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So its just... tv?

Isn't there already a Disney channel?

For new shows weekly basis is unironically better because it gives you more time to absorb what happened in said episode and to wonder/theorize what's going to happen later.
Binging TV shows is garbage because eventually the episodes just mold together as you're watching and there is next to no impact.

I actually prefer all at once.

From a money standpoint Disney has it right because it forces people to stay onboard to get the whole thing as it rolls out weekly over months. BUT theres also a catch as people could just wait for it all to be done releasing sign up then watch it and cancel, which is where Netflix has power.

doesnt matter, they should give the consumer an option. netflix is better because of this

they're made to be watched that way now

Depends on the show IMO. Some shows are better with the wait in between to digest and discuss. But other shows are nothing but one long movie, and better to just consume at once.

the movies will apparently have commercials too for other disney films plus espn sports advertisement shit.

Just wait until the series is finished then watch it all.

Fuck off you drone

That's good though. Fuck the netflix method.
What the fuck


When will normies finally figure out Netflix shows are just 10 hour long shitty TV movies and not TV shows?


>they should give the consumer an option.
and how do you give the option of watching all episodes at once or waiting a week in between? The release schedule of a show affects its production and writing like has said.

true, slower shows like BCS benefit a lot from a weekly basis but things like Stranger Things work well as one long movie as you said

>Netflix’s highest ever cash flow is $279 million. That was in 2009 before the company expanded globally. By 2012, Netflix dipped into a negative cash flow that has only gotten worse. In 2017, the cash flow was around $-2.01 billion, and by 2018, it's expected to hit $-2.79 billion.

lotta disney shills ITT

>For new shows weekly basis is unironically better because it gives you more time to absorb what happened in said episode and to wonder/theorize what's going to happen later.

But normalfags who pay for streaming service won't wait until the end when something is new. If Disney shills can get whatever Disney+ series trending on social media, dumb sheep will subscribe to stay current.

Should have seen this Jewitude coming. By releasing the shows weekly you can't just subscribe on release day for a highly anticipated show, watch it, and then immediately cancel for another year. You have to pay them for at least 3 months to watch one show. Guess it's 100% piracy for me. You won't even get my $15 a year to see the Mandalorian faggots.

if they release it all at once you have the option to binge watch it or watch one episode per week retard

>dabbing on the binge-watching ADHD zoomers
wtf I love Disney now?

the same kikes are going to make the disney plus shit so it doesnt really matter.

thats not a great selling point
>we give it to you weekly instead of all at once

You realize that Netflix will stop releasing everything at once as soon as Disney+ launches, also a couple of months after that they will add commercials, and then they will die.

I'm not even trying to shill but this is kind of my preference for newer shows. There's power in weekly releases that binge dumps don't have. Netflix originals fall off significantly after first seasons because there's no discussion building for them.
Lmao for real? That's rich.

>it gives you more time to absorb what happened in said episode and to wonder/theorize what's going to happen later
This is the faggiest thing I've ever heard.

>1.99 mouse ears have been mouseposited into your mousecount

All of these mouse shills trying to pretend this isn't just a blatant way of trying to keep people from cancelling their accounts after they've watched all of the good stuff

Sometimes its better to force the audience to wait though to build the wait, the tension, the mystery, and the discussion. Release it all at once and everyone will consume it at varying degrees, some all at once, some a bit at a time, and the discussion isn't as consistent. Not everyone will be on the same episode at the watercooler either.

>pay 15 dollars a month for four episodes

I know everyone is shitting on this, but Unironically this is how you get shows like GOT. Without it, the hype for it dies like after a week instead of say like 2 months of the year being overtaken by discussion of it. Fans seem to enjoy the experience as well if GOT is anything to go by or any show like that.

Good. Binge watching is getting old for me. I honestly think I would have enjoyed Mindhunter much more if it was released on a weekly basis instead of feeling like such a slog to get through all of it.

>being a wageslave

>but unironically this is how you get shows like GOT
Imagine thinking this is a good argument?

shut the fuck up you shill

Imagine if something like L O S T got released all at once instead of weekly, the hype wouldn't be nearly as big. Some shows aren't meant to be watched that way. The Netflix generation will never understand this.

>this old chestnut

Why didn't you just wait a week between episodes then? Do you have no willpower whatsoever?

Exactly. Look at Stanger Things. It's marketed immensly, releases, then after a week/2weeks, nobody is talking about it because its been and gone alrady

*released on a weekly basis with commercials

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Okay Disney killing the binge-meme is actually based.

