What makes you different from normies?
What makes you different from normies?
A sense of superiority born out of resentment for life in general
I *AM* a normie
We're all normies
i'd kill them all if i had to
>iphone poster
I am 25 years old and I never even kissed a girl
i can larp as a normie sometimes
I don’t worship women
hell yea
I smile
IF what social media and mainstream media depicts as normal is true then in all honesty I think most people on Yea Forums are actually more sane than them and therefor more normal.
and you think normies do?
>IF what social media and mainstream media depicts as normal
like what? working a job? having a GF?
Mental illness, probably undiagnosed autism. I have no magic abilities or good taste, though. I just can't fit into any social circles, not even the nerdy ones. That's why Yea Forums's perfect for me, nobody here cares about television and film, it's the perfect mediocre place for someone mediocre like me.
Nothing, I am one. I have a wife, two kids and a mortgage.
based, lets be mediocre together
I don't post Pepe, you fucking frogposter.
Many times when I browse this place I know many people around it are much more self aware, have a better understanding of our society and generally less annoying than those on instagram and other shit like that.
I'm /fit/ as fuck and I have small beady eyes.
i don't live in a society
you're missing out
Thinking child drag queens are okay, thinking having drag queens read to your children is a must and bigoted otherwise. Abortion is fine, nihilism and anti depressants are all the rage.
I don't blame anons for being NEET shut ins, its hard to want to give back to a society that's as ass backwards as the west.
Formerly nothing. Now my hairline is receding. My Chad image is gone. Unironically became an incel overnight and swallowed the black pill.
post your body
You think he has female fans in jail?
I'll give you something to swallow pal
some single mothers surely
I'm not gay yet
I have mommy issues and hate women and minorities due to past childhood experiences that I cannot overcome. In addition, I cling onto my resentment towards my mother as a sort of badge to show how I am not a normie.
I believe I do not deserve to be loved and am content with dying alone as a virgin.
As far as you know, absolutely nothing.
I'm self-aware, honest and fair.
A lot to unpack here
I lived the normie life until I decided it's too exhausting mentally and financially in the long run, so now I just socialize whenever my autistic ass is up for it.
I look at my over 7k porn pics on my phone and think
normies have even more
i look at my shitty neet lifestyle and think
normies have a dead end job
You know what your number one issue is? Feeling like you don't "deserve" anything good to happen to you. You feel guilty by merely existing.
Almost impossible to overcome. I did but I don't blame you if you don't manage and/or want to. It's a doggy dog world out there.
my inability to communicate with them
I'm different because I don't fit in. I'm an unintelligent speaker who needs to take 3 seconds to think about what I want to type instead.
>normies have a dead end job
That’s a cope I know a number of white collar professionals who have fufilling jobs with great pay
no, it's simple. moms are women and all women are terrible people
I am dumb fat neet
>all women are terrible people
Incorrect your just to used to westernized women.
It really is a cope. I literally have a dead-end white collar job with no chance for advancement and I'm content as shit.
i can now safely disregard everything you have ever said
It's been a year since I've had sex
You're one of them faggot
>no gf
>30 and never had a job
>kissless, friendless virgin
>social anxiety
>collect stickers
>I'm an unintelligent speaker who needs to take 3 seconds to think about what I want to type instead.
That's largely a self-imposed limitation. You haven't been pissed off enough. Sometimes people need a slap in the fact to wake up from the daze. I would suggest experimenting being your unaltered, honest self in at least a few interactions to see how it goes. Might be cringeworthy but you also might get surprised by yourself and the way others perceive you.
I used to avoid being myself because I too come off not only as a brainlet but as someone extremely abstract and bizarre, but I've discovered most people don't really mind the real me.
He’s just like me
how did you overcome this?
asking for user
Fuck you faggots for turning this place into /r9k2/ get the fuck out of here
Nice troll, no one could go without sex for that long
>grammar fagging on Yea Forums
reddit is two blocks down pal
I dont enjoy things made for general audiences and only really enjoy niche enterainment. I am also away of world politics that people around me dont, for years people around me didnt even know we were in Syria
you're one of them faggot
unlike yourself right?
Retarded newfag before the reddit invasion every board was /r9k/ with a hobbie
nigger nigger nigger nigger
What do you call a wagie with all the qualities of a NEET?
OP here. What makes me different is that i'm the first one to admit i'm a huge faggot.
I don't know man, I'm just an assburger, I was born this way. Doesn't help that I come from a poor family or that I didn't really see my dad as a kid, but I probably would have turned out this way anyway
Might sound like a dishonest ad of an answer, but the thing that helped me was faking it till I make it.
