Is this any good?

Is this any good?

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I dunno didnt watch but the norwegian movie is quite good it really fucked my shit up. I recommend you watch it instead.

Attached: Wojak (1).png (645x773, 9K)

Aboobloohoo our hand picked marxist youth died setting our globalist quisling agenda back decades.

imagine thinking murdering a bunch of children is fine because /pol/ told you it will stop the evil globalist marxists. you are so braindead it isn't even funny.

Why would they ever make a movie about this

Imagine thinking of all the children murdered every year, some elite politician wankers in Norway was worth making two movies about. Ironically you’re just giving rich white people a rimjob.
Some high horse you got there cunt.


>people die all the time so it's ok when I make fun of a mass murder!

not an argument retard. try again

No. A norwegian movie that came out around the same time about it was 100x times better. It was basically one long take, with a few cuts to make it look seemless, from the pov of one of the kids on the island. Shit was intense and horrifying.

What's it called


It was good, but not as good as greengrass' other movies. I haven't seen the Norwegian movie. trailer

>so it's ok when I make fun of a mass murder!

You’ve got to go back.

No. Watch Utoya: July 22 instead

again, no argument. you make it so easy for me I almost feel bad for you. reply to me with something of substance or shut the fuck up, you edgy /pol/tard braindead idiot.

I see you couldn’t defend your bootlicking ways. It’s okay user. Kiss the puckered asshole of your masters and their elite offspring. They’re special. Other kids get fucked. Die in ditches, fight as child soldiers, drown in human shit. Not white, who cares.

Open borders, right now.

you're incoherent. are you drunk or on drugs? be more clear in your next reply tweaker

>reply to me with something of substance

You have nothing of substance to reply to. You’re just very upset and emotional. Cut back on the estrogen and see if they can reattach your testicles.

Did you know that our Norwegian labour party has ties to the USSR and that it made Norway a de facto member of the EU in 1992 despite two prior referendums voting against it? I thought that was interesting.

no you're just an idiot who can't form a simple argument. the only thing you have is ad-hominems and personal attacks. there is nothing of value for me to refute or discuss in your posts.

Come again?

two 14 year olds and seven 15 year olds were murdered but thats okay, right /pol/tard? I guess they weren't kids in your autistic eyes!

77 dead. average age 20.

Nice try though. Dickhead. Also no 14 year olds are not kids. 14 is even legal to fuck in european countries.

LOL so your argument is shooting 14 year old kids is OK because they are teenagers. can you elaborate?

fucking coward. come on, give me your next reply you programmed, soulless /pol/ bot. what's taking so long?

Cast him.

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>S-so you're saying....So you're saying that.. how could you!!?!

They aren't kids. Glad to clear that up for you.

These aren't normal "teens" or young adults anyway. Normal people don't get sent to a political indoctrination camp.

n-no 14 year olds aren't kids!!! stop humiliating me!! they are. shut the fuck up retard.

have you ever considered most of the people attending this camp would have anything to do with politics? that it was just a summer vacation? but no you think muh socialist marxists are the most evil people in the world and the murdered kids would have been instrumental in carrying out your paranoia induced marxist socialist mission

you're a delusional, programmed by /pol/, easily influenced, low iq piece of shit.

It’s literally a camp for leading political youth. It’s not just a summer vacation you delusional fuckwit.
There’s a reason their party was literally held back by this event, shattered morale and losing their next crop of groomed candidates.

>delusional, programmed by /pol/, easily influenced, low iq

Everything you’ve said in this thread is just hyperstimulated amygdala drivel. If you don’t own a vagina you want to be one.