Why are there so many black women in this?

why are there so many black women in this?

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Because I like the highs and lows, I move in between you’re mothers mouth and anus because I’m impartial

so he can call them niggers of course


mad whyteboi?

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Art imitates reality. Even more so given how many whiteoids are gonna die in the theater shootings because they are too dumb to pirate shit

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They are all evil people. The mom on the bus who assumes the worst, the shrink who refuses to help and is bad at her job, and his gf who cucks him.

Death to consumers.

Because it's marketing itself as white problems so it is going to be subverted with the context that it is actually hiding the real victims Minorities and the MC is the villain

screencap this post

Because it's communist manifesto for gamers

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Or maybe they used /r9k/ and /pol/ as reference material and had to add a bunch of exotic women so that dumb fags don't catch on to it.

Yeah because the Jews that run Warner Brothers were like "Ayyy Schlomo what if we make a movie about that displays these larping Nazi's positively"

Getting ready to enter clown world like

Attached: society.gif (480x270, 1.46M)

jews created the alt right identity, learn what a hegelian dialectic is and how controlled opposition is formed and steered.

And they'll evil, I bet zazie beetz will cuck him too

because he's cute

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because they get a twofer with black and female

Hopefully before that she'll at least suck and fuck him.

Implying I'm human. Btw might wanna check your mom's car brakes.... Oops she left for already

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You do realize anyone that doesn't come from this site wouldn't be any the wiser? Obviously they wouldn't tell the studio about where they're getting their ideas from.

How cucked do you have to be to read Hegel and still end up as a Nazi larper

Black pus belongs to white dicc

And white pus belongs to black dicc, sharing and caring between races, as the world should be!

im not a nazi you mongrel, i just used jew as a fill in since its all these people can refer to. Intelligence agencies would be the proper designation of what created the alt right/kekistatni movement and fermenting home grown terrorist. SImilar to how western inteligence were largely behind Islamic extremist groups, have you noticed the large absence of muslim related terror attacks despite being bombabred less than only a few years ago and the media attention? Now natural born citizens are the ones commiting terror acts, in the name of Q, Hitler, WHite genocide etc


An asian girlfriend would’ve been too on the nose

>Gotham City in decline and poverty is rampant
>Black people everywhere

What did they mean by this?

I for one am glad that the most kino coupling is getting more representation in media

I'm not racist, but the that one on the bus looks like a gorilla. Anyone else thinks the same?

Gotham is a notoriously crime filled city

What's this image trying to say?

Director of the movie Joker is Todd Phillips...is he any good

That western art style a shit.

If you think the Hangover is good, sure. It's the only noteworthy thing he's put out.

He did the Hangover and ... uh, Road Trip?

Attached: Todd Phillips - Wikipedia.png (1059x603, 82K)

How so?

This, in real life in US, the blacks are only 13% of the population, but they already commit over 50% of the crime.
Gotham probably has like 20-25% blacks, which already makes it a hell hole.

he wrote Borat

Is two supposed to be a lot?

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the kid and lady on the bus are been counted so /pol/ is shitting themselves again

I don't care about that, IS THE MOVIE ANY GOOD?

An unstoppable force and an immovable object, I think you Americans are destined to do this forever!

OP said black women. Just three, why is this a big deal?


People were making threads when the Suicide Squad trailer dropped, saying it was the end of Marvel, etc. because the trailer looked good. We all know how that film ended up.
The Joker script leaked and it's pretty uneventful. That doesn't mean it'll be bad but I wouldn't get my hopes up.

Consider Exhibit A.

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I think it's kinda fitting. The Joker is starts as your average brainwashed lefty.
He got bullied by society which is mostly white and being lefty he sees a good person who happens to be black to he thinks that she's not like all other bad people. Race difference increases the contrast between bad whites and one good dark girl.
I think it's natural for him to chase after a black girl.

More opportunities to say nigger.

looks like jewish hollywood is telling white incels marrying a black woman and have mixed kids with them will solve all their problems

I don't understand. All western art is bad because 3 games don't have big tiddy snake women?

The film is about violent crime. So it stands to reason that 50% of the cast will be black.


This is prophecy.

>had to add a bunch of exotic women so that dumb fags don't catch on to it.
/pol/ likes black girls though

>have you noticed the large absence of muslim related terror attacks despite being bombabred less than only a few years ago and the media attention?
Have you noticed that ISIL lost all their territory and there are still stories of the FBI and other foreign agencies catching mudslime sympathizers in the act?

Inceldom rots the brain

there are black women in this? REEEEEE I thought it was a based & redpilled incelcore movie for us, the ebin virgins who are going to rise up from our mom's basement!

You didn't see The Phantom Menace, the most anti-Jew movie of all time?

You can easily trick the Jew.