I thought to myself, why not just larp for a little while that I'm someone whose life actually matters. I won't be myself, I'll be the equivalent of some kid that I respected in high school or whatever. I'll be a regular human being.
And it kind of went off from there. I still have an innate ability to think of myself as trash (often gets proven in these very threads), but then the other persona I've developed chimes in and helps me pick myself up. Realize that you can experiment with yourself and have self-respect even if you feel guilty about it. Nobody will know a thing, or care enough either way.
Treat yourself in some way while you're still alive is what I'm saying. We will all die one day. Might as well at least try.
I can roll dubs and normies can't
anyone who posts "normie" is a fucking reddit nigger or cancer who started posting after the reddit niggers
My lack of social skills, my deteriorating mental health and I've never had sex.
unlike yourself right?
things can change for the better, like Caesar getting shanked
save your faggot brackets reddit nigger
I take a while to speak too but everyone usually say I come off as smart, probably because i am a sarcastic condescending asshole that belittles people though
I hate nigger and kikes along with being a shitposting demigod
It is okay to be normal.
Stop wanting sex so much.
Get a job.
>wanting to turn Yea Forums in to reddit
you could just go back
I'm comedically bad at talking to people
Way to reveal what website you come from, redditor
Thanks user. This is probably the only way to change one's life. Very difficult though because it's so easy to slip back into self-doubt. All we can do to fight the voice in our head is create a healthier one. Like that story about feeding the two wolves and the one that wins is the one you feed more.
Reddit is becoming soi/r9k/ so theres nothing to go back to
i'm a communist
Nice reverse troll, you know damn well there are KHVs among us, those sad fuckers.
Just my 2 cents but, as someone whose had sex, it isn't AS big of a deal as everyone's pretending it is. It's nice, but as soon as you orgasm, you almost instantly forget about what happened and how nice it was. I'm not saying intimacy isn't a nice feeling, but don't romanticize it too much like some people here will have you do. Even sex can get mundane.
What I would suggest is focus on building friendships, if at all possible. Everything ranging from sex to all kinds of other opportunities can happen that way.
I'm back to my social recluse days now, and I don't feel quite as pathetic as I did when I initially distanced myself from society, but I've been trained at this point to be a loner. But to someone who is still young and has some fire burning in them, it can be very painful.
I'm a Strasserist neet alcoholic
>Reddit is becoming soi
thats why you belong there faggot
>wanting to turn Yea Forums in to reddit
It already did which is why you're even here in the first place, 2014+ newfag
literally the average person working class person. I swear bro you're the same as everyone else just get over yourself faggot and get a job
That does have a charm in it, just don't overdo it too much. Not everything you say needs to be sarcastic, because you will come off as dishonest at some point.
>All we can do to fight the voice in our head is create a healthier one
That's exactly it. But the other voice will never go away. You'll have to cope with that as best you can, adapt, and live in spite of it. The ride will be over before you know it, so just try to keep sane and treat yourself to some enjoyment every now and then.
Thanks bro I have actually been leaning more towards National Bolshevism lately but they arent that different and everyone thinks of Right wing socialism other than Strasserism as a meme so I don't feel like putting the effort into explaining the little differences most of the time. I think both are based tho
I fucking hate The Office, Dr Who, and the MCU.
Ive been here 11 years
far out man you're like me but I haven't quite become an alcoholic yet. I have an amphetamine problem though
Free will
And not that go against the system type.
I am the system.
The fact some of us question what makes normies all the same.
i bet you're one of those retarded poofs who makes thise doomer pics, fucking faggot.
Here as in the site or Yea Forums?
Because if it's the former then fuck off back to Yea Forums, maskfag
I don't get along with them in the long term. Normal people bore me to death after a while and I always slowly drift away and lose touch. Honestly, if my genes and biology weren't screaming at me 24/7 to have a "fulfilling" life, I'd be playing video games, eating junk food, and jerking off all the time. And I'd be happy doing it. But unfortunately for me, I have a strong desire to start a family and make my poor, unhealthy mother happy before it's too late and she passes away.
my stubborn convictions and non-conformist opinions
>Amphetamine problem
I used to dabble myself and back when I still tried to be social I had several meth head friends
autists who cry for sex should be scraped off the internet, not allowed to infest every site like maggots
A fucking retard that doesn't belong on this site
Eh people either hate me or think im the nicest person ever, really couldn't care less what they think i wish i cared
>Yea Forums, maskfag
mask and sneed niggers are all zoomer faggots and discord trannies.
I say normalfag
>infest every site like maggots
they were here before any of you normalfags.
I think sex before marriage, tattoos, drugs, and alcohol are all degenerate and should not be partaken of.
Reminder "normie" only became a thing because redditfags didn't want to offend their faggot friends. You all need the rope. Fucking faggot enablers.
