Which is the best movie of the trilogy?

Which is the best movie of the trilogy?

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Hot Fuzz, then Shaun, then the other one..



Not trolling genuinely curious what do you like about Hot Fuzz more than Shaun? I think it's straight up funnier but imo Shaun is better at characters and how they develop and has tighter writing.

All three are great, but I would say Hot Fuzz was the best since it has the best Bond in it.

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complete and utter dogshit series. nick frost and simon pegg are mistakes

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The World's End probably should have just been a somber comedy about old school friends reuniting and nostalgia. The whole Day of the Bodysnatchers angle felt bolted on. They decided beforehand they were going to do this cornetto trilogy and part 3 would be sci-fi, so it had to be forced in.

2 > 3 > 1

This, everything about the characters was great, everything about the aliens was trash

Yeah, it should've just been a psuedo-Spaced sequel

I used to think it was Hot Fuzz. Until i turn 30.

Now i love World's End.

Shaun has good characters who are played more realistically, but Hot Fuzz is just much better written. Almost every shot contains a visual gag that you might not notice at all until the fourth or fifth viewing.

It's easier to say which one is the worst - World's End
And actually it's a quadrilogy, the 2 seasons of Spaced being the 1st one

How many pounds of Popeyes broiler chicken burgers did you manage to snag before they ran out?

Hot Fuzz for me. Funniest and the best story. I love those conspiracy mystery type movies and Hot Fuzz is one of the best

time to die

Hot Fuzz by quite a bit. I used to think Shaun of the Dead was great, and it has some great bits, but it's not nearly as tight or original as Hot Fuzz. When I was a teenager I thought it was emotionally affecting and I thought the cyclical bits were smart but now I feel like Shaun of the Dead is like funny, smart writers meet screenwriting class.

Hot Fuzz > Shaun > Who cares

The World's End by far

pleb filtered

Hot Fuzz is the most watchable

TWE is my favorite movie

Roman Polanski's apartment trilogy. The Tenant being the best of the three, obviously.

OP is asking about that specific trilogy you colossal moron.

TFW in the wrong thread

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They all suffer from the same issue, which is the first half of the movie is better than the second half

>Edgar Wright
>Rian Jonson
>Paul Feig
what completes the list?

I haven't seen any of those

It's my second favorite! I keep forgetting how great the script is.

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its not world's end.
if world's end cut the first 15min and the last 5min, then it would be the best.

You got the list wrong, the correct one is
>Rian Jonson
>Paul Feig
>Brett Ratner
Edgar Wright is a man of culture and not a pleb like the others and you

For me it's Hot Fuzz > World's End > Shaun

I'd love to see a sequel to world's end.
The ending seemed like the start of a better movie.

Rush Hour 2 > Rush Hour 1 > Shaun of the Dead > Hot Fuzz > Rush Hour 3 > The Other One

Hot Fuzz > The World's End > Shaun of the Dead

hot fuzz because it has two kinks songs the village green preservation society in it

>best Bond
I'm gonna have to go with Hot Fuzz.

I kept laughing even at the 5th and 6th rewatch. That's when I knew the movie was something special.

Hot Fuzz

It's interesting that the World's End has the most mature writing of the 3, but because its premise is less compellingly immersive and the comedy writing isn't as seamlessly, confidently effective, it'll always be considered a distant third.

Like a movie about accepting wasted years while still taking some pride in who you were despite the mistakes you made is this really subtle but compelling theme. Learning from your past without self flagellating or throwing away who you are, assuming everything about you was part of 'the problem', it's not something you see a lot, especially in mostly light hearted movies.

We have all these movies aimed at sad 15 year olds, sad 20-25 year olds, even some aimed at average middle aged people.

But Simon Pegg's arc in World's end was aimed at middle aged or older 'fuck-ups' without disparaging them, in fact kind of celebrating them and telling them that they can do better without letting go of who they are.

Really interesting honestly.

>really subtle
Its not subtle, it's spelled out pretty clearly. I agree that it's the most mature, but it's the least entertaining as well.

Hot fuzz still never fails to get laughs out of me even 12 years on.

>everyone carries guns arounds here
>like who?
>farmers mums

>you want to be a big cop in a small town, then fuck off to the model village

>Tim, your number's up!
>*everone goes fucking apeshit*

Not a second goes by without a visual or dialogue driven gag.

I'm saying the idea itself is subtle, not that the presentation was.