This is absolutely generic garbage wtf
Movies you have no idea why people praise
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Clueless on why
Had some cool ideas that they didn't take advantage of. I think people are more in love with the premise than the actual film
It was just ok i guess
Agree that the premise is goofy and generic but personally I’m a mark for anything cyberpunk and i liked the atmosphere for the most part
This was just plain dumb
The first fight scene is one of the best choreography pieces in recent memory. The plot is trite, sure.
Also, stellar cinematography.
Fucking this, its a damn borefest
It wasn't
"lets pretend it's scary"
>Nothing Happens, the movie
It's just that one guy here who's cumming all over that movie for no fucking reason. Most people just see the movie as average at best.
I don't get the hype. It's just okay
I liked it. It was worth torrenting.
people like it because of the ending. 99.99% of movies end on a good note, usually with the protagonist winning. Not many movies like to end negatively so it's a nice surprise when they do.
it's at least better than john wick but that's a low bar
every movie by edgar wright is shit
Fuck you nigger. That's so much fucking better then the bullshit being put out today.
citizen kane
I don’t get how anyone can think it was scary, it’s just disgusting and cool looking with the practical effects
>cool looking with the practical effects
why do people like it? it looks silly. it wouldn't convince a kid that it was real, that's how unrealistic and fake it is
Which movie does it better?
irrelevant, what matters is that the thing doesn't do it right
>trapped in antarctica during the winter with no radio or way of escape
that by itself is scary
I mean, I get why its praised, but come on. It's not that great.
>taking that half assed bait
interesting premise, boring shitty result
plain shit, not even Focus' Hocus Pocus could save it
This movie is fantastic and I don't understand the hate it gets.
Somebody called it "soulless" and I'm inclined to agree. Plus Ansel Elgort is a blah main character.
Hot Fuzz > Shaun > Scott Pilgrim > World's End > Baby Driver
Obviously you’re not a golfer.
People always rate The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly as the best of the dollars trilogy but I think it’s the worst.
For a Few Dollars More is the best one.
It doesn't matter if the good guys win in the end or not though, as long as it makes sense within the context of the movie. Fortunately, Upgrade made a lot of sense; its ending was consistent with what was previously shown. You don't have to rewatch the whole thing to realise the A.I. won in the first 15 minutes of the movie, pulling out some Alphazero level of fuckery.
I liked that the annoying, fat-faced little brat got BTFO.
That’s the whole appeal, pleb. A ton of little stuff happens, but none of it really means anything or accomplishes much. It’s part of the absurdity. It feels real, like a story that could plausibly happen, because it doesn’t exceed its scale. It’s like listening to some old dude at a bar just shoot the shit about stuff his buddies got into when they were younger.