Probably the autism
The only thing that separates me from your typical 4cel and reddit normie is some morality that is probably misplaced but can't be extinguished no matter how much I try.
I've dabbled with the idea of being an edgy cunt because life is suffering and whatnot but I can't. I inherently can't hate the world even if my life is shit. So that creates a paradox wherein normies don't like me because I'm weird, but anti-normies won't take me in either because I'm too nice. Truly the loneliest of phenotypes.
I can't connect with people normally, I think about things in a grand scale even when it's not needed.
>The fraction of infinity, of that vast abyss of time, allotted to each of us. Absorbed in an instant into eternity. The fraction of all substance, and all spirit. The fraction of the whole earth you crawl about on. Keep all that in mind, and don’t treat anything as important except doing what your nature demands, and accepting what Nature sends you.
My mind is at ease, but others aren't even close to thinking like this. It's personally frustrating because it feels like I can never offer practical advice for the moment, just life advice for the future that some old-ass Roman's and Greeks came up with.
I'm not talking about that mask
cringe and jew pilled
Well to start I'm a lonely, overweight virgin gay atheist NEET with no social skills and who isolates himself from the outside world. My only hobbies at the moment are videogames and jerking off to twink porn. I am borderline suicidal and I am taking anti depressants because I suffer from crippling depression and have tons of self loathing, plus severe social anxiety that prevents me from socializing, a very low self esteem, self-harm tendencies, severe existential thoughts and a heavy lack of friends. II dont fit in anywhere, I never did, in high school I often hanged out with a group of anime obsessed weebs but they were better than me in every way since they were smarter and could socialize better than me somehow. I was invited to parties in high school but my social anxiety prevented me from attending them. I dont go out of my home anymore, my only socializing is from Yea Forums and reddit (I know, I know) and when my childhood friend returns to my country once a year and we hang out.
Exactly one year ago I suffered a bad concussion that has made me dumber and left me with tinnitus, the concussion has increased my depression to the point of being nearly suicidal. I dont know for how long I will hold out bros. I dont want to work or go to college, I dont even want to exist. I cant seem to be productive or get out of bed at all. I was raised catholic but I stopped believing over the years. Honestly I think all religions are fake, none of us know the true reason for our existence and I find that fact to be quite terrifying. I live in a third world country and there is no hope in my future due to all the issues I possess. And the worst part is that I dont even care. My life has gone down the gutter and I cant bring myself to care, not one bit. Its all shit, you know. I just dont see the point. Fuck my shitty life.
>I think about things in a grand scale
I do this too, and from a scientific lense. It comes and goes, and some days I'm more normie than not, but I can't shake off the thought that we're just atoms and molecules and ultimately don't matter as much as we'd like to believe.
I actually gave a speech once in Uni about the grand scheme of things and people were looking at me like a killer.
My psychotic episodes and personal correspondence with Jesus.
>I live in a third world country
Where, if you don't mind me asking?
>muh virgin elitism
The act of sex is meaningless aside from a few minutes of pleasure, but the issue is that being unable to get sex is symptomatic of personal problems. Humans are a sexual species and as men there's a huge driving force to have sex, so failure to do so means we're dysfunctional in some manner.
Maybe I can help I guess? Read this: seinfeld.co
You already know your problem, thankfully: a lack of self-care and motivation. The rest is so easy a guy in the 2nd century figured it out for you!
I'm so fucking ugly. I'm short and ugly.
I hate myself so much. I hate being me.
Nobody has ever loved me. Nobody will ever love me.
I know my life will end in suicide.
Using sex as a way to legitmize a man as a human being is what the people who want to steer the narrative about sex and human sexuality do in society.
Those same people also do everything in their power to keep prostitution illegal.
Remember when the Soviet union occupied the Eastern Part of Germany and it turned into a godless haven of miscegenation and degeneracy and Western influence? How about how the DPRK is far more cucked by liberalism and has a declining birth rate problem along with gender confusion and the Gay agenda than the South?
Oh wait
Who feels like this?
No the other guy was right, literally everything men do is subconsciously to have sex. There's no reason to even get out of bed in the morning if the sexual drive isn't there. Any replacements like video games or eating until we're 400 pounds are just that, replacements for sex.
The moment you talk about instincts or what we are as a species is the moment you've given up on arguing.
Our instincts were to capture and force ourselves onto women. Since we are humans and not fucking animals, we don't like to live like that.
the bolsheviks were jews
stupid tranny college kid
I agree, but the stigma around the whole thing has increased exponentially and to autistic degrees as of late. I fucking hate it so much. Social media too. Everyone's presenting a false image of what they want you to see, but filter out the shitty details, when in fact there's often a lot more truth in those same "imperfections".