Weekly is better for social media trending. Game of Thrones never would have achieved its level of success with a bingeable release.

He wasn't talking about the quality of the show you retard, he meant the popularity and cultural staying power.

So for example, one of the best television shows of the past few years IMO was Twin Peaks season 3. And that made the audience wait for every episode. It gave the entire internet and all watchers time to speculate, to guess and come up with theories and rewatch and try to piece it all together collectively. It made it a shared and fun experience where everyone was excited for what came next and Yea Forums threads were all over the place and it made the show a communal activity, not just something to be consumed quickly and discussed once you finish it and then forgotten. Some shows just work better like that.

Agreed, but is this not for the best? If all you have going for your show is hype (Lost, GoT, ect.) and can't be enjoyed consecutively, then your show is just crap.

Yikes! It's DOA folks move along, move along. The shills will try to keep it afloat but I've already seen two shows while your'e waiting on the 5th episode? lol sorry its dead.

i dont need a world where everybody talks about stranger things all year

its not really something i feel is lacking in society

It's an example you retard

So I guess I'll just pirate it then rather than paying $45 for each show they air.

ADHD people dont watch a show for 8 hours

I'm surprised Netflix isn't doing this, because, honestly, it's much better for longevity of the shows.

Game of Thrones wouldn't take off if it was released all at once, this game is all about speculation, letting the viewers hype themselves up and shit.

While personally I prefer binge watching, honestly I can see why Disney is doing this.

substitute any show

its not really a bad thing or good thing for society if people dont talk about a show all year.

I don’t even know why this is even a problem. I prefer it that way for new shows. I hate the whole binging shit with Netflix.

>that one mouse shill that's posted 20 times in this thread
How much do you think he's made?

They don't have the patience to wait a week for each episode either.

Maybe you don't remember watching Yea Forums before streaming services (maybe you weren't even an adult in the 80s/90s/00s) but it added a social element to television that you don't see with binge culture.

People like talking about the episode they all just watched together, and like to guess what comes next. Who killed Laura Palmer? Will Ross and Rachel get together? What will happen to Tony Soprano? Will Walter White get away free? All this is a social experience meant to be shared with viewers. If its all available at the start, people binge it, talk about it once, and then its over with. It makes the media mean less. It makes it more temporal and fleeting.

Smart move by Disney desu.
Also Netflix is really upping their kino game this year.

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Less than 20 cents.

So watch one episode per week. Nobody is stopping you or even saying that’s weird.

weekly also allows for water cooler discussions about individual episodes whereas binging you can only discuss the content as a whole. weekly is definitely the best way for them to launch to work off word of mouth

>everyone that doesn't like meme-watching is a disney shill

Logically you're right, but don't underestimate social pressure. If everyone's talking about The Mandalorian at work or the pub (heaven forbid) you don't want to be the odd bastard out.

This is me btw and I just want to say while I still hold these points I also say FUCK DISNEY and fuck the mouse, and absolutely do not give them money when they already have their own TV channels existing. Fuck them hard.

yes i remember all that shit

it was normally more annoying than a great thing that i need in life.

i never watched a season of any show all the way through until streaming became a thing.

Hopefully you are being ironic

>people uniornically supporting this.

Fucking zoomers. This is how you know a show is shit so you can abandon it early.

hey, girl, let's disney+ and... hey girl... wait... don't leave yet

I agree with this guy. Having it all at once is not a good idea.

>Cost to watch a 12 episode show on Netflix: ~$15
>Cost to watch a 12 episode show on Disney+: ~$45
It must all be about the viewing experience though.

Pure kikery. I've used trials on streaming services to binge a couple shows I want to watch then cancel multiple times. This is just trying to prevent that.

Binge-watching is a zoomer thing. Why are you using words that you don't understand the meaning of?

This is the only reason they do it. Drones defending it so you can "absorb the episode" are just ignoring the fact that you have to stick with the show for as long as it airs, aka giving Disney more money than necessary.

Because everyone else will binge that shit and spoil it all the first day if you want to discuss it at all. How about you just release it once a week like the biggest tv show of the past decade? Didn’t seem like anyone was complaining then.

Agreed. The best part of True Detective and Twin Peaks was coming on here and theorizing what would happen next week. With binge releasing you lose that and you lose a lot of hype.

just sayin
why should i be invested in returning Disney to its glory days of everybody talking about Lost every week at water coolers.

