What are some absolute 10/10 horror films?
What are some absolute 10/10 horror films?
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my life the movie
Gone Girl
that one vid on efukt where the white dudes white wife tells him to eat some black dudes creampie out of her pussy and while hes doing it the black dude is hiding his face behind the wife out of shame
>why yes, I do post on /int/
The Thing
The Shinning
he reminds me of Junior
This is a cropped version of a larger photo showing men in line for a Blacked.com porn convention. It was this 1 white guy and 2 asian guys.
came here for this
Who this?
Hows it hanging bro?
any A24 movie if you're not a retard, really.
Is he wearing it ironically?
He's wearing it because he wants to and doesn't give a fuck what some fat #MAGA virgin on Yea Forums will say about him on the internet.
he just needs eyebrows
>Yea Forums poster trying to make fun of other boards
lmao that's gold
imagine how cold the ac is blasting
>t. proud cuck
Is that the actor from sin city? The yellow bastard?
Yes, I post degenerate porn on Yea Forums "ironically", how could you tell?
what kind of person goes to a porn convention? what would possibly be the draw?
meeting some of the pornstars in real life
why would you want to do that?
Maybe they think they'll have a chance?
To thank them
If you watch any porn, you probably look like this.
Whoa...is he levitating?
What would he say if I ask him what's in his little bag
They look like webcam enthusiasts, simps who unironically give women money for existing, standing outside of the actual Blackd' booth.
Why is op not banned ?
Someone put his face into face app
Texas Chainsaw Massacre
Maniac (2012)
I'd kinda like to go just to see how tall and curvy the stars are in the flesh but most of my favorites have retired anyway
sure, 10/10 if the numerator is the combined score of all 6 movies out of 10
I'd go to a fetish one because it's not something I've ever done before. I don't really get off on bondage or anything like that, but it's interesting seeing presentations by people that are crazy into it. Like I remember one that happened in nashville where this dude flew in from japan, and he was a supposed expert on these japanese style bondage knots or something. It sounded so ridiculous, but I'd catch a presentation if given the opportunity.
I mean the 2003 one
mfw I'm Isolated, Struggling, left alone, apart.
go back
>imagine how cold the ac is blasting
Only god knows how much I've laughed at this photo.
Ah, ignore the outward visage
these men are kinosseurs of the highest, and high-test, order.
me on the left
kek imagine being a female in that place
Reminder that the main demographic of blacked is pajeets.
get some
in his defense he could be a mulatto, theres a lot with that skin tone
They let you grope them while taking a picture.
Honestly? Blair Witch Project. Not even memeing. One of the few horror movies that doesn't rely on jump scares, but athmosphere and good acting.
wtf chad is a cuck?
that's actually hilarious
What do you think is inside those bags?
uncle leo, i don't care for your demeanor
I think it'd be fun to see some of your favorite poem stars in real life
damn johnny sinns really let himself go
I honestly agree, seeing Lord Byron doing one of his poems would make me feel great