There's this unspoken competition, especially among younger people, that's just asinine.
This but unironically
Any oldfag worth his salt is permabanned and still living at home.
>phone posting?
No no. This is my Yea Forums controller.
being here makes me seem unique
These were also poor starving shitholes with shittier governments that shoot you for talking shit
I would rather live in first world countries with cute traps and black queens to breed where I can master shitposting as an art
I haven't left my apartment in over a month due to panic disorder and agoraphobia. You can get everything delivered now. My dad died in March and left me a bunch of money. All I do is sleep on the couch, wake up and watch Netflix /Hulu sober for a couple hours, then watch it while drinking until I fall asleep. I wish I could drive even to the gas station but I just can't. I pay people to take my garbage to the dumpster less than 100 yards away.
Isn’t that redundant?
>tfw can literally count on one hand the number of girls I talked to as a teenager
Christcuck parents are a critical hit to your future as a man.
But even animals don't force themselves into females, with few exceptions.
>empirical history doesn't matter as long as you have boomer propaganda about the Soviet Union
Reminder that AfD gets a ton of support from the same East Germans who speak fondly of that time and compare the post-wall era to it negatively while the liberal and leftist parties get most of their support from the bourgeoise in the West
Also why would I be interested in nationalism and speaking against the Gay agenda if I was a tranny college kid? Is it actually impossible for you to talk politics without resorting to memes and strawmen?
-I'm not a conformist (therefore have trouble accepting everything that is wrong with this system and society)
-I suffer anxiety and depression
So it's not true that conservative parents can arrange you an early 20s cute and quiet virgin wife? What's the fucking point then?
>You can get everything delivered now.
That's part of an impending problem wherein everything has become too easy for us. I'm the laziest fag in the whole world and I know a lot of my problems stem from this. We're evolving into vegetables. There is no growth without effort.
Wish there was a shortcut but there really isn't.
With ease, they make connections that I couldn't make on my best days. It baffles me how easy they find it to approach strangers and form friendships, or even flirt with strangers and get numbers. When I see a pretty girl I'd like to talk to, I play a mental video in my head of their disgust at being bothered by me. It's never actually happened the few times I have managed to talk to girls like that, but my brain always assumes the worst, constantly. I walked to the food court today by myself, saw how crowded it was and was washed with a sense of dread. Felt out of place, like I was in the wrong just for being there and every person in there knew it. I just went to the other exit (as if I had always meant to go that way, can't look LOST in public). I still haven't eaten. I'm hungry.
my political views are too extreme for modern day politics for one
*tips fedor/a/*
Are you on letterboxd? If so, do you watch and review like 4-5 movies in a day? I don't know how some of the people in my network do it.
Maybe if you went somewhere else people would be less focused on your height. Sorry to hear you've had it rough user.
I'm the guy you replied to and I whole heartedly agree. It's up to me to take the first step. It's just hard.
Give me your worst.
Depression, speech impediment, facial scarring, autism, avoidant personality
>poor starving shit holes
[Citation Needed]
>I would rather live in the first world so I can be a degenerate while simultaneously calling social nationalists degenerates because they dared say one nice thing about the big bad Soviet union or its allies
I never had sex.
>always had trouble socializing
>non-traditional interests
>never liked "popular" music
>28, never kissed a girl or had sex
>don't like capeshit or Star Wars
The list goes on.
Because female animals have no shame or dignity, at all. You joke about some humans having no shame, but if you were to see two people suddenly start fucking on the sidewalk you would have the same disgusted reaction as every other human being would.
Think of an actual whore. Would she lay herself facedown in public waiting for someone to mount her?
I guess what I'm trying to say is that humans have souls and animals do not. If not in a spiritual sense, then in a philosophical sense.
what if i am genuinely a piece of shit that has done terrible things to feel guilty about? Should i just go around feeling bad for the rest of my life?
>With ease, they make connections that I couldn't make on my best days. It baffles me how easy they find it to approach strangers and form friendships, or even flirt with strangers and get numbers.
I can do all of that, but only online. So there is some answer to all of it, at least subconsciously but as soon as I leave my apartment complex I become stripped of my strengths and become a bumbling idiot. It's probably the anxiety that's the main culprit here, but at the same time I feel detached and apathetic. It's an odd state of half-existence.
why do normalfags want to affiliate themselves with pedos/virgins/autists?
Regardless of what the invading force tell you to try and mask where they're from, if you're here and not a shill, you're not a normalfag
niggas stinky
I don't even know what that is. I'm a 35 y/o boomer. I mostly watch documentaries.
user, I know sex is relatively important. If it wasn't then porn wouldn't be pushed as hard and as insidiously as it is onto children and idiots across the world.