You guys do realize that Netflix has shows that are weekly and some that are shipped out in full?

>Show is released in one drop
>You have to ingest 10 hours of content in 2 days max or you will all the good threads about it
Fuck Disney, but fuck Netflix too.

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>People talking about the mandalorian in public

Lol no

What a god among men.

that and it bulks out their content. instead of a show being binged in a week and forgotten they get 3 months of 'water cooler moments' for it to stick in people's minds

>better for longevity of the shows
Netfilx doesn't want longrunning shows, they want the new hotness that will bring in more punters, most of their original shows only last 2-3 seasons.

Just pirate everything. Fuck all of this.

and seasons space by 2 years because they can't afford the production costs as it is


All the shows that bingedropped are forgotten already

correct but

or just do what i do

dont watch any of that jew cum but post online about how shitty it is even though youve never seen it

>All this is a social experience meant to be shared with viewers.
Look at this normalfag talking about his favorite weekly dose of capeshit with his coworkers and redditors. Maybe pick up anime or stick with HBO if that's what you're looking for.
>It makes the media mean less.
Not really, but perhaps it's TV series as a medium that's at fault?
You can pick up a good classic book and read it in one sitting or you can spend an eternity with it. If it's good, you'll re-read it and/or meditate on it anyway.
If you pick up YA shit and you read it over a month it's not going to be better or more meaningful, lmao.

This is like artificial memorability, but I guess who the fuck cares. It's TV shit and 99% of it it's going to be shit anyway.

Good. Weekly basis is much better. Why did binge drops ever become a thing?

>hey let’s release all the episodes at once so consumers have nothing to talk about week to week and can just unsubscribe once they’ve seen their favourite show

Remember Lost or even GoT here? It was great discussing episode to episode.

binge drops are great for old shows like the office wheres there's already 10 seasons, new shows should be weekly

>Twin Peaks
>Breaking Bad
>The Sopranos

Are you okay?
(unless you think I'm advocating for Disney+) which isn't my argument, see

"""my bad""" i should have put "blend"

just like on of my japanese animes

Spot the underage faggots. Binge watching is a zoomer thing. I guess you’re too young to remember Yea Forums threads which were episode to episode shows and not constant cape shit and Star Wars.

yep, stranger things was like 1 or 2 months ago? no one even talks about it. it was in peoples mind for rougly 2 weeks

it's meld not mold

This. Amerisharts over indulge everything and can't appreciate jack for it.

as i understand there will be option, shows will be coming 1 per week but will stay there so you can watch all in one sitting after everything is out so you cant spoil for people watching weekly

Based NPC

Consume content

Lots of zoomers disagreeing with this, but this is correct, at least for good series.
Look at LOST for example, if everything was released at once it would be utter shit.
Same thing with the first season of Westworld.
Good thing that HBO still does the same thing and I bet you that eventually Netflix is gonna start releasing some of their own shows at weekly basis too.

>I guess you’re too young to remember Yea Forums threads which were episode to episode shows
I remember it fine. I remember that it's complete shit.

what's wrong with that? are you a communist?

That's usually only for shows they have simulcast deals for with other networks. Most, if not all of their originals are released at once.

>but this is correct, at least for good series
>Look at LOST
>Same thing with the first season of Westworld
Poor bait, user.

People miss small details in shows all the time when speed watching, so from a creative standpoint it's better for a week to week.

this, netflix shows are shit but since you watch4 or 5 of them at a time they dont seem so bad
if you see them once a week you can tell just how shit it is and stop watching it
netflix is fucking done

Amazon has already started doing it like this too. People don't know what they want, binging is a pure faggot tier watching habit.

you can retcon errors in weekly shows

take the office, nobody noticed that Pam and Andy have different parents in the later seasons.
but when you binge the entire series over a couple of week you clearly remember the original Walter Bernard.

Oh sorry, I should have said Stranger Things, 13 reasons why and Breaking Bad, am I right my friend redditor?

>needs an entire week to decide if what he watched was shit or not
Are you retarded?

I seriously don't get how people can binge watch shows, don't you have jobs?

