure at all.
Penis entered Vagina.
Not gay.
It's penis in vagina. How is that gay, bro.
Dexter vs. the MPD should've been the final season. That's why season 2 is my favorite despite Lila being kind of an annoying cunt.
the ideal world
the sex wasn't gay
the love was gay, that's emotions, they're not part of the game
Anybody who says this wasn't gay is a faggot who'd be ok fucking a tranny.
>would it be gay if a man fucked a 10/10 woman
Actually, 2 black guys fucking is not that uncommon, which is why AIDS is spreading among blacks faster than among whites.
Little known fact: most black men are closeted homosexuals. That's why they care so much about shoes.
I don't care, just take them out of my gay porn. So annoying, i have to check vintage and/or european porn these days.
You guys are morons if you don't think it would alter the dynamic of your friendship if you both had the ability to sexually gratify each other just like that.
It would be a bonding experience.
god i wish that were me
This guy gets it
When you realize that it's actually two black men, yes, it's quite gay.
In the context of the show yes it was, but that actress is fucking hot. What is her name?
We'd adapt, fella. Sure, the first few years would be weird, but everyone would be cool eventually. Just fellas hangin out with fellas. And occasionally fucking girl-fellas. No worries.
Pom Faguette. She is Mantis from Guardians of the Galaxy.
Gay if it's with your bro.
Not gay if it's a stranger.
Every other argument is invalid.
Yes, it's gay
More like gay man
But you know it's actually a gay.
Back to being gay.
she's like they kept an asian woman in a box and fed her nothing but crickets for 6 months, i love her so much
This somehow makes sense.
asians are gross
>no children
is she scared of bringing more mentally ill hapas like her family into the world?
exhibit A
She's french.
But you know the stranger is almost certainly a guy.
I'd only play against the computer
>asians are gross
Then perhaps you might enjoy the taste of cock!!!FACT!!!
exhibit 2
Oh really? Then I have a horse that totally isn't a mouse that was born in a stable to sell you
>this thread
exhibit D
Depends on the character selection
>Pom Klementieff was born in Quebec City, Canada, to a Korean mother and French-Russian father, who was working there as a consul with the French government.[4][5] Her parents chose the name "Pom" because it is similar in pronunciation to the Korean words for both "spring" (봄) and "tiger" (범).[5] Klementieff lived in Canada for one year before her family travelled extensively due to her father's job.[6] They lived in Japan and the Ivory Coast, before settling in France.
Klementieff's father died of cancer when she was 5, and her mother had schizophrenia and was unable to care for children,[5] so Klementieff was raised by her paternal uncle and aunt.[4] Her uncle, whom she described as "like [her] second father", died on her 18th birthday, and her older brother committed suicide seven years later, this time on her 25th birthday.[5] Her grandfather was the Russian painter Eugene Klementieff[7]. Klementieff briefly attended law school after her uncle's death to appease her aunt but did not find the career path appealing.
Maybe she's scared.
Man, this bitch has lived, turns me on even more desu. Imagine being her at all those MCU photoshoots and having to put up with silver spoon fags like the Olsen girl and that other Russian girl with the big tits.
>it's so hot when a girl is D A M A G E D
I'd still fuck him/her then if I can be the guy.
It was pretty gay. Karl had a real life mental breakdown after Falcon stopped fucking him in the game so yeah, it was the fact that he was fucking his best friend (and that he didn't have a steady gf/wife in real life).
The real question is why the fuck did this game have clothes removal and sex organs programmed into the fucking thing. It's no wonder this shit happened.
So everyone is just going ignore that guy#1 ruined his relationship so he could keep virtually fucking his bro?
That's the big gay situation.
it's gay if you're the girl, yeah