What I'm saying is that the importance of the act is being played up so that the people who manipulate people through sex and sexuality can control the populace.
There's a reason why sex is so prevelant in society but actual sex between people is heavily shamed and escorts and whores is very very very illegal.
fuck off queer
How long till normies are faking incel culture like how they put on cpt america shield shirts now to pretend to be nerds?
I imagine male and female humans walking around naked, and upon the first ounce of mutual attraction they just calmly get into position and start fucking
I worked out all my youth and never had time to socialize. I became very fit but couldn't functional normally and never realized it until later in life.
I started to become lathargic and depressed in grade 11 and ended up just not going to school until i got expelled.
I didn't leave my house except for junk food for 4 years. I became morbidly obese.
I ended up getting kicked out by my dad and moving in with my mom. I started exercising frequently while working less than minimum wage. I applied for the military, got a perfect aptitude and MLAT test but was rejected because I had no work history or social life.
I moved back in with my dad. Started drinking every day again and ended up having multiple psychotic breakdowns where I would break into homes, go on long walks at night, climb cranes and cut myself up with razors. One night I cut my face open, passed out then walked 4 hours to the hospital to get stitches. I've been forced into the psych ward twice.
After that, I did a highschool equivalent course and got perfect grades. I'm now at university studying engineering with near-perfect GPA.
I'm still horrifically depressed. Nobody has ever loved me. Nobody will ever love me. I'm hideous. I've never kissed a girl. No girl has ever shown interest in me. My depression doesn't get better despite being on medication. I have no motivation and day I feel like I would not care if I jumped off a building. I'm confident my life will end in suicide because i can't see anything good in my future.
>Micromanage the first 18 years of your life 24/7/365 removing all normie pleasures (education,music, tv,movies,friends,most books, free time)
>Leave you to your own devices the instant you turn 18
>Literally start nagging you within a year as to when you’re getting a good job and getting married/starting a family because they want grandkids
What the fuck did they expect lmao. Nearly 30 now, still no gf and forget about any kids ever. They’re genuinely confused why they don’t have any grandkids yet, they’re getting super angry about it.
Show us your sticker collection user
i'm saying sex isn't just relatively important, it's THE most important thing. it's literally the only thing life in the universe MUST do, everything else is just window dressing.
i agree though that society is weird with sex. prostitution should be fully legal. maybe it was just so great back in the day, dudes were too chill and nobody wanted to go to war anymore, which is always bad for business. who knows.
I've been called a shill a billion times and I'm less of a normalfag than half the people here, so it depends. But I've also come to realize there might be actual shills here.
i think being 28 and have never worked 1 day and never had sex don't help me
I don't I want to jack you for all your sites because you don't deserve them anyway for being whining shits and actually want to discuss more than "me 30 never touch girl"
Hey there Schlomo
What's it like to be a fatty?
I'm behind a thousand proxies
So that I can call you sweaty
Yes I can
You ruin all threads on Yea Forums
Is that part of your plan?
Hey there, Schlomo
Don't you worry about the money
I'm sure you leave your baesment
And then ask your deal old Donald
For some cash
To increase your bloody foreskin stash
And cream for your rash
Oh you will always be
Doing it for free
Oh you will never be
Compensated monetarily
kike on Yea Forums
Hey there Schlomo
I know times are getting hard
You can't keep up with all the goyim
Your fat nose is filled with lard
You need to find a way
To simultaneously watch your anime
And subvert threads on Yea Forums all day
Everybody grows short and ugly, you just beat everyone there. Nowadays people don't even have a family to fall back on because they all get divorced or have kids out of wedlock, so many will eventually end up in your position.
What will they do when they get there? Probably just give up like you are.
This thread is about being special/different, normie. So you gotta leave.
who are you quoting?
how do you get to 28 being fully neet?
I work full time and want to go neet but i can't see myself surviving from daddy gubment. Im a UKfag.
Your thoughts.
I say the N word online
I live in Argentina.. Everything is expensive here. 1 dollar is valued at over 55 pesos . Our presidential elections will happen soon and the population in general is tired of our current president Macri, because he promised to lower inflation but he did the exact opposite. Since everyone is tired of him there's a big chance that his opponent Alberto Fernandez will win. Fernandez has appointed Cristina Kirchner (she was president before Macri, she was corrupt and her campaign was involved in stealing millions of dollars) as his vice president, so Cristina will effectively be a shadow president. Its like trump vs hillary in some way. Our country is fucked no matter who wins. If Cristina wins we'll become the next venezuela, most likely
>Read this
I guess I could indeed try meditation. Idk if I'll keep it up though, my tinnitus is debilitating and it makes it very difficult to concentrate. Thanks for the link user, I'll definitely give it a read soon.