>you don't binge watch a show in 3 weeks so it gets canceled
great model netflix

>continues listing shitty shows
I don't know what you're even trying to prove here?

i dont like to make 6 month+ long commitments to shows

imagine defeding anti-consumerism. there is literally no downside to dropping all shows at once. you want to watch one a week? guess what, you still can. stop acting like talking about a tv show is some deep philosophical thing that needs a week to set in and have discussions about

i really don’t want to wait another 3 years for mindhunter bros

>tfw fincher spends 6 months of the year looking for actors that look like serial killers and then teaches them how to act to a level he's satisfied with

I sincerely can't imagine being this fucking stupid.

netflix did this for shit too

fincher is so underrated

>underage faggots
I was buying bootleg anime series when you probably weren't in your dad's ballsack yet. I first came to Yea Forums in 2006 and returned to follow the weekly TTGL threads in Yea Forums. I was here 8 years ago with the GoT threads as well. I read the books almost 2 priors to that, thanks to a faggot from Yea Forums who recc'd it.

I know what that faggot is talking about but I've learned it all depends on whether the show is good or not. Just look at this dude listing 3 shows out of a myriad of forgettable schlock. When pirating TV shows became a reality, anyone could binge watch shit, weebs like me most certainly.

So, no, the 100 is not better because it took you 5 years to follow it up to this point. No. It's not a great social experiment. Maybe it adds to the experience, I'm not going to deny that. Maybe it DOES make it more memorable. But I bet you almost the same thing would happen if you took notes while watching Sopranos while binge watching it, or took the time to write episodic essays. Reflecting on shit is what reinforces your memories of it, not the way it's released.
No, The Mentalist was never great. House is mediocre whether you watched it season after season or if you binged watched last year. So fuck you, contrarian piece of shit.

for their own content, which show?

>dude I love networks arbitrarily telling me when to watch a show
>why even do once a week? How about once a month?

And it also forces people to pay every month to keep watching the show when most just watch the shit in an afternoon.

fantastic structure to milk money.

Weekly is much, much better. Binging shows is a garbage watching experience.


>How do you prefer to consume content?

IGN is the most bootlicking website ever

this is why i read old episode discussion threads on reddit while binge watching shows lol~

My plan to watch The mandalorian all at once and unsubscribe is foiled. Guess they’re not retarded.


well what are the fucking results op you fag?

if you are really this poor, just cancel it and sign up for a month after the series is over.

No they won't. Google your friend, use it.

The modern generation really needs this.

They're doing this to hide how content bare their service if. If they allowed binging people could watch all their originals in like a week and then cancel their subscription.

It's $6.99 a month. Are you so bad at math think 7×3=45?

Who here /neverpaidadamncentforanything/?


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Excellent, delayed gratification is the Patrician's choice.

>Meet QT on Craigslist.
>She's a psychology major from England.
>Ask to meet for coffee.
>"Okay but just warning you, I have really high standards so if I don't like you I'll just leave."
>Meet her at Starbucks.
>Let her talk about herself while I sip on a Strawberries and Cream frappuccino and occasionally nod.
>After 30 minutes of this she says "Hey user, want to show me your condo?"
>"Sure, let's go."
>At condo she looks at my Bluray collection and says I have good taste.
>"Of course I do, that's why I asked you out."
>"Tee hee, you're so smooth"
>Starts showing me all her tattoos.
>"I have a big one on my upper thigh but my shorts covering it up."
>"Oh okay."
>"Want to see it?"
>Takes off shorts so I start kissing her etc.
>We start having sex and I decided this was way too easy so I'm not going to allow myself to cum.
>Make her orgasm a few times then kick her out because my girlfriend gets off of work soon.

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lol based boomer
not based

So are they killing off the Disney Channel? Because this just sounds like the Disney Channel but with movies on demand.

Netflix releases their anime weekly in Japan. It's to keep merchandise on the shelves and theme songs on the charts.

Unironically based and truthpilled. Fuck all the (You)s you’re getting from entitled zoomer faggots who disagree.

>rejecting normieflix model that normies are used to now
>clearly not intending to supplant cable
>programming is not delving into massive abc, fox, natgeo libraries
I think it's more likely streaming really will just fizzle and die, give netflix's ever worsening catalogue and idiotic management.

>What do you mean I can't watch 22 episodes every week for 30+ weeks, all containing 60% filler and storylines meant to appeal to 4 or 5 demographics that aren't me

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I'm surprised anyone here gives a flying fuck and arguing about what normalfaggots will be paying for. I pirate everything even though I could pay for it and I would prefer the weekly releases since it's a more pleasant experience for me and I can come here and discuss it while it's airing.

