Ask a girl on a date

>ask a girl on a date
>teehee user ill let you know if i am available tomorrow
>that was 2 years ago

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She said/wrote “teehee”?

2 years for me too. It was some 3/10 girl too.

It's okay user, she was probably a retard goblin

Why have you not tried a different girl?

you tell them

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And how has that worked out for you lately, faggot?

I am 25 years old and I never even kissed a girl

>tfw never been rejected because never asked anyone
I know it's useless so why try.

>suggest second date
>"let me get back to you" was the last text received

bullshit. That doesn't happen.

>some weirdo creepy old guy (at least 25 wtf) asks me out
Why do I keep attracting these creeps?

Fuck her user. Don't tell me that you are still awaiting the call from that bitch.

Don't want to be rude. What if she gets back to me and is free? I don't want to be double booked and miss out on an opportunity.

Just rape bro it's 2019

> tfw Fido is more sexually experienced than you

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I sincerely, legitimately, unironically never even kissed a girl at 25 (twenty five) years of age, let alone had sex.
I am also in my final year of college.

>" just b urself"

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Atleast you talk to girls.


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I don't want to be harsh or crude user. But she doesn't ever remember you. Try to get out and meet other grills. Don't let fear of rejection stop you and maybe one day, one day...

You are doing good then. The vast majority of virgins of your age don't have the will to end college. I know, because I was a wizard until last year. And I am 42.

On the wizard path. Stay the course user, for science.