Wow of all the things in my post being gay bothered you the most? Lmao. Get on your knees and start sucking, son. My dick aint gonna suck itself.
I'm not too much different. A bit of a loner but that's about it
>>how do you get to 28 being fully neet?
Not him, but I'm the same age and live in the UK too.
I graduated uni at 21, did volunteer work for a year, went on bennies and that's been my life for the past 6 tears. I live at home and only collect the bare basic amount (£317) each month though
unironically have sex, most welfare coasters worldwide get extra for kids
Yes. Just like me.
Accept it
So you can't actually have a debate without memeing?
Kill yourself zoomer reddit nigger
>mfw my dad's a chad who socializes effortlessly and has never had trouble with women
By the time he was 23 he had already participated in my making, and held a stable income/family.
I turned 24 this year and I'm a loser manchild who hasn't done shit with his life. It shouldn't be this way. I thought I was supposed to be an upgraded version.
Wtf, how did you get rejected from the military? You don't need work experience to join
whoops meant to reply to
A lot of species live off cuckoldry, just because sex is the most important thing does not mean you'll be the one to have it. The wrong genes getting passed on can be fatal to a society and species through domino effect.
"Meditations" isn't about meditation, it's the personal journal of a Roman Emperor who had much much more stress than you could ever imagine while he was constantly raging war on the borders of his land.
Before he was ever going to be Emperor, his parents would have to scold him to sleep in his bed since he would be found sleeping on the ground in his own Stoic practice.
Bolshevism is jewish
Now dont be like that, son. Get your head out of your ass and put my dick inside instead. Im sure you'll like it, and I will like it too ;) No shame in that
Contrary to popular belief most people are garbage at communicating and socialising, so just flip a coin and go full autist at people until you make friends or nab a girl
>everyone that calls me soi is a leftist caricature
the state of you m8
Ann-kun, please watch everything by this woman.
>A lot of species live off cuckoldry, just because sex is the most important thing does not mean you'll be the one to have it. The wrong genes getting passed on can be fatal to a society and species through domino effect.
I disagree
>I guess I could indeed try meditation
retarded 3rd world scum
Another great on-topic thread brought to you by the diligent, hard-working mods of Yea Forums.
Keep up the good work, guys!
I'm a huge racist and anti semite
Buy a mail order bride
This. That'd be ideal. People would just go about their business or watch. Likely both. Only the world wouldn't end and people wouldn't go "EWWW PEOPLE MATING" unless they're fags or not getting any themselves.
none of you normalfags have any bebe's saved
keep sucking that cock reddit nigger
Ive kissed a girl but im still a virgin at 20 unfortunately. I plan on getting laid this semester though. Imma bang an engineering major with low self esteem
There is also some truth to this, but it's undeniable that some people excel socially to the point where their company is looked for, and not vice versa. I always wanted to be that guy but never managed despite my efforts.
And when you're a perfectionist who thinks that life owes you something, like a lot of us do, it can really kill you from the inside.
>damn, that ain't my face on the billboard
Problem is that mum is too poor to support me. If i could be neet and live in my little shithole flat i'd do that. But its like 300 bong coins per month and that leaves me with £17 to spend on food
not happening
Mods don't exist anymore, welcome to the wasteland
Una vela
Ebin meme
>Imma bang
are you a nigger or do you just play one on the internet?
>>damn, that ain't
It sounds as though you're doing great at university; that shows that you can do anything you put your mind to. Have you involved yourself in any clubs or societies to make friends?
>What makes you different from normies?
once you overcome your social programming by being curious and intellectual integrity inevitably leads you to the conclusion that freemasonry is a zionist organization that the jews use to control the world and every single event and happening all pulls in one direction towards a one world government in a borderless world full of a mulatto slave race that serves the chosen people just like the jewish promise of the messiah returning and ruling over the earth and each jew getting 2800 goy slaves
once you accept that the jewish clown world they superimpose over the real world has no effect on you anymore other than to stir disgust at the actual audacity of the lies and the blatant attempt to rewrite the social programming of the last 10,000 years of human history
also I dont watch star wars or super hero movies anymore and I loved them when I was a kid.
so I guess both of those things. if they are even different to begin with.
As a rule of thumb, jannies won't delete threads if they get going fast enough, the quality of the posts themselves is good, and they don't cause any immediate controversy from a topical standpoint. Don't ask me how I know.
never had a conversation with a girl outside my family in my entire life
t. oldfag of 2 months
this is why you have no friends nerd
It's OK, user. Hurt people hurt people. You at least know you did something bad, and that's a raise in consciousness. Forgive yourself and move on.
