Every single time I watch this film, I feel like I'm watching it for the very first time again. It still blows me away to this day.
It's just the perfect action film. Even cried like a bitch at the ending the first time I saw it.
Every single time I watch this film, I feel like I'm watching it for the very first time again. It still blows me away to this day.
It's just the perfect action film. Even cried like a bitch at the ending the first time I saw it.
>he prefers t2 over t1
wew gtfo zoomer
that truck chase scene is incredible
Not even the peak of the Terminator franchise
I hope you're talking about the first one
Peak, no, but it's still a solid 9.5/10 and mandatory to see.
Damn right
*Dances in gay white tie to the third degree*