Plus if Game of Plebs is anything to go by, normalfags will just sign up for whatever has the show they want to watch the most. I doubt they sat there thinking uh dude to binge or not to binge when that show was airing. They just saw it and renewed to watch it for a few months.

Lynch was ahead of the curve once again

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Not an argument

I naturally do this By watching 1-2 episodes at a time tops.

Three hours of anything gets boring, this is why we don't have 4 hour movies.

This way I no longer have to avoid spoilers from nolife bingers


week format is superior

Everyone disagreeing with this post is either a woman or a ADHD zoomer suffering from YouTube induced brain rot

Look at all these Disney shills trying to gaslight people into believing week-to-week is better.

But after that last season, got is completely dead in the water. HBO is stuck working on spinoff series literally no one wants.

Look at this Netflix shill trying to convince people their dying business model that results in canceled good shows is superior

What are you even blathering about.

I´ll oscilate between netflix and amazon... to me those are the only ones worth something. Despite it´s problems i would rather bet on original programing rather than pay for sequels and remakes of beloved animation classics and capeshit and starwars spin off shows. Don´t really care about weekly vs binge though.

Are we going to get Lizzie Maguire in 4k?

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GOT is dead because is the ending was garbage and crashed the franchise. The release format they had was why it even got as popular as it did. People generated so much hype for it because they spent so much time talking about it while it aired which was usually months at a time. The show itself was actually rather overrated, but the fans created so much hype in part because of the weekly format.

with a spoon though disney's skull

she fucking filipino

They want people to keep their subscription waiting for the next episode of The Mandalorian or Loki so that while waiting they might start watching some of their classic shows and movies.

yeah but now you gotta pay 15$ bucks a month on top of what you pay for it being (((bundled))) into your cable bill goy

Only a retard would say this. If your brain is too slow to take it all in, then that's your problem.

This unironically. There's a reason why people only talk about Stranger Things for like a week or two, and then promptly forget about it. It gives you something to look forward to too.

Fuck BINGERS and FUCk jannies

If you watch a whole season in a day, then all that shit is going to mesh together in your memory whether you think you're 400 IQ or not.

this. twin peaks threads during season 3 was the most fun i've had on Yea Forums in 10+ years. i wish netflix would do weekly episodes for most of their new shows.

>200 posts of people arguing the merits of the Disney model like they’re planning on paying their jizya tax to the prophet mousehammad

Agree with you user. Binge watchers can just jump in the last 10 seconds of the season and just post the spoiler or not even care what was gonna go on through the season. At least everyone would be on the same page which is more better.

Subscribing to Netflix, Amazon Prime, and Disney+ separately is still cheaper than cable

All this means is that I will wait until the entire thing is released to watch. Changes not a thing.
To out this in perspective I did not watch past season 1 of GoT until the final season began airing because u knew I would want to bing it all.

>episodes end in cliffhangers to hook up the brainlets.

This is peak dishonest television right here.

Only zoomers disagree

On my Charter Spectrum there is a seperate Disney pay ondemand thing, that they discontinuing I guess because of Disney+

Can we unpack this binge format? Or is it a Macguffin?

and trying to keep that hype increasing is what killed the show.

you're capable of understanding this, right?

This is retarded. You don't remember episodes so much as the overall journey. Do you read books for the individual chapters or for the story?

You dont know what is ADHD.

Just wait until the whole season is out and then do it. Same thing.

>For new shows weekly basis is unironically better because it gives you more time to absorb what happened in said episode

How much did Disney pay you?

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Lol we are literally going to watch Disney go out of business in our lifetimes.

That's why Netflix or Amazon will never, ever have phenomenon on their hands to the scale of GoT, while Dinsey+ has a chance.

GoT dodn't get it's popularity on Sunday night - it was monday talk that made it work, a cycle of discussion and anticipation.

Look at stranger things as a comparison. Very popular, maybe the most popular original from netflix. First season was hotly debated for months, but each subsequent lost steam after a month. Meanwhile even the worst got seasons kept viewer attention at least as long as they were airing.

Tale shit like Ned's death, or Eed Wedding, and how ineffective it'd be if instead of leaving you in shock, they gave you an option to see what happened right after. On the other hand, you can't end the aeason like that, because it's just a cheap emotional trick and will rather frustrate the audiences.

cringe lardass amerifats

Somebody fucking justify not releasing all at once right goddamn now

le slow burn meme

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Pirates always win fren

Fuckin chinese shit, go back to Obama

True Detective threads were the height of my career on this site, I’m down for comfy threads between episodes.