Carrying a burden won't help anyone - not even the people you've wronged. Amend the harm you've done, if you can, and carry on with your life.
good advice
>"Meditations" isn't about meditation
Oh fuck, my bad. Forgive my stupidity user, I admit i only took a quick glance at the book's cover when I opened the link. I apologize, I should have paid more attention lmao.
>retarded 3rd world scum
Yeah, I admit I am. Forgive me please, last year I got hit in the head pretty hard and I did become a bit dumb as a result. I also used to love reading books before being hit, but now I find it difficult to even start getting the motivation to read books and to concentrate on stuff in general. My life has been quite hard for the last year, its all gone downhill and i cant stop it.
Si queres te dejo que me soples la vela, user. O yo te la soplo a vos, que dices? ;)
No im a honkey. Black people get laid in college. If you had left your basement in weeks youd know that
I dont go out. I despise any form of socializing. I hate people i love being on my own. Only thing that matters are my goals
>having friends
I'm European. Actually another thing that annoys me, although it's probably at the bottom of my list.
I see America and it's shitty ways, but I still feel like I would've had a better life had I been born there. I've thought about moving, but it wouldn't be the same. I would just be a nomad without a place in the world. So I'll probably stay in my country for as long as I'm alive.
Perhaps you are a plainclothes jannie?
You are not special, you are just a moron with low social value, the system isn't the problem, You, on your actual inferiority are. You are now enlighted, just dirty, dumb and ugly.
>Black people
>in college
I can't get along with anyone and I can't stand social events.
I don't think you realize what being isolated and suicidal for 4 years does to someone.
Go for it anyway especially if you have nothing to lose
You fail because you try.
being confident:
>always telling the truth
>never doing anything wrong
>not caring what others think, since you KNOW you are right
>any reward comes from within
ACTING confident:
>only doing this to earn affection/attention
It's really that basic. When you act confident, you're confidence shatters the moment someone rejects whatever you are doing. When you *are* confident then you shouldn't even care about any positive or negative reinforcement unless it is directly harming you (someone punching you).
>last year I got hit in the head pretty hard and I did become a bit dumb as a result
I can believe it zoom zoom
im really high right now
>If i could be neet and live in my little shithole flat i'd do that. But its like 300 bong coins per month and that leaves me with £17 to spend on food
You get more money (housing benefit) if you have to pay rent. The amount I get is just the base amount that everyone who applies for NEETbux gets.
homeschooled pedo weeb autist
I never said I was, and even if I was hypothetically, I wouldn't be allowed to say it. But the jannies are no different than the regular dweebs who post here. They just abide a series of rules and clean up the place for free. Not because they hate free-speech, but because of said rules that have been established by the site and can't be changed.
>still feel like I would've had a better life had I been born there.
that's movies and tv tricking you user.
Solid advice, I agree.
Don't forget eating bugs.
.t neet shut in
A lot of it is, and I recognize that, but I've been raised on American media from the day I've been born, like a lot of european people, and it's a connection that's tough to sever.
Not to mention, English is one of the most useful, precise and pliable languages, whereas I couldn't explain half the shit that I'm explaining right now in my own tongue. I've spoken to others about this and it's true. It's a liberating language, and expression is so important to a human being. To make matters worse, I have a horrible speech impediment that disappears when I speak your language, so that furthers my sense of not belonging.
>Thinking child drag queens are okay, thinking having drag queens read to your children is a must and bigoted otherwise
You've allowed online internet SJWs to dictate what you think is normal. Go ask the average person what they think about child drag queens and you'd get a very sensible answer.
Remember when the soviet union failed?
Oh yeah...
*what you think the normal person thinks is normal
not even him but bro you're fucking retarded. He is generally right, bolshevism remains popular with everyone who actually lived under it, and most of the hate for it comes from it's association with Stalinism, which was actually terrible, and from boomer propaganda about communism sucking.
You're not even right that bolshevism is Jewish, the bolsheviks slaughtered the Jews en masse in Russia. According to some sources, more Jews were killed in Soviet Russia than were killed in the Holocaust, and even if those sources are wrong, the number is still in the millions. Antisemitism was rampant in bolshevik Russia.
Literally the only people who think "gommunism = jews :DDDD" are inbred neo-Nazis whose highest level of education on the subject is what other inbred fucktards have told them.
Jesus these threads are always a hot trending shitstorm. I wonder what the replies would be like in old Yea Forums
They do, to the point that sometimes it triggers evolutionary arm races.
Remember when Nazi Germany failed?
