Dude let's make road warrior again but without the worldbuilding and have the characters be complete archetypes void of...

>Dude let's make road warrior again but without the worldbuilding and have the characters be complete archetypes void of any personality

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and yet it has the best worldbuilding and most complex characters in the whole saga
a true pleb filter

>dude lets make the best action film of all time

Great movie. Lots of fun, endless options for rewatching.

and also add some crappy ultra loud "music" over the noise of it all

Ah, so yo haven't seen it

The only good part of this movie was the first 45 minutes of Warboys doing Warboy things.

>Best worlbuilding
It had a world but never build on it. I don't think you know the definition of the word "worldbuilding"
>and most complex characters in the whole saga
There weren't even any characters in this movie, I guess there was stoic tom hardy and a girl trying too hard to look cool

It's not even close to being the best. Even the fucking Fast and Furious movies are better than this piece of garbage

i liked the 3 way fight between furiosa, max and the bald guy. but then they become best friends and the flick becomes boring

Let me guess
Triggered your incel sensibilities?

You're trying too hard

You're an actual retard.

>If you hate this movie, you must be an incel!!!
I don't often say this, but dilate

this movie is a lot better if you stop it when the women go into the desert with max watching

Best movie in the series.

Newfag, listen up. Fury Road threads are for two things: shitposting about Fury Road, and posting about how awesome Fury Road is.

Arguing with other posters is NOT what Fury Road threads are for.

Trips of truth. Fucking beautiful movie.

Great argument, braindead down-syndrome manhole

Dilate, trannies

You don't know what worldbuilding is you shitposting incel.

Furiosa was more complex than any character in any of the MM films, except for perhaps Humungus.

>without the worldbuilding
but the world has been built, 3 movies ago

I love sòy too!

>devolving to mere buzzword posting

The sign of no argument.

Fury Road has great fucking worldbuilding, whether or not one is familiar with the series or not doesn't even matter. All of it is just great.

fail to see whats 's oy' about it?

>Furiosa was more complex than any character in any of the MM films
That can't be because she doesn't have a character, I guess she doesn't like having a perfect life because she has to get fucked by a random dude every couple months so she escapes to live with dehydrated unhealthy peasants. That's her entire character, and I guess she's supposed to be a badass


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Good for you, I don't really care about it.

Lay off the estrogen for a couple months and rewatch the movie

It doesn't build the world at all, after the opening 6 minutes, nothing of the world is built.

road warrior was barely a decent movie why would they copy it?

What character in any of the MM films has 'character' then, and not Humungus since I mentioned that myself.

Just watch The Road Warrior, it's a masterpiece and way better than Fury Road

Go and play Minecraft you smoothbrain.

Road Warrior is the best action film ever made, if you hate it you're most likely a sóyboy who can't handle the dog dying

I don't play video games, though they're great for complete and utter retards like you.

>but without the worldbuilding
confirmed retard

More like
>Dude lets make an amazing first half and ruin it all with a retarded second half.

>No argument
Confirmed braindead

i prefer the rawness of the first mad max film. the car action has and never will be replicated. the acting and characters are shockingly great for what it is. there are some very well shot smaller scenes like the bit in the night club

Sóyboys don't say "based"

That's cool, I'm only really pissed at complete retard plebs who think garbage like Fury Road beats the old mad max movies. They're on the same level as plebs who think BR2049 is better than the original

Imagine getting "pissed" because someone likes a product that you don't enjoy.

Literally just read a book.

come back when your balls drop you little fgt

Yes, maybe I should, literature is a far superior medium after all :^)

>Immediately states he hasn't seen the other films
>haha mad maxine the more I say it the funnier it gets
>plays an anime or children's cartoon clip every 20 seconds to reference something

This video sucks.
Why did you post it?



>without the worldbuilding
Fuck off

every single detractor of this movie I met on this board eventually pulls out the 'sjw propaganda' criticism

i rate them 4 and 1 are way better than 2 which is better than 3.

fury road is akira kurosawa making ran while drawing inspiration from the road warrior instead of king lear. nearly every frame was hand drawn in story boards. fury road is a visual masterpiece, road warrior just looks pretty well made for its small budget

you see joe's city, how he controls people through water, how he has rupurposed norse mythology to create a warrior cult that worships him, and how protective he is of his harem. you get some neat details that add color to it all like the milking fatties.
latern on you see how this region functions in a sort of equilibrium between three cities, one that controls water, one that controls fuel, and one that provides firearms. outside of that there is a no mans land were raiders roam free.
later on you learn that there was some kind of promise land governed by a matriarchal society that went to shit and turned into swamp.
you got a warrior kid that has been indoctrinated and basically lives only waiting to sacrifice himself, but as he embarcs on this jorney he discovers love and learns that his life has value, and decides to give it for a good cause. you got a group of girls who learned, probably through reading as we see many books in their prison, that they too have value as people beyond being breeding mares, and decide to flee from their golden cage even if they are clearly still too naive and ill equiped to embark on such journey.
you got joe, a villain who sees anyone and everything around him as his own property, and a means to an end.
you got furiosa, a woman who knew freedom and prosperity who ended up in captivity, and ended up being hardened by it, and in the end decided to risk it all to save those girls and give them the freedom everyone deserves.
Now you an dislike these things, but saying that fury road has no world building and no characters is a gross misrepresentation

Estrogen makes you more stoned than indica, they will never let it go. You know this.
Now, having said that, let's all rewatch Furiosa Road, which is a troubled movie, but none can argue the mostly great effects and pretty damn good action. Acting performances mostly good too. Villains were fun. Max was decent, not great not terrible. Could've been a bit more mad and a little bit more main character. Some will argue it was always like this, supposed to be Max entering a situation or world and group of people and then becoming a part of their story, but if one were to objectively rewatch the original three, I am confident that if one is objective, one would find that those movies feature a more active and more focused on Max.

Time to dilate now. WHO'S WITH ME?!

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spot on. the only gripe I had with the movie (beside the geriatric gang) was max, which fares pretty badly compared to gibson. luckily enough furiosa was good, and her performance was great

movies are a visual medium and fury road delivers the visual goods to such an absurd degree that i dont care how much muh feminazi or whatever the fuck they shove into that shit. im just gonna lose myself watching angry people drive cars in the desert

>dood lets make mad max but make it about feminism xDD #woke

everyone in here shitting on the movie is obviously a troll. the movie was so chock full of visual goodness, worldbuilding, character development, action, tension, creepiness, and everything else that it was absurd, like you said. it was firing on all cylinders

>the best action film of all time

I couldn't get past the first 10 minutes.

>film review
>mentions "world building"

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I hate feminism as much as the next loser but I didn't have a problem with Fury Road at all.

>mad max movie
>character driven
damn there's some retards on this board