If you like waiting in between episodes so much just watch the series one episode per week? No one is forcing anyone to binge anything

disney+ and pray

>Implying bitches don't get wet as fuck with vintage Goofy shorts.

Fucking plebs.

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Oh cool so can I pay when it's all done?

Did someone say sex + goofy?

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Let me let you guys in on a little secret. Cable is fucking dead. Get over it. Trying to create a Frankensteinian ersatz cable through 100 different streaming services that cost 100x as much is DEFINITELY D.O.A. You're going to have to adjust to the death of capitalism. I'm not sorry for your loss.

Unironically better. Get ready to look for new work, Netflix shills, you're gonna need it

Only that shit doesn't matter and doesn't give anything to Netflix. All Netflix wants is to keep you subscribed. As long as they have enough decent shows spilling out over the year people won't unsubscribe. It's actually a better model overall because Netflix needs to have multiple good shows instead of relying on one popular show to keep you subscribed. Shows are also better because they aren't nitpicking episode ratings.

Disney is basically saying "we won't have much original content and people would just subscribe for a month binge then unsubscribe" doesn't exactly paint a positive picture of their platform.

>You're going to have to adjust to the death of capitalism
Can't wait to hear the absurd reasoning that propeled you into inserting this in defense of fucking streaming.

Isn't that a little bit counterintuitive? If I wanted to watch a TV show that releases episodes on a weekly basis I would have just stayed with cable. Granted, binge-watching isn't exactly the best way to watch a TV show, but that's one of the main reasons why people buy streaming services in the first place.

Dude, why the fuck do you think cable is dead? Do you think people love to just waste money on shit when they can no longer afford rent and literally everything is freely available? We've reached the point where you actually have to downgrade technology to still make money, and the fucking rich kikes are pulling out all the stops to do just that.

>If everyone's talking about The Mandalorian at work or the pub
lol. Disney has fumbled Star Wars so fucking hilariously. This wont happen. Star Wars is for boys. Girls wont get into it like game of thrones ever.

What'sstopping people from just not getting disney plus and then getting it once all the episodes are up?

Probably some insane contrivance Disney will or has come up with to try to prevent hemorrhaging money.

I'm thinking of just getting the hulu bundle with disney plus whenever Orville Season 3 is released in 2020.


Would prefer daily basis.

This, they should release 4 minutes at a time daily rate for a 10 episodes season.

>how do you prefer to consume content
Literally vomiting right now. Fuck consumerism. Fuck capitalism. Fuck you.

>watch episode 1
>waiting a week to watch episode 2
>go to discuss the episode
>entire thing spoiled
>zoomer doesn’t know / remember where each episode began and ended and is incapable of discussing individual episodes
>by the time you’re even halfway through a season of anything, everyone else has already moved on and no longer cares about that show whatsoever
>people still do care but online discussion has been womanized with retarded shipping or similar

No entertainment company is actually paying people to post here. This is Yea Forums, everyone hates us.

Missing all discussion. If you don’t care about that, you can do what you said, but there’s plenty of market for them to get people subscribed the whole time.

Idea will most likely be folks will be talking about the show and you will be missing out.

Real question is what Disney is going to do to stop folks from sharing accounts.

>Idea will most likely be folks will be talking about the show and you will be missing out.
That's their strategy I guess. They'll have to be good shows though.

>Fuck consumerism
>posts on a board about consuming film and tv

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i'm gonna pirate everything and i still would rather have weekly episodes than all at once

Well, they know how to get their money...of course it'd be weekly based. And yea, I prefer it, but it's easy to see, after endless tweet, how people really prefer to watch their shows. They don't want to lose the subs they just gained because a new Star Wars show came out and everyone binged it and will cancel until the next season. Nah, they'll stretch that shit out to make you be subbed for at least 3 months. Thank the people that only sub to Netflix for Stranger Things, then brag about cancelling their sub right after binging it.

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Aren't they doing a live action starwars tv show? That and a well budgeted cape shit show is probably enough.

Good. TV shows were literally never meant to be watched in one go. Imagine if someone released a 10-hour movie: no one would watch it. TV shows are designed to be watched over a long period of time in short episodes.

they're not going out of business, seething zoomer

Considering how people are taking in nuWars, I doubt it'll be well talked about.