>Get on your knees and start sucking, son. My dick aint gonna suck itself.
it sounds like ur the one to do the sucking desu
mental illness
Im living off $10 a week for food
Didn't wanna get political myself, but you're absolutely right on this one. There is a difference. The issue is that communism is very hard to implement successfully. My country is still reaping the shitty seeds that the communist rule left behind. It's potential for destruction, either tangible or not, and dehumanization is impeccable. Until someone can find a clear cut way in which to implement it successfully, it will only be ideal on paper. That being said, communism has pretty much nothing to do with jews outside a superficial similarity that you link with "hollywood elite" jews.
yeah cause nat soc never works
The irony is that people think the failure or global capitalism won't be a catastrophe 10x or more the scale of either the USSR or Nazi Germany's failure and that those who live through this near apocalyptic catastrophe won't see the previous era (liberal global capitalism) as an even greater refutation of that system than Germans did the fall of the 3rd Reich for Nazis or Russians did the fall of the USSR.
I appreciate you conceding that those who lived in Bolshevik nations now tend to generally see those days as better but you're misinformed about Stalin. His era is actually more popular than it has ever been
Pretty much the same, maybe with less politics.
Burgerland is probably tbe worst english speaking country.
you're a cumbrain
>Stalin's approval ratings were consistent across all age groups except among the 18-24 group, who were indifferent about the former Soviet leader.
Would you say it's funny that the same media elite which is constantly silencing right wing voices in the West also clutches it's pearls at liberals like Sanders or Corbyn and compare them unfavorably with communist dictators constantly? It's very funny to me that the same anons who (correctly) get pissed about globalism and the Zionist establishment also see Soviet communism as being in cahoots with liberalism even though the West poured even more resources into destroying it than fascism
I'm not saying Sanders or Corbyn are actual commies by the way they are social democrats who would bend the knee to jews and libs if they actually got elected but it's similar to Trump where the media elites can't even allow their rhetoric to be normalized because it. Might prevent them from hoarding shekels in the future
>hot trending
>It's a hyperbolic 90s born queer pretends to have a clue about old Yea Forums episode
Am I supposed go be surprised that those who weren't alive during a leaders reign are indifferent towards him?
The Russians simply don't know any better. They reminisce about their fucking communism, and along with that, a whole bunch of other nations.
The fact of the matter is I know first hand, historically, that people in my family line have been killed simply for speaking against said communism (I'm not russian but the same kind of shit used to happen during the heyday there). A lot of people who have been considered the intellectual elite pre-communism have simply been dispatched because their beliefs don't go along with the dictatorship. It's a scary belief system when it's in total power. And what's even scarier is that a lot of people genuinely miss it, because they would've had no problem ratting on their close friends/family and following a shitload of unnecessary rules. The main goal being your metamorphosis into a mindless drone.
oh no yeah, I agree communism is bad. I live in a capitalist country, want to live in a capitalist country, and would actively resist a revolution to try and make the country communist.
But still, just because I think communism is bad doesn't mean that the /pol/tards with 1 too many chromosomes running around on this board screeching about "COMMUNIST ATHEIST LEFTIST BLACK JEWS WANT TO REPLACE US!!!!" are right. Especially when they start conflating communism with judaism, as if they have anything in common besides a few tenuous connections on an intellectual level.
And honestly, what intellectual issue isn't at least tenuously connected to the Jews? They're involved in everything, including Nazism. If /pol/tards think minor involvement of Jews in the creation of the ideological underpinnings of a movement is enough to poison the whole movement with "Jewish ideas", then sorry boys, but fascism and Nazism also have to go.
So to be clear for our extra-chromosomal friends: communism bad. Communism not bad because Jews.
not surprised some people prefer the old way, nostalgia is a hell of a drug
>the Russians simply don't know any better
If you can't make a better, more empirical argument than "they're stupid because they disagree with American boomers" I'm not going to even bother reading the rest of your post
No but it does highlight rose tinted googles thanks to a longing for the past no? Much like Americans and Ronald Regan? Koreans to Park Chung Hee? Japanese old gens to the Emperor?
If it was as much of a hellhole as you describe they wouldn't be nostalgic for it. I once knew a womab who was abused by her entire family for the first 15 years of her life, she didn't suddenly become nostalgic for those days when times got tough in adulthood
>doesn't mean that the /pol/tards with 1 too many chromosomes running around on this board screeching about "COMMUNIST ATHEIST LEFTIST BLACK JEWS WANT TO REPLACE US!!!!" are right
True, but that comes with the territory. I've come to embrace it now. I'm used to people disagreeing with me so it's not such a huge deal. Our impact on the whole situation is close to zero, so there's no point in stressing about anything too much. Just enjoy the ride while it lasts.
He told you the commies removed any intellighenzia that cou lo d think otherwise.
They did the same to the Poles.
See also China. Commie drones, capitalism drones, always drones.