As for the capeshit, it'll probably be popular among capeshit fans but certainly not capture the office people because it offers the barriers of MCU movies.

Lol cry more

How fucked up would it be if they took each episode down when the next one aired so you can’t binge it?

>show is killed by its finale

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and anyone with a brain in this thread isn't talking about what's good for society, they're speculating on an entertainment company's business strategy

Final episode is so bad the retroactively ruined the show and the books.

>weekly show
>can experience it with everyone else
>can discuss each episode
>don't feel compelled to watch 8 hours at once in order to not be spoiled
can someone explain to me WHY you'd ever prefer them to release the whole season at once?
You can still binge shows if you need to catchup, but for new releases it really does not make sense.
Watching 8 hours of television in a sitting is not healthy.

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Weekly is better becuase then the autist no-life's on Yea Forums can't just binge it all the moment it comes out and start posting things that happen in the end episodes

if you watched the show in the first place, you're a sucker

who /watch1episodeanight/ here?

reading the words "consume content" made me feel physically ill


you are missing the point, they want the hype, whether the finale delivered on this is not that important for the show makers, and before you shit on the show itself, again, without the hype or getting people to get watching, other shows don't get made or the networks don't follow

>week by week
>benefits only disney
>more users have to pay if they want to keep up to date on all their shows
>devalues free trials if they ever implement them so that you only get to watch a couple of episodes of whatever you want to see
>overall just devalues the content release per subscription month for userbase
>also stretches out their content schedules so they can basically keep people hooked on the same handful of shows they're actually subscribed for
meanwhile the opposite benefits consumers (ie you, you fucking retard) in many ways that have no bearing on how you choose to consume your media
>can watch episodes whenever you feel your retarded sensibilities have "absorbed" what you just watched
>can unsubscribe whenever you feel like it after watching your show
>can resubscribe which gives them an incentive to actually produce consistently good shows, not just prop up a streaming service on 1 or 2 good shows
I really can't stress how literally retarded, obscenely anti-consumer and counter intuitive your viewpoint and this business model really are

Nah I forget what happens after a week, it's hard for me stay invested without watching at least 3 at a time

>can unsubscribe whenever you feel like it after watching your show
>can resubscribe which gives them an incentive to actually produce consistently good shows, not just prop up a streaming service on 1 or 2 good show
you can do that too, of course you would have to wait for the episodes to be released and then binge, but of course delayed gratification is not worth it for people

yeah, you fucking idiot, nobody's talking about whether the show was good or not, they're talking about how a company makes their product most popular WHILE IT'S AIRING


will Corey in the House make it to Disney+ or did that blakc list that show like they did song of the south for anti-semitism

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Based and fuck zoomers the return of kino discussion threads are back!

>thinking Disney is doing it this way for quality of viewing

They're doing it so every week their lemming bloggers can hype it up all the while correcting the record for anyone saying the show sucks.

that's a good move because Netflix shows stop being discussed in public after about a week of release, the discussion in that week is low quantity since the majority of the fanbase hasn't watched it yet so doesn't turn up to get spoiled by the few autists who actually did the binge meme immediately and the discussion is very low quality with only speculation about what happens next season rather than discussing each episodes content in-depth all week

releasing week to week is free marketing in this day and age where fans want to discuss it on twitter and reddit

>like they did song of the south for anti-semitism

So regular TV?

I'm fine with this. I like discussing episodes weekly and letting them soak in, like those threads when The Terror was premiering.

Weekly releasing is the only option with options. After the last episode premiere you can binge all you want, and look back at the per episode discussion. It's win-win.

the only reason disney is doing this is because they can't come up with new content in one-shots on their own

this will be beneficial to them at the start but as they absorb the market and everyone has to wait for their extra bill for their extra content that's just rehash city...

it'll all balance out

maybe they'll buy more properties and bleed more money as they devalue the fans and create a reason to watch anime

No? I binge watch anime and it makes perfect sense to me. Mostly because of how narrative structures work. You are just a retard. (in your defense a show like GoT would not work binged because of the fuckton of plots)

And get spoilers? No thank you

holy shit, are you suggesting a Kingdom Hearts show is on the horizon??

Shut your fucking mouth

For the love of christ, I dont know why Netflix hasnt bought crunchyroll. They should do anime weekly.

It will look like they don’t have a lot of content but that’s because netflix has so much garbage and they try to hide it by having each shitty movie show up in multiple genres.

why the fuck has this gotten so many (you)s

Yikes so like HBO but with lower quality?

Because it's a blatant disneyshill doing damage control so a lot of people are laughing at him and a lot of shills are trying to save him

ah yes the old “anyone who disagrees with me is a shill” meme

So you're paying for an on-demand Disney Channel pretty much
Fuck that

They probably don’t want to compete with their tv channel.


Put me in the cap redditbros!

>anyone who disagrees with basic logic is a shill
fixed that for you, shill

Not even Amazon and Disney together can kill the Netflix

>defending jew practices
yeah plz subscrive to Disney plus dumbanon

Waiting 2 to 3 months? avoiding spoilers would be impossible.

Well HBO works that way too. Then again HBO's content is good and everything they have for disney+ looks like shit

This is to prevent you from joining for a free one month trial then cancelling after watching a season of your favorite show.

kek dropped

Then I"ll just wait until every one of their retarded episodes are out and THEN do the free month trial before cancelling, lmao.

>the option
You can't. If your coworkers watched all the episodes and you handicap yourself to once per week, you'll be unable to talk about the show. The binge approach is awful in every way.

> consume content
Fuck, that’s so dehumanising
Why do NPCs not get upset at this?

why the fuck there are people defending this with the excuse of muh spoilers and binging bad?

>nooooo spoilers bad
kek is there a more weak mentality than this?

Because they are paid to do so


Fuck binging

So they're losing money since 2009?

If you disagree with him you disagree with David Lynch.

I unironically agree with this. Short attention span zoomers can't understand.

If it was meant to be absorbed in one sitting just make a fucking movie.

I really doubt the Yakuza team is aiming for the big bucks.

Who’s that?

Netflix should take one step ahead and make their shows biweekly!

This, and it makes the show resistant to spoilers

It does suck dick that I can't binge watch any of the shows.


I doubt it, you can't put adverts in a premium subscription based service without people getting pissed the fuck off.


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that is actually true
wojak posting doesn't make me wrong

I wouldn't sit through a whole series in one go no but it's nice to have the option to watch 2-3 episodes a night or something.

>dat image

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Spoilers are easy to avoid if you aren't a dumb faggot who spends 90% of his time on the internet. Go out. Have sex.



Yeah, I usually work 45-50 hours a week. And if there's something I'd been waiting for, honestly I usually just binge it over the weekend. The Boys was what, 8 episodes? I watched it over 2 days. Not hard.

abysmal post

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What if i don't give a shit about discussion?

>he prefers his movies in 10-minute segments spread out across 12 weeks for maximum reflection and pondering

Then why be here?

As a consumer I want more bang for my buck, not rationalizations for corporate greed. Some series can be ran weekly but most are a journey that can be best experienced with a binge.


If your bank has an account option to let you buy stocks and shares, chuck a 1k into Disney now and check back on your gains in a 5 to 10 years. Hell, you'll be up once Bisney+ launches.

What costs $15?

>I seriously don't get how people can binge watch shows, don't you have jobs?
What is Saturday and Sunday

The only reason they do it is to keep you subscribed forever. You're afaggot if you sub anyway. i'll torrent the shit out of this crap and shitpost about it



they're nowhere near the sub numbers needed to turn a profit and at this point never will be. problem is they need to continually be adding new shows and also loathe to outright cancel anything. it's why none of their stuff is released on an annual basis anymore, production costs already out of control.

Disney shills are so very real bros. They glow.

Attached: https___blogs-images.forbes.com_greatspeculations_files_2019_02_NewConstructs_NFLX_RevVsExpenditureG (960x396, 35K)

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this whole thread is a commercial..
Yea Forums will you ever learn?

also sage
also check em'

Based user BTFO the le frokin ebin BINGE WATCHING XD redditor retards who should not even be on a television discussion board.

Nba 2k added ads in a full priced video game that requires an additional subscription to have access to half the game in PSN and XBL Gold. Never say never.

>implying "bingewatching" is a zoomer thing
I'm from 1985 and I just "bingewatched" Dark season 1 because it was so good and yes, it's more like a long film (so better writing in general, better characters) than a stupid flash gordon serial.


They literally just want you to pay for more months at a time to watch a show.

>For new shows weekly basis is unironically better because it gives you more time to absorb what happened in said episode and to wonder/theorize what's going to happen later.

This only applies to kinos. Disney shows on the other hand will be CW tier trash so it's better